Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1203 Preparation! ! !

"People who participate in the war, all with the most peak of the soldiers, each person gives a drop of ancient gods?" The sword was unparalleled.

Big hand, this is definitely a big hand!

"Those gods are easy to solve, there is enough god soldiers in the fire point exchange, can be the power of the ancient gods ... There are so many fire points?" The sword is unparalleled.

Task, this decisive battle puts all the roads of the fire world, and how amazing is quantified.

Everyone drops a drop of ancient gods, that is also tens of thousands of drops, even ten hundred drops.

In the vast chaotic world, a drop of the ancient god is quite precious, and the green palace, there is so many ancient gods?

When I heard the sword, I said that the Temple of the Temple and the two people who had a void hall smile.

"The sword is unparalleled, I tell you, the power of the ancient gods, I have accumulated a lot of the green palace." The void palace laughed: "Don't say tens of thousands of drops, even hundreds of thousands of drops, we also have Come out, just in the weekdays, we don't dare to be too luxurious, the purpose is to prepare for the decisive battle like this. "

The sword is unreliable to absorb the air.

The king is whipped in the sword. "Can you come up with hundreds of thousands of drops of ancient gods? How is it possible? The birth of this ancient god is not easy, the whole Out of Chaotic World, except The ancient god group, who can take out such a number of ancient gods? "

"This battlefield, what happened, how can I have so many ancient gods!"

"Is it difficult to have a lot of ancient gods here?"

Kings are full of incredible.

After the sword is unparalleled, they also vomited.

No wonder the round temple will think that the green fire palace can have a fortune.

Indeed, all of the high-rise power of the green fire industry, and there is still a battlefield, the battle fortress, which can focus on the top of the golden country.

Plus the green house does not hesitate to consume resources, the fire industry, there is indeed a fortune!

"Before the arrival of this decisive battle, I will inevitably improve the power of the strong people in the green world. As for the rest, I will see how they have prepared war." The round temple is sigh.

War is here, but anything can be done, the green palace will do our best to do it.

At all costs, just to improve the war of the fire world.

And on the other side, when the wheel returned to the main, the void hall passed the news, and the entire fire community has been completely shaken.

Prepare for war, all parties to the entire green fire industry, all parties are actively prepared!

The main road of the Temple and the voids have already tried to clear the powerful relationship, all parties forces, the strong people have already clear, this battle, the life and death of the fire industry, the fire industry is destroyed, they will inevitably follow the body dead!

This battle, they did not have a back!

Only a battle!

Only by the heart of death, fight for a line of life for the green fire.

Void continent, Eastern Tang Dynasty!

Nowadays, the Eastern Tang Dynasty is still Xiao Emperor.

Xiao Emily first passed the command from Tanghuang.

"There is a strong man in Eastern Tang Dynasty. Whether it is the master of the 36th government, or the strong people in all square clanies, and even all the excitement in the Tang Tang, and immediately settled. Everything, after a year, gather the green palace !!! "

Eastern Tang Dynasty, as the first country in the void continent, how vast territory is in terms of territory.

Such a huge country, single palm, you have to need a huge power.

But now, Tang Huang is to have all the strong Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty to go to the green fire house, and no one is staying in Eastern Tang Dynasty.

There is no shock of the strong, and the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Tang, will be chaotic into a pot of porridge.

Whether it is Tanghuang or Xiao Emperor is very clear.

However, the Tanghuang has done such an order!

Xiao Emperor did not hesitate to implement it now!

"Fast, all the Dazun immediately settled everything, and gathered in the emperor, gathered in the emperor, and killing innocent!"

Xiao Emily order is extremely fruitful, and there are all clan in Dongtong Tang, no one dares to violate it.

They have started to settle up.

In just one year, many roads in Eastern Tang Dynasty gathered in the Imperial City, followed by Xiao Emperor to lead, and go to the green palace.


Rotating back to the mainland, ancient demon family, blood repair Luo Yun, Ba Snake family, blood practice, these four peak ethnic groups all the strong, all gathered together.

Among the vast voids, there are nearly a thousand roads that are dense, and it is the first of the four peak ethnic groups.

Old monsters including some hidden worlds in the four peaks have come.

"This battle, my ancient demon family two hundred and sixty-six, the three Tianzun, all arrived!" The ancient demon family is cold, the voice is magnificent, spreading in the world.

"My blood repaired Luo Yun, two hundred and forty one, the four Tianzun, all arrived!" The blood remained Luo Yi's too old, that is, the Master Suizou Southern Suofang, the sound is also rooted.

"My Babi family, except for a road with a hundred young people, the rest of the strong, all the strong, all!" Bas Snake is a tribute.

"My blood and phoeniases, only left a road!" The blood and phoenix family is long.

"This decisive battle, there is no group of ethnic groups, only the green circles are divided into golden countries, and you are very memorable."

These four peaks, all the time to fight, even often kill, but now, but now it is together.

Everything, only for the green world!

"set off!"

With the giving of the gods, the many Tianzun respects in the four peaks, and immediately went to the green palace.


It is not only those thriving groups in the fire industry, even if they are only a strong, they have received the message.

A piece of magnificent castle.

Ten prototypes respectfully squatted in front of the hell of the ancestors.

"I am domayer, I have always been alone, not subject to anyone."

"That Green Palace has been invited to me, but it can be refused, but this time, this is unable to refuse!"

"Eighty years later, the golden country was coming, I am all in the green world, either fight against the resistance, or it is destroyed, there is no turnover!"

"This battle, about the life and death of the entire fire world, naturally also related to the life and death of this seat, but in the new fire industry, no one can escape, will fight for a battle!"

"Qi and so on, this battle for many years, this battle is a life, is you willing to go to the Blue Punter with this seat!"

Overlooking the top ten care laws overlooks.

"I will wait, I am willing!"

Ten prototypes neitched Qi Qi, sound shock.

"That start!"


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