"Firefly light, also dare to fight for glory in the sun."

I saw the main shot of the Temple, the golden national owner smiled, and his right hand has taken a long spear.

This long spear is dark, contains a horrible breath, but the Golden Guo Dynasty's spear directly bonded to Wenevan.

Follow the Golden National Labor step.

At the moment, the lacquer, the lacquer, the lacquered spear is already in order to a dark Thunder, and the direct hole wear the void burst.

Rumble ~~~ The void is directly punctured, and there is a huge space black hole.

This space black hole is still filled with amazing speed, and it covers the far away in an instant.

In this space of the black hole, the Golden Guo's Lord's lacquer, has collided with the mainstay of the Round Temple.


Amazing loud noise.

At the moment I just collided, I turned back to the Temple of the Temple, and the three-way black ripples were blurred.

It's the fourth, fifth, sixth!

The trend is the main point of the game, full of blood, and the face under the black war armor is also crazy.

He is already exhausted to show this trick.

Suddenly ... !!

Two sullen, seventh, eight-way corrugated also dissipated.

"The anti is dead."

The Lord of the Golden Guo smiled, but the paint black spear in his hand, but he was awkward. It is on the body of the old house.

The horrible impact of the horrible, even if the black armor has been greatly weakened, but it has made a rush of the temple, and the blood is rolling in the body. There is also a blood overflow in the mouth.


The body of the Round Temple is even like the shells of the shells.


The void palace, Tanghuang, Xuri Jian Di, Honglian four people see this is shocked.

The main one is absolutely one of the strongest people in the majority of the majority of the palace. It has just been exhausted to show the strongest trick, but is it repeated by this golden national land?

"It's just a consciousness, it is strong?" The heart of the rising Sword is shocked.

The rise of Rising Sword Emperor is not long, five million years ago, he did not participate, so he did not see five million years ago, this golden national's master is coming to the scene of killing the ring on the battle.

The sword where the voids is not far away, and the eyes are slightly smashed.

"Although this war is only a common championship, it is just the power of the national land, but the realm is too high, he opened the way Yes, there are many means of the many means of him, all can be more than I can wait! "

"Comprehensive, his war will inevitably reach the most limit of the world, that is, the invincible world!"

"Invincible, I am also!"

"The whole green fire house, except me, I am afraid that no one can fight against him, it is like this ..."

The sword is unpaired, the blood peak sword in the hands of the hand, and there is a hidden battle that is slow and slow.


A snoring.

Next, the sword is unparalleled, and the shape of the sword has floated.

"You are the palace owner of the Qinglu Palace, there is a pivotal position in the Qinglu Palace. If it is to kill all this today, then the golden army is coming, and when you sweep the green world, you will think about it. Less to some resistance. "The golden country is light smile, overlooking the round back to the temple of the temple, the void palace, etc.

at this time……


A touch of swaying sounds sounded, and a breath was directly smoked to lock the Golden Guo Guolian.

"Well?" The Golden Guoda is a brow, and the turning should look.

The round temple is the main, and the void palace is also listening to the sound of the sword, and immediately looks over.

"Sword is not double?"

The five palace owners of the Temple of the Temple, the main hall of the void is a horror.

In particular, when the sword is unparalleled, the five people have become larger as the golden protocol.

"The sword is unparalleled, don't impuls, go back!"

"The sword is unparalleled, you are not his opponent, hurry!"

"The sword is unparalleled, don't be stupid!"

Five Palace owners, all sent anger and drink, and there is no double retarding.

Just joke, even the round of the temple, personally shot, are easily repelled by the golden national owner, the strength of the Golden Guo is obviously much stronger than they are.

The only chance of them now is to join hands, and they will fight the awareness of this golden national owner.

One-on-one, then there is no difference with death.

The sword is unparalleled to hear the role of the five palace owners, but he is sinking, there is no more than half of it.

And the Golden Guo Lord is laughing, "Interested, such a heroic head, this seat is very difficult to see in the vast chaos world, and only like you are completely isolated from the outside world, May be seen. "

"Since you want to die first, the seat is all you."

The voice is falling, this golden national owner will shoot again.

It is still a step, the paint black spear in his hand, and it has a flash to take out.

Booming ~~~ The horrible power makes the heavens and earth trembled.

Those of the golden protestings around the surrounding, Tianzun feel this power, but also a shammint from the heart.

The void is broken, the dark long spear directs the sword.

The sword of this moment is unparalleled, and the body is still paused in the void.

He is as bright as the torch, staring at the thorns, the blood peak sword in the hand, has been tall.

At the moment of holding the sword, he is awkward ~~~ The whole world is completely dark.

A dark, a piece of virtual, no longer can't see whit.

The world is also dead.

"Well?" The Golden Guo is surprisingly lifted.

This looks up, just saw the sword where the sword was swim.

This is back, and there is a lightweight shining.

This light shines in the world, as if it is the first dawn at the end of the day.

A thousand eight hundred years ago, the strongest trick created in the sword.

The sword moves that have reached the level of school ... Dawn, falling!

" ?"

The Golden Guo's main focus also burst into unprecedented strome, and the spear of the spear in his hand was also rising.

Bang! ! !

Tiandi discolored, everything trembled.

The strong in the field is even more sincere, hysterically.

"That is……"

Round the main, the void hall The thus in it.

Under the comments of all the people who concentrate on the gods, the two horrible temperatures, the front is touched!


PS: Five get it!

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