Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1205 Tong Tian Bao Dan

"If I didn't read a wrong, this little fat man did refining myself into Dan medicine, or can also say that he is a medicinal medicine." The king laughed, "this Dan, named Tianbao Dan. "

"Tong Tian Bao Dan?" The sword was unparalleled.

"This is a very strange, very rare Dan medicine, its biggest feature, it is very spiritual, Dan medicine is 100%, it can be directly cultivated to humans, and even as well as human beings, basically There will be no difference with humans. "

"And your brother, the body of the sword spirit of your father!"

"Your father, is the sword spirit, and your brother, but a Tongbao Dan has returned to the way, he is a Tongbao Dan, now it is just a complete transformation." Yu Wang smiled.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Tong Tian Bao Dan, because it is the relationship between Dan medicine, so it is in alchemy, the talent is very incomparable, if it gives him enough resources, he will become a top alchemist master!" Dynasty Wang continued Said.

"However, in the vast chaotic world, there are very few Tongbao Tong Dan can become a top alchemy master. It's a lot of money, like the ancient chaotic world, if it is able to swallow a Tong Tian Bao Dan, the strength can make great progress! "

"So, once Bao Dan is found, most of them will be arrested by some powerful cultivators!"

"Swallow?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, you look at this little fat man now, it's a fearful look, it is worried that someone who came to this green palace saw his identity, and then arrest him to swallow."

The sword is unparalphed. Wang Yuan, and since the latter is unwilling, the eyes are deeply sorrowful.

"I didn't expect Wang Yuan's old big, there is still such a big origin." The sword is unhealthy and sighed, and the face is very quirky.

"Fire predecessors, I will personally bring Wang Yuan's boss, go to Danxin Palace." The sword has no double.

"That is labor." The fire smiled.

"You don't have to polite, Wang Yuan is my brother, and if he can really recognize the Dan Xin Palace, it is a great good thing for my entire fire world." The sword laughed.

After the sword is unparalleled, he said, he was prepared to pay off.

"Wang Yuan Lao Da, let's go." The sword has no double.

"Old three, you are the palace of this green palace, there is a very high status in the Qinglu Palace, you can look at me more." Wang Yuan is reluctant.

"Don't worry, I am, no one dares to hit your idea." The sword was unparalleled.

Tongtian Bao Dan, which does not have an effective benefit for practitioners.

But for the entire battle, there is no impact, Wang Yuan is a brother of swords, and swords are unparalleled naturally not to play Wang Yuan's idea.

Immediately, the sword has started from Wang Yuan.

The Temple Palace is quite distant from the territory of Danxin Palace, and the light is rushing, and the sword has been used for more than ten years.

"That is the Danxin Palace, Wang Yuan is old, go." The sword didn't live in front of the golden palace where the front is quiet.

The golden palace is very angry. After you go through the world, you have been suspended there.

In these years, although two major camps sent some strong people who have a very high accomplishment in alchemy, they have failed.

Wang Yuan looked up at the golden palace, encouraged the throat, but immediately slowed the past.

When Wang Yuan is approaching, the temple of the golden palace has been opened, and a chubby bald elderly came out from the inside.

This is a pair of eye-shaped eyes like a mouse, which is the mortgage of this Danxin.

"Eternal nominal?"

The bald old man glanced at Wang Yuan, flashing some disdain, low and drink: "Xiaozi, a nebbit of the district also tells the Lord Danxin Palace? Looking for death?"

Wang Yuanyi, he also noticed that this bald older is only a spiritual state. It is not afraid, directly: "You have said that you have to make this Danxin Palace, just the cultivation time is not more than 500,000 years, And there must be a certain attainment in alchemy, and there is no limit to the realm! "

"Hey, it is indeed, there is no requirement for the realm. You want to try to make a recognition, but before, or the old rule, first give the old man to dig one million kilograms of black iron." The old man smiled.

"One million pounds of black iron?" Wang Yuanyi.

And the sword behind the back is sudden, low and drink: "Dan Heart, my Green Palace and Golden Country final battle immediately broke out, I have no patience to play with you, now I will give you two choices, or let My brother entered the Danxin Palace to accept the test, or now I will cut you down, even if I can't ruin, I will suppress you, let you never see the day! "

"Believe me, I am not joking with you!"

The sword is unparalleled.

No matter whether it is Jin Guo or a green palace, he still wants to get this Danxin Palace before you let go of Danxin Palace.

But now, the battle is coming, and the fire world is extremely embarrassing. Once the fire is overwhelmed, this Danxin Palace is naturally not used by the fire circles, and the sword is unparalleled.

When you hear the sword is unparalleled, the bald elders can't help but look at the sword.

"Sword is not double?"

The bald older is watching, he is a unparalleled thing, after all, the sword of the Danxin Palace is too dazzling, he has also played each other.

Now, the bald older can also see that the sword is unparalleled and not smiling in the joke, and immediately browed.

"It's all, since I don't want to play with my husband, then I don't play, the little child, go in." The bald old man said.

Wang Yuan is deeply sucking, and there is no more hesitating and directly entering the Danxin Palace.

As Wang Yuan entered, the temple of the Danxin Palace immediately closed up, as for the fat bald old, but the pace, the sword is unparalleled.

This bald old old man stopped before going to the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, you just said that your green fire palace is going to break out the battle with the golden country? I will tell the old man." The bald elderly said.

This bald old old man is lonely, and now, it will not be easy to talk to people, naturally will not let go.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is just cold and cold, but it doesn't say a word.

In the sword where there is no double heart, this bald older is an old allergy, the old madman, he doesn't have to be entangled with such people.

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