Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1201 The bottom card of the green fire palace!

"It is just nine roads to the road, but it is comparable to the sky."

The sword is unparalleled to the ancient god battle.

"The ancient god battle is a kind of battle in the battle, and the level is still not very high." The round temple is laughing.

"That is to say, there is a higher-level battle against the ancient gods?" The sword said.

"Yes." Round back to the main point, "this giant battlefield is a horrified terrible war, the number of strong people who participate in the battle, there is also a power level, all far beyond me, etc. Imagination, In that shocking war, both strong people have a battles, and with many strong people fall, there are many ways to use, they stay in this battlefield. "

"The accumulation of more than 40 million years of green palace, I have received some of this battle, just because these battle is easy to instantly, the Tianzun, which we are waiting for the Qinglu Palace, and some people will bring it to the green fire. Used, so you have not placed these battles in the fire point exchange. "

"But now, with the Golden Counter's battle, these battle, I have to take it out."

"I have a message that I have come from the decisive battle, as well as the strong relationship to convey the power of all parties to the fire world, and I have done the order, let the fire world have a strong, All participation! "

"Dao Zun or above, have to participate in the battle?" The sword was unparalleled.

The fire community, two continents, the light is a reincarnation, hundreds of millions of ethnic groups, countless forces, and the road to the strong is countless.

In addition, there are many void continents, and there are many roads.

All the two continents have more than the strong, add up, how much?

Is it all participated in this battle?

"Although the Golden State is in the middle of the nest, it is estimated that it is only a world to respect the sky. It is not as good as the golden country, and it can only rely on the quantity of these roads! "The round back the temple.

"People are more popular?" Said four words in the sword.

"Yes, it is people more people." Round returned to the main point, "5 million years ago, I rely on people, relying on people, relying on the number of pangdao's respects in the fire industry, just make up for the high-rise powerful The gap is resistant to the golden attack! "

"And this time, the same!"

"If it is normal, these roads are on the battlefield, which can only be cannon ash, but if these roads can join us to form a battle against the enemy, it is completely different!" The main point of the temple is cold.

"The battle of the Green Palace, there are a lot of species, relatively simple, only doce with dozens of roads join hands, you can form a war of the sky."

"Both of the scale, hundreds of roads to join hands, you can form the high level of Tianzun, even the battle between Tianzun," "

"As for a higher level ... that is the thousands of roads to join hands, you can form the battle force!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not exclaimed secretly.

If it is a regular road, it is definitely cannon ash than the decision of the rule of the championship alone.

The random wave of power is estimated to kill him, it is difficult to play too much role, but use the battle array to join, it is big.

"Of course, the battle is just to give a certain extent, and the rest of the two bottom cards are the real reliance on my green palace." Round returned the temple.

"There are two bottom cards, what is it?" The sword didn't ask.

"These two cards, the first one, is the land of our feet." The round back Temple said.

"Land?" The sword is unparalleled. "Do you say this land where I am on the green palace? My Green Palace's old nest?"

"Yes." The round is laughing. "You have stayed in the green house for a lot of time, should also see some extraordinary things in this land?"

"Well." The sword has no double Zheng's main point. "In this land, it is better than other places. In addition, the palace building on this land, including any flower trees, can't damage it, this is indeed unique."

"Of course, it is unique, will I place the old nest on this land?" The old town laughed.

"The sword is unparalleled, you come with me."

The Route Temple, the void hall is the sword unparalleled, and the most hidden secret room in the Qinghuo Palace.

This secret room is located in the center of the old nest of the greenhouse, and is still deep in the ground.

Under the coverage of the ban, there is a ban on these prohibitions, don't say that Tianzun is, even if it is, it can't force it.

Under the leader of the Returning Temple, the sword is unparalleled to this room.

In the room, the sword was unparalleled. I saw a piece of light beads that floated there. Those beads were colorful, each has their own strange.

"The Hall of the Void, the Round Temple, the sword is unparalleled!" Standing on a white-haired old man before the beads shouted.

"Yun Tianzun?" The sword was unparalleled to show a surprised color.

"Yun Tianzun is the oldest Tianzun in my green palace, and the status is also very high. It is worthy of these palace owners, all over this battlefield, and there is a big lady in the old nest. The land is full of Yun Tianzhi. "Round returned to the temple.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

He knew that Yun Tianzun was extraordinary in the green palace, even a few palace owners were very respectful, but they did not expect Yun Tianzun to master such an important thing.

"Yun Tianzun, let the sword don't look at this land." The round temple laughed.

"Yes." Yun Tian nodded and then took a light to the front of the sword.

"Through this bead, you can see the whole picture of this land and the deepest thing." Yun Tianzhi.

The sword is unparalleled to penetrate the soul into this light bead.

Just for a moment, the power of the sword is unparalleled, but the face has become incomparable.

"This is this a war fortress?" The sword was unpaired.

"Yes, it is the war fortress." The round turned back to the temple.

"The land of our situation is a war fortress that can be moved. This war fortress can attack, invincible, but unfortunately, when I found this War, the battle is over, I have damaged it. 90%. The rest is just some basic defense or attacking methods, but despite this, it is still a murder for my green palace! "

"Five million years ago, the reason why I can resist the attack of the Golden Guo, which is a great extent that this war fortress is large."

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