Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1191 The sword is unparalleled!

The sword is unparalleled.

As he worked back to the Temple of the Temple, the Round Temple was obviously retained to reserve most of the strength, and now the main part of the Temple will show the real strength.

The swing of the sword, the peak of the world, actually being hit by it in an instant, and the strength gap is very obvious.

"This turn of the Temple is wearing the war armor, not equally, it is estimated to be more than your blood, but also not too much, and he is a trip, the urgency of the urgency is higher than you." King said.

The sword is unparalleled.

His bloody will divide the armor into three phases, and he is only a first stage.

The armor of the Temple is inevitably than him.

At the same time, while the Returning Temple is fighting with the Red Snow King, the Temple of Void Temple, Tanghuang, Rising Sword Emperor and the Five Zunyi Fighting have also found their opponents.

In addition, the most edge of the battlefield is also doing.

"Nine Focus, out!"

The bloody hands in Hongli immediately broke out of the sky, followed by only a huge blood color river.

This bloody river is covered, and the past is over, and the whole battlefield is covered.

The strong people in the battlefield are in this bloody river, and one is shocked.


The red lotus is low, the bloody river has burst out the horrible power, and all the golden powers in the battlefield are madly oppressed.

The terrorist oppression, which makes the strength of the golden country, and the strong screams directly, and their body is oppressed directly burst.

Even those that are slightly strong, under the oppression of this blood color river, is also in the edge of the rush, and it is possible to be embarrassed.

"not good!"

"Is the field!"

"Be careful!"

The golden countries have a dignified, in which this bloody river is, even if they have been huge, the strength is at least two%.

"Strong field."

The sword hidden in the darkness is unparalleled, and it is stunned: "On Weon, the Nine Field of the Red Lotus, I am afraid that it is better than the Booth salad, which is better than I have."

"Well, this field is really good, but it is better than that of the Sand of the Slaf. It is still something that is too weak. It does not play the true power of the Booth Sandaco." Rang.

"Don't say you, the palace owner of your green palace, it is estimated that there is no need to play the power of the Booth Sand, so they don't want to use other field treasures, but they will use other fields. Flame Sandy Hulu is placed in the fire point exchange. "

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

Suddenly ... In the battlefield, there is a piece of blue fog. This cyan fog has formed a moral area. It is resistant to the bloody river. Although in the way of counter-balance, this cyan mist is in a disadvantage, but Its existence, the binding power on the golden country is also reduced.

"There are also treasures in the Golden Guo, and the level is not low?" The sword is unparalleled, and it can be understood.

The Green Palace stayed in this battlefield for 40 million years, and the treasures of the treasures are far more than the golden country, but the golden country is 5 million years, nor a little gain, there is a domain Treasure, it is also normal.

"I actually used the fun of the world, I saw that you are a green palace. This time, it is iron my heart to ruin the foundation of Jin Guo in this battlefield, and it still does not care!" Hong Xuewang single hand Holding the gun, the bloody snowflakes behind, the ice is sent from his mouth.

"Hey, today you of the golden country, don't want to escape!"

The main voice of the Temple is magnificent, from the black armor, and he is like a strong body of the beast, but it has once again fierce.

"Don't you want to escape? Is this power? It's really an idiotic dream." Red Snow Wang smiled, but not afraid.

On the power of the world, the current green palace is indeed more than their golden country, plus the auxiliary of the nine secluded fields, the Qinglu Palace does have a small advantage, but just some advantages, I want to Once the strong people in the Jinko's old nest are killed, it is indeed a little whimsical.

At this time, the sword hidden in the dark is unparalleled, and it is already ready to do it.

"I don't show up, I have to lay a victory in the Green Palace for a shot!"

"You must instantly kill one or more of the golden country, let the golden protester will not respond!"

The sword has no double eyed is cold, the tongue is extended, lick, and his lips, but its eyes are looking to one direction.

Where the two of the golden countries there gathered together, the two worlds were sword unparalleled familiar people, and Kingyan king with the heavens.

These two people have assured him on the battlefield.


The sword is unbounded in the murder, but the body has slowly moved the position of the two main ride.

Kings and Shengqi Wang, who two people are working at this moment, and the battle of the war!

The void palace is the five palace owners of the Qinglu Palace. It is only the existence of the main reincarnation, the war is also close to the peak, Jin Yan Wang and the heavenly king two people teamed up, but only can only barely Lord with the void palace, and most of them fall into the wind.


The void hall is holding a gold wheel, you are a black white white, the void hall is one hand, and the two gold waves flundered, and the king of King, the king of the king, the strength of the king On some, it is still back to retreat.

As for the fantasy king, the whole person has already thrown out.

at this time……


A cold sword light suddenly lit.

This sword is extremely eye-catching. After the appearance, it has already affected the surrounding time and space, and it has been coming to the front of Jinyan King.

"King Rock King, Be careful!" After retreating to the distance from the distance and furious.

"What?" Jin Yan king is bigger.

It's too fast, this sword is too fast, and it is too sudden, and he doesn't have to resist it.

Can you so fast, who is showing?

Rising Sword Emperor?

No, the Rising Sword Emperor is in another battlefield, it is impossible to suddenly appear here, who is it?

"The green palace is also hidden in the dark?"

Although Jinyan King's mind, although thoughts, it can be used in action, but they can only look at the sword light toward him.


The sword has led, and the head of Jinyan Wang immediately flew out.

From this war, the first one was born in the world, and it was the king of Jinyan!


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