
"Quick escape!"

The strong people in the golden country are crazy.

Here is the old nest of the Golden Kingdom, and because the main strength of the Golden Guo is coming, the golden countries have already gathered in the battlefields.

It is now a net from the Qinglu Palace now.

Those Tianzun, it is not qualified to have a trust in the trust of the trust, can only flee crazy, but unfortunately there is a Jiufang area of ​​Honglian, and they want to escape. It is very difficult.

A large number of Tianzun, was killed by ruthless slaughter.

"damn it!"

The red snow king is cold and cold. Just sending a whole drunk in the mouth, a buzzing is like a knife, and the lightning is shot toward him.

Huang Xue Wang immediately waited to resist, but the main hole of the Temple was suddenly surrendered, and the screams contained the horror sound attack.


The low hitting sound sounded, the Red Snow Wang was slammed out, and the mouth also spurted a large number of blood while flying.

"Red Snow King, I have said to you before, I don't want to escape one here today!"

The main voice of the Temple is cold and echoed in this world.

You can hear this, the red snow king is not angry, "Haha, you can't escape? You have not seen yourself too high!"

"I really thought that the palace owner of your green fire palace, plus a sword without double with a few warfare, will be able to destroy my golden country in this battlefield, ridiculous."

"Today, since you are here, then don't want to escape!"

Red Snow Wang is watching the gaggama, which contains a pound of killing.

When I heard the words of Red Snow, a few palace owners of the Green Palace included swords without feet.

It has now been in this situation, and the strong people in the Jinko's old nest have been completely defeated. What is the wave of Red Snow?


I only heard the Red Snow King snorted, and the arrogant is a waving, the void next to him, and immediately, there is a laurent film.

This burly figure, there is no life, it is obviously a war, and it should be the battle of the world.

But the current situation, don't say a respectful trip, even if the Red Snow King takes three or four four-story level, it will change anything.

"Is it?" The round temple, the voids, the people of the temple, a sharp way.

They have already thought of a possibility.

Sure enough, the Red Snow King took out a jade bottle, put a drip of the blood in the jade bottle into the war, and then a thick breath, but it was slowly rising from the war.

"not good!"


The round temple of the temple is a changing color.

They already know what this Red Snow King is doing.


"This is the soul of the soul!"

The solemn voice of King Kings sounded in the sword.

"Soul? What is the soul?" The sword was unparalleled immediately.

"Soul, is a quite means of ever-chaotic world, which is integrated into the spermous blood, then transfers secrets to the war or other containers, this means It takes a lot of cost, the stronger the strength, the greater the cost of spending. "Kings said.

"If you see in front of you, it is the soul. Just the dripping of the Red Snow King drops into the body of the battle, it contains a consciousness, no accident, should be the awareness of the golden country. "

"The consciousness of the Golden Guoda?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Although it is just a consciousness, it has the memory of the national owner, that is, the secret of the Golden Guo owner knows, including his opening, some tricks, this kind of consciousness can also pass this battle Directly showed it. "King said.

"Different, this war is just the level of the world, so the golden country is the power of the whole, and can only be the power of generally respect!"

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

Sure enough, with the completion of the soul, there is no war with a breath of life, and his eyes are slightly rotated, but it is completely related.

"National Person!"

The Red Snow King is the first time to knew this battle.

This battle did not see the red snow king, but the many palace owners in front of the Qinglu Palace in front of the eyes.

"I know that the army of this seat is about to come, I want to take the initiative to attack all the foundations of Jin Guo in this battlefield. The palace owner of your green palace is very smart, but also the powerful Not small. "The cold and a bit of hoarse sounds are issued from this battle.

The main road is the main, the void hall, Tanghuang, Xuri Jian Di, Honglian five people have become extremely ugly.

This scene in front of me, they saw it.

At that time, Golden Guo and Qinglu Palace wars, Jin Guo used the same leadership, let the Golden Guo's consciousness gave to the top of a war.

As a result, the Green Palace paid a huge price and effort, and fell to the battle of the golden national's owner.

And now, come again?

"Big!" The round temple was murmured.

Although it is just awareness, this golden national owner's basic power is only a regular world, but his realm is over the world.

"Previous, your green palace has used many means, and pays the price of the two bounds. Folder will defeat this consciousness, I don't know this time, how much did you pay more?" Golden Guo The Lord is laughing.

"Return, what should I do?" Several palace owners in the Qinglu Palace have gathered together.

"What should I do? What can I do?" Round back the main voice of the temple, "Since things have developed into this step, we have not retired, only kill him!"

"Killing this seat? Oh, the tone is not a big big big." The golden country laughed.

The reincarnation of the temple is cold, but the time is already rushing.

Booming ~~~ ..........

With endless fierce breath, the reincarnation palace has appeared in front of the Golden Guo Lord.

The face of the black war armor has been completely distorted. It has already opened the ultimate, the palm of the black arm, is like a dragon, instant.

On the occasion, a circle of black ripples have emerged, and the nine black ripples are surrounded around their palms.

Carrying people Thunder Wan Hao, sudden out!

"Nine heavy round printing!"

Booming ~~~

A trick destroying the earth.

This is the mainstay of the reincarnation, the fame has not been famous, and the trick created!

This is also his strongest trick to show all the best!


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