Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1192 defeated!

"how come?"

The heavenly fantasy is full of eyes, and there is a little trembling.

King Rock King, just killed under her eyelids, but she didn't see who is the sword who showed it.

Suddenly, !

The cold sword light once again, and this time appeared in front of her, it was brought about her.

When I saw this ice sword, the Skylife finally saw the people who show this sword.

That is a young man wearing a blood robes, this young man's face, give her feelings, or that is very familiar.

But this face, as early as one thousand eight hundred years ago, should it be dissipated?

How can I appear again here?



"The sword is unparalleled, how can you be you?"

The Sky King sent a scargeous roaring, in the heart, she naturally didn't plan to stand, I saw a beautiful green tower behind him, and her eyes flanseed a strange light.

This light can be charming.


The sword is unparalleled, but the magic king is the most good at illusion. It is a conscious attack. But her attack is in front of the sword who has ignited the fire of the soul. It is a joke.

When the magic king's consciousness attacked, the sword was unparalleled but did not have a slightest, there is no effect in front of the king of Sky.

"You also try my consciousness attack."

The sword is unparalleled, and the swordsmanship that have already been honest, suddenly broke out.

"Wind wave!"

A battle of hazy swept.

Among the wind, there is also a beautiful sword shadow, and there is an unusually real storm in an instant, and the Sky King is completely covered.

The swordsman's power has not yet burst, and the horror soul attack is now coming.

The heart of the Sky, the sense of consciousness, there is a short pause, although this pause can be ignored, but she still makes her actions slowly, but also no longer resist the sword. .

The sword is raging, and the left is the cooler of the souvenir.

The second world is dead, die!


"Jin Yan Wang, Sky King, this, this ..."

"It is him, Jin Yan Wang and Tian Fantasy king are killed by him!"

Everyone on the battlefield noticed this scene, and the strong people of the Golden Guo were very shocked.

Kingyan Wang is in the King of Sky, and the ride of Jin Guo is not weak, but the result is to kill it in an instant.

These two major tributes, they did not have any reactions, they died.

How much is the strength of killing them?

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

Red Snow King stared at the sword and unparalleled, and the sound was in the case, but it was incredible with a touch.

"Sword is not double?"

"He is the sword is unparalleled?"

"Is he not dead? How can it be alive? Even if you live, how much is the strength?"

A horror is constantly sounding with the happiness sound.

The strong people in the golden country have indeed shocking.

More than one thousand eight hundred years ago, the Red Snow King, Jin Yan King, Sky King, Tianying Wang four people teamed up with murderous swords.

That assassination, although the golden country paid a heavy cost, even the soul king was dead, but their purpose is at least.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has been determined to die.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Bastard, you don't die!" Hong Xuewang lowered, and he was in an unprecedented anger.

"Sorry, let you down." The sword is unparalleled to reveal the cold smile.

Red Snow Wang Xin set off a huge waves.

He saw the sword where the sword was unparalleled into the Yinfeng Valley. He was shredded by the bloody and cold wind.

Moreover, in just one hundred and eight hundred years ago, it is significantly incomparable to huge improvement.

In contrast to the golden country, several palace owners in the Qinglu Palace are one in the heart.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, so good!"

"well done."

"Hey, one breath and kill two major tributes, I have to see, this golden country can rise!"


The main gaze of the Temple is popular, and it is overridden with amazing killing, but it is again attacked.


"Kill them!"

Several other palace owners, including swords, unparalleled one by one, and immediately started crazy to kill golden powers.

Previously, the sword was unparalleled, and the King of Jinyan, the King of the Sky did not die, and the Golden Guo can barely compete with a few palace owners of the Qinglu Palace. It is just some of the wind. It is now, the two major One death, the sword has joined the battlefield, and he hits it on the battlefield ...


The sword is unparalleled, and the ghosts once again appeared in front of a ribbon in the golden country. With the wind of the wind, the cold sword light was lit into the swordsmanship, and in an instant to respect the world. Covered.

"not good!"

This world is surprisingly shocked. But before he saw that the heavenly kings fell into this storm, it was only killed in an instant.

Now, it is a turn to him ...

! ! !

Sword is connected, under the role of the soul attack, this war is comparable to the king of King Rock, only to the two swords, the third sword was passed by the sword without double directly pierced the throat.

Since then, there have been three tributes, and die in the hands of swords.


"That little child ..."

"This is a strong person, can you be killed in his hand?"

"It's too strong, he is too strong!"

"Escape, escape!"


The golden country is unruly, and it is completely defeated.

The few kings who were still alive were all seen the scenes of the swords and unpaid to kill the world. One of them was scared, and they did not dare to continue to fight.

It is really the speed of swords and no two kills, too fast.

One moment, it is dead, and there is no room for struggling to resist.

This is more horrible than the wheel back to the temple.

Although the main reincarnation, although strong, it can kill ordinary respects, but it is absolutely not able to do this, and instantly kill.

And the sword is unparalleled, but the sword repair, the sword is killing, and he opened up or the speed of time and space, which also contains the soul attack, ordinary truth, and can't afford it.


The sword is unparalleled in the crazy slaughter.

Whether it is a ride or Tianzun, as long as it is a golden country, the sword is unparalleled, and it is killed.

The void hall, Tang Huang, Xuri Jian Di also has the five world resulin, and also launched a ruthless slaughter to Jin Guo.

The situation is completely on the side.

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