Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1204 Brothers gather

This battle, no one can avoid it, no one will avoid it.

Within the fire circle, the big and small parties of the power of all parties, in just a year, they have arrived in the Qinglu Palace.

"so many people!"

The sword is unparalleled in the green fire palace, looking at the scene in the green house, secretly shocked.

Within the sensation of his soul, the road from the fire is over 100,000! And there is still a road to arrive.

As for Tianzun, it has also exceeded hundreds.

At this moment, in this small green house, it has already gathered the highest level of war in the green industry.

"Now there are so many people, but I don't know how much will you have after eighty years of decisions?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, you can have a good achievement is good. If the battle fails, the fire community will be destroyed. When these people are dead, even if they are fortunate enough, they can only choose to go to the ancient chaotic world wandering. "The voice of the King sounded.

"If it is wandering, the vital chaotic world is very dangerous, others don't say, there is countless and unity in the void, there is a wandering in the district, and the ten are afraid is hard to live. It is estimated that only Tianzun can be lucky. Survive. "Said the King said.

The sword is not double-finished, and both hands are also holding tight. "No matter what, that battle will never defeat!"

At this time, the sword is unparalleled on a green ground in the greenhouse, and he saw a few familiar figure, and the sword was floated.

Soon, the shape of the sword is falling in the crowd.

"Xiao Shu, Yun Emperor."

The two movements of the sword are unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled." Xiao Emily saw the sword unparalleled, and suddenly showed a smile.

"Wang Yuan is old, the old two, the old four, haha ​​~~~" The sword flashed in the eyes, he also saw Wang Yuan, Yang Zi Xuan and Su).

"Old three." These three people immediately greeted.

"Let's have four brothers, finally gathered together." The sword is unparalleled with his three good brothers.

Since the elderly, the old four sigou leaves, they never got together.

Among them, the sword is unparalleled with Wang Yuan. Yang is more than a lot, but Su Soft is in the reincarnation of the mainland.

Nowadays, the strong people in the entire fire world have reached the green palace. At this time, they have not been divided into the mainland, and they are not divided into all parties, and their four brothers will finally reunite.

"Wang Yuan Lao Da, this decisive battle, how did you come?" The sword was unparalleled.

This decisive battle, but only the strong people above the road are qualified to participate.

And his brothers, the old two Yang Ren Xuan reached this time, the strength of the strength has reached the level of the road, and because of the relationship between the blood in the body, the strength is extremely strong, and it is already close to Xiao Emperor.

As for Suilea, it is more no need to say, as a saint master of the blood of Luo Yi, it is extremely strong, plus the cultivation of the cultivation of many power, and it is enough to become a great force in the Qinglu Palace.

Old Daren ... The sword is unparalleled with Wang Yuan at this moment. How to see Wang Yuan is still the first step of eternal, and it should be a very weak first or a second step in the first step.

At this level, in this battle, you can't insert it.

When I heard the sword is unparalleled, Wang Yuan is a bitter smile: "I don't want to come, but I have a teacher, but I have to come."

"Your Master?" The sword has no double.

I saw a vicissitudes of gray robes, slowly came over, humility: "Meet unparalleled palace owners!"

"Dan Zun." The sword was unbeded.

This vicissitudes are the master of Wang Yuan, the first refining Dan teacher, Danzun in the green industry!

"There is no palace owner directly called the old man, it is, to the green palace, this Danzun two words, the old man can not afford." Said the fire.

The sword is unparalleled blinking, but the bottom is a smile.

The fire is known as the first refining Dan teacher in the Qinghuada, but it is just against the green fire industry, but in the green house ... The green palace is written in a long-lasting old monster, these old monster live for so many years Many of the refining, array, and refiners.

Among them, the alchemy is high than the fire, at least five.

The fire also has a self-knowledge, and the sword is not called his name without calling his title.

"Fire predecessors, Wang Yuan's boss is always in the world, why do you want him to participate in this decision?" The sword did not ask.

"I don't think about it, the old man is called him, not to participate in the final decisive battle, but rushing to the heart of the Dan!" Said the fire.

"Danxin Palace." The sword has no double.

I was born in the battlefield, causing the Qingzhan Palace with the Golden Guard!

When the Danxin Palace was born, he also participated there.

After a changing, no one can recognize the Danxin Palace, and it will not be.

These years, whether it is a green palace or the golden domain session, some of the strong people who have a very high accommodation in alchemy will fail.

Danxin Palace, has always been quiet on the battlefield.

"The predecessors in the fire, do you want yourself to go to the test of the Dan Towel, or let Wang Yuan is old?" The sword didn't ask.

"The test of Na Dan is so much better than the old fire." The old man has failed, and the old man has self-knowledge, knowing that it is not in the past, but I am discouraged, but I can say it. "

"Wang Yuan Lao Da?" The sword is unparalleled more weird.

Fire, there is also the test of the Tianzun, which is good at alchemy, and Wang Yuan can pass it?

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a little doubt.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can try this brother to try, maybe there is a chance." The voice of the king suddenly sounded.

"Well? Kings, you don't think that Wang Yuan boss can pass the test of Danxin Palace?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Others can't get it, I don't know, but this little fat man does have some possibilities." The king said, the voice has also become played, "this little fat, very interesting."

"Is interesting?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Oh, I will make yourself into the medicine. What do you mean?" Yu Wang smiled.

"What? I will make yourself into the medicine?" The sword has no double one, "Yu Wang, what do you mean by this?"

The sword has no double looks also.

Just kidding, Wang Yuan is his brother, is one of his most accommodation in this world, and he doesn't pay attention to him.

Kings continue to laugh: "You don't be nervous, this chubby man is not big."


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