Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1200 Sixth Palace Lord!

"The sword is unparalleled to this day, no more than five thousand years!"

"But when he knew that the battle is coming soon, what did he do when I am in a crisis?"

"In order to take a line of life in the green world, he combined with me and slammed the golden nest, killing the golden tricks, and left the golden country in this battlefield. Some founders were ruined!"

"But the news he still alive, will let the golden country know, the golden country is also bound to be a thorn in the eyes of him. It can be said that he has already standing on the rumor of the wind, the Golden University military is Killing, the first one wants to kill, it is him! "

"What about you?"

"Thank you for so many years, I live to the dog body?"

The back of the temple is painful.

There are many days of empty spaces, and it is ashamed.

Indeed, the sword is unparalleled, and it will inevitably push himself to the tip of the wind, but he did this for the fire circles.

And they have a long time than the sword without double sword, but now a comparison, the gap is too big.

This gap is not only in strength, but also bloody and courageous.

"On the strength, I am more than the sword, but if it is the blood, I am not bad better than him!"

"The old man lives so many years, I have already lived enough. Now the Golden Director is coming, and the little guy who lives less than five thousand years in the middle of the sword is not afraid of what!"

"Come on, you can't die!"

"Just as Jin Guo, I will die, even if I am waiting for it, I have to collapse the Jinko's teeth!"

A low voice sounded on the ground, and the eyes of these Tianzun became popular.

Seeing this scene, the Round Temple was satisfied with the void hall.

They, that is, the sword is unparalleled to stimulate these Tianzun, and now it seems that the effect is not bad.

The blood of these Tianzun has been stimulated, and the morale is also rising.

At this time, ! The sword has no body shape to the main side of the Temple.

Booming ~~~ The vitaminous breath is spread from the sword unparalleled, and the empty space is still quiet.

"Listening, starting today, sword is unparalleled, the sixth palace owner of my green palace, the status is equivalent to me!" The turn returned to the temple.

"See the palace master!"

"See the palace master!"

The following days, the sky is greeted together, and it is a fanaticism.

The sword is unparalleled to stand there, overlooking everything below, the complex is quite quite.

"Returning to the mains, let's do this, have not too much?" Sword is unparalleled.

He has already perceived that many of the days of the sky have already exposed a decision, which is clearly determined to die.

"Over?" The round temple shook his head. "This battle, I only had a vitality in my green circles, and I have a vibrant machine. Only everyone, I have the determination of death, I don't have all the price, I can catch it! "

"Not only they, including you, including all those who participate in the war, must hold the determination of death!"

"The sword is unparalleled, you have to be mentally prepared!"

The sword is not double, and you will look back again.

"It is still eighty years away from Jin Guo's main army!"

"Although the eighty years is not long, it is also a rare preparation time!"

"Go to prepare!"

The words of the temple will spread.

The Tianzun of the Qinglu Palace has gone to prepare for the war.


Inside the palace, the sword is unparalleled, the round temple is the main three people sitting together.

"The sword is unparalleled, according to the rules of my green fire palace, but if there is the birth of the new palace, I will give it a banquet for three days, but this feast is not prepared. "Round back to the main story.

"The banquet doesn't matter, after 80 years later, after the big wins, I will celebrate it later." The sword is unparalleled.

"The right is right." Round returning to the main laugh, "this war is more dangerous than five million years ago, but the fire industry is not full of resistance, as long as the strong people in the fire industry Card-hearted, don't hesitate to do all the price, this battle, our winning calculates and also has a year! "

"Interest for a fortune?" The sword is unparalleled.

He didn't think this is too small to win, but too much.

Jin Guo's main army is coming, and there is countless, including the existence of the golden national owner, the overall strength is more than ten times higher than the green fire community.

The power is so disappeared, and it can be a winning result, which is indeed a little incredible.

"How, think it is incredible?" The Round Returned the main prince without a pair.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

"Haha ~~~" The round temple is smiling, and the void hall next to the temple is also showing a smile. The rotation of the temple will continue to say: "The sword is unparalleled, you officially become the palace master of my green fire palace today, I am Green Palace Some real secrets, you still don't know, now I will tell you. "

"Secret?" The sword was unblorated.

"You also know, our battlefield contains endless opportunity treasures, is a huge treasure, even the forces from the Golden Chaotic world, we are coveted, and our Green Punter is in this battlefield More than 40 million years! "

"The accumulation of more than 40 million years, the heritage, is it simply on the surface?" The round temple laughed.

"Like the five-respects war, you have seen it before, but that is also one of the reasons of the accumulation of my green palace, but it is not the real card of my green fire. "

"I am green palace, there are three real cards!"

"Three top cards?" The sword didn't pick it up.

He also guessed before, the Green Palace was in this battlefield for many years, and there must be some bottom cards, and now it seems to be.

Just don't know what the three cards are.

"These three cards, the first card, is a battle!" Round returned to the temple.

"Battle of battle?" The sword was unparalleled.

Array, he knows, but he didn't heard of it.

"The sword is unparalleled. At the beginning, in the reincarnation of the mainland, you can remember the scene when you kill your mother, kill your mother, kill the ancient monsters, can you remember?"

"Of course, remember." The sword is not a hyper point.

"Then you should remember, when the ancient demon family sent a nine old ancient gods, the ancient gods made up?" The round temple is laughing.

"The ancient god battle?" The sword is unparalleled.

The ancient god battle array, he certainly remembered.

At that time, the nine old antiques were only just the level of the road, the strength is uneven, but with the ancient gods, nine people teamed up, the strength is extremely strong, enough to compare the sky!

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