"Hey, what is it like?"

The main voice of the Temple contained anger, like thundering in the ear of the sky, the sky.

"Waste!" The void palace also sent anger.

These Tianzun are like a heart.

The reincarnation of the Temple will continue to say: "Now the Golden main army has not yet come, you have been scared, then when the golden big army kills, I don't have to do anything, I am also washed. Where is the neck? "


The void hall once again sent a cold, this cold is like drums, and he is like the hearts of these days.


"The main army of Golden Guo is strong, but I can have a green world, but it is no longer five million years ago!"

"As long as I wait for my heart to work together, I don't have to go to a line of life!"

"Moreover, even if my green fire is not resistant to the Golden's offensive, what is it destined?"

"Even if you don't have a wise beast, you can also dare to show your teeth in the case of killing, and launch the final attack to the strong enemy, even if you die, you have to collapse the other party!"

"And you, is it a long time to live too long, have you been with this silk blood?"

"My big fire community, when I face the strong enemy, is there any courage to die with the other person?"

If the word of void is, the word is awkward in those days, and these Tianzun have a lot of shame, but the eyes are getting red.


No one will have!

These Tianzun, although it is very long, one is already old, but the blood in the bones has not disappeared!

"If you live too long, the blood is already in a hurry, then your most basic face, but still?" The void palace is about, "Now, I will give you another way of watching a mirror picture. I have a good look at me. "

After that, the void hall waved, and immediately appeared in the void.

The mirror screen is displayed in the area where the purple mist is covered.

"That is, Jin Guo's nest?"

Those Tianzun quickly understood the area covered by this purple fog, and they all revealed the color of doubts, and did not know the use of the void palace.

At this time, I saw that a stream is directly thrown into the purple mist, and then it is a horrible explosion of the earth, and the purple fog dispels. After the back is back to the main, the Temple of the Temple, Tang Huang, Rising Jianji and The five-respecting world is directly rolled out.

Seeing this, the Tianzun on the empty ground has exposed a horror.

"Golden Nest, the four palace owners, killing the golden nest?"

"Those war, is the battle of the world?"

"This this……"

Among the pictures, the two camps have been fierce, and the mainstay of the Temple has burst out of the sky, and the Red Snow King was crushed.

Honglian is a nine-procure, oppressing the audience, and killing a large number of golden state.

"Round back to the main, so strong!"

"That is the Jiuqu area of ​​the Hong Lian Palace? I am all dispatched by the five major palace of the Qinglu Palace!"

Amazing sound is sounded on the air.

"The next thing, you have a big eye to see clearly." The void hall suddenly reminded.

These Tianzun took carefully, and there was a major change in the battlefield of the picture.

They saw a corner on the battlefield, a cold sword light, there is no sign of signs, and instantly kill the Kingyan King of the Golden Kingdom.

"Scorpio, Jin Yan Wang was killed!"

"So fast, fast sword, who?"

"Who is the sword?"

Among the screams, a figure in the picture is rushed to the front of the Sky, and the same fierce swordsmanship broke out, and immediately killed the heavenly king. At this moment, they really saw the shadow of the shot.

"That is……"

These Tianzun are deadly staring at the figure in the picture, but the next time is a burst of .

"The sword is unparalleled, it is sword!"

"It's just a sword! How can I?"

"The sword is unparalleled, don't you die?"

These Tianzun of the Qinglu Palace are all shocked.

One thousand eight hundred years ago, but the five palace owners personally announced that the sword is unparalleled, and they have sighing one by one.

But now, they once again saw the sword unparalleled, and the sword at this moment did not have a double kill worldwide, just like killing chicken?

The next picture is a slaughter, of which the sword is unparalleled once again kills a kingdom of gold.

I was equivalent to killing the Golden Trinity.

After that, Huang Xue Wang showed the soul resort, which made the golden national ownership, and the mains of the Temple of the Temple were defeated by the awareness of the Lord of the Golden Guo.

Seeing this, the sky on the air is put up, and many people have exposed the color of the horror, the power of the landlord.

Suddenly, the sword is unparalleled again.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, these Tianzun once again.

"What jokes, even the rounds of the temple are defeated, the sword is unparalleled to do alone?"

"Reckless, too boy!"

"This sword is unparalleled, at this time, we should join forces with several other palace owners to fight against the awareness of the Golden Guo."

Many people have a low voice.

The scenes can be followed, but these days have closed their mouths.

I saw the sword unpaired directly to show the twilight, and the consciousness of the Golden Guo Lord is in front of the leader, the result is actually equivalent to the Golden Guo's main!

This is the real flag!

"He He……"

"Even the round of the temple is not the opponent of the golden national owner, but this sword is unparalleled, and it is necessary to fight against the Golden Guo."

"How can he be strong?"

"too strong!"

These days are shocked.

Next, the sword is unparalleled, and the two major books will be taught by the Round Temple, and finally defeat the Golden Guo's consciousness.

At the same time, there are also those strong people in the Jinko's old nest, being a large number of slaughter scenes.

Half sound, this picture is completely over.

In the air, the many days of the green palace, but it is thoroughly there.

These Tianzun have set off a huge waves.

The main station of the Temple and the void hall is in the void, and the changes in the people below look at the eyes, suddenly, the temple is the cold opening.

"You, can you see it?"

There are many days of empty spaces, they are silent.


The main voice of the temple is cold.

"How long have you been living in these days? How long is it lived? There are more than 20 million years? Even if it is the youngest, I am afraid I live for hundreds of years or millions of years. ? "

"Can the sword are unparalleled?"


PS: Today is 5 more!

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