Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1198 War is announced!

Blue Purple Palace, a huge empty land, a lot of figure standing there.

Not long ago, the wheel returned to the temple personally issued the order and convened all the strong people in the Qinglu Palace.

The Tianzun in the Qinglu Palace, whether it is in the Qinglu Palace, or in the battlefield, it has come back with the fastest time, even the Tianzun who is being closed and cultivated is also alarmed, and finally Gather on this empty ground.

Many days are gathered together, but most of these Tianzun have doubts.

"what happened?"

"I have convened all Tianzun, and even the Tianzun, who is in the battlefield, also summoned it."

"Look, isn't that Yun Tianzun?"

"It's really Yun Tianzun, this is the oldest existence of my green palace, and it seems that it is also alarming."

"Such a large-scale convening, it must have a big event, is it to fight with the golden national battle?"

On the air, discussions.

Just then, !! The two people suddenly appeared in the void in front of the air.

It is the two people who are round to the temple and the void hall.

"See the wheel back to the main hall, the void of the temple."

The sky gathered on the empty ground immediately greeted.

The Tempse of the Temple and the main face of the void hall.

"Start it." The void hall.

"Well." The round temptation nodded, and then he was angry: "All the top two, only for everything!"

"This, I want to come to you, have already guessed, that is, I am a green circle, and the final decisive battle with the golden country, I have to break out!"

This is an out of the air, and immediately turned out.

"Sure enough, it is the final battle!"

"I finally came, I don't know this battle is the initiative of my green palace, or the golden country is launched."

"The overall power of the Qinglu Palace is better than the golden country, and this decisive battle should be initiated by my Green Palace, but from Golden Guo."

"Hey, golden country, good courage, 5 million years ago, the battle in the Green Palace, the big disadvantage is still winning, and now the overall power of my green palace is not weak," They dare to launch a decisive battle? When you really want to die! "

Many Tianzun are wiped up.

It has always been unsatisfied with gold and gold in the Qing Dynasty. In addition to the big battle in 5 million years ago, the two camps have had countless times in the battlefield, and the accumulated hatred has long reached an incredible point.

In the Qinglu Palace, many people's friends are dead in the hands of the golden country, and naturally want to revenge.

Seeing the scene below, the Returning Temple is secretly shaking his head.

"All, this decisive battle, not the same, the relationship between the life and death of my entire fire industry, slightly inadvertent, my fire industry will fall into the ground." The round temple mainly said.

"What?" Many Tianzun below lifts the head.

In their view, even if it is absolutely tricky, it is fully resistant to the Golden Palace, and when will I stay in life and death?

I didn't say anything more, just a big hand, and the vacation in front of him was once again.

In the picture, it is a huge space channel outside the battlefield, as well as the scene of the spacecraft that is slowly moving.

"That is?"

Seeing the aircraft in the screen, the Tianzun on the air, but it has exposed the color of the horror.

"You all have seen it."

The mainstay of the reincarnation: "This is a spacecraft in this picture, from the golden country, is the golden reinforcement of the gold, and is the main army of the Golden Guo. The void outside the battlefield, the top more than eight decades, the spaceship outside the world will be really coming! "

"At that time, the main army of Golden Guo will inevitably set off the battle of my green circles under the leadership of the Golden Guo."

"And this battle, for my fireworks, will be more dangerous than 5 million years ago!"

"What?" Many Tianzun on the air land stunned.

Five million years ago, the power of the world, the strength of the Qinglu Palace collection, the power of the unbelievable price, false countless strong, this talent is in danger to the Golden Experience.

That time, the fire industry is already dangerous.

And this time the battle is more dangerous than that time?

Many Tianzun have risen a fear.

"This seat doesn't want to scare you, but some things must tell you." The main voice of the Temple of the Temple.

"This war, different from five million years ago, this golden country is ready, even in the nest, just in order to destroy my green circles, it will occupy this battlefield, according to my conservative estimate, Jin Guo The number of strong people arrived this time, at least several times before the battle, and there is a super power of the golden national owner, who personally leaders! "

"And in my green palace, even the entire fire industry, there is no peak strong with the top of the golden country!"

When I heard the reincarnation of the temple, the sky on the air became palebled.

"The strong, than 5 million years ago, how many times?"

"The Golden Guo owner, actually arrived?"

"The power of such a horrible, how can I resist it?"

"It's over, I am finished on the green circle!"

A trip took a horrible, with a scream.

Many Tianzun have exposed the color of desperation.

Normal, the strong lineup of the golden country is too strong.

That is more than five million years ago, it has to be a few times!

Five million years ago, they failed to resist the attack of the Golden Guo, and now the Golden main army will kill, which is more than 5 million years ago.

There is also the super existence of the golden country.

Are they green palace, what to resist?

The expressions of those days on the bottom of the air are round to the main, the void hall looks in the eyes, and the two faces have a bit gloomy.

This scene in front of you is what they are most worried.

Now that the golden country is not coming, they just publish the news, but the strong people in the Qinglu Palace, they have been chaos, they have been scared, even desperate, this is the main force of this gold main army truly It is really unbearable to drop the temporary.


The round temple of the Temple has a cold snoring, and the cold snort is also a huge pressure, and it is pressed against the past.

There are many Tianzun on the empty space, under the oppression, it will not be released by a spirit, and all one has closed his mouth.

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