Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1206 is a big surprise!

Danxin Palace, the sword is unparalleled to wait quietly, but it is not waiting for how long.

After only half an hour, the Danxin Palace was bursting out a thick breath, and the whole Danxin Palace has also begun to tremble vigorously.

"What?" The bald elderly was shocked.

"Is it successful?" The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are bright, and the color of the surprise is revealed.

"Tong Tian Bao Dan, that little son, actually Tongtian Bao Dan!" The bald old worries widened their eyes, and the next engraved shape also entered the Danxin Palace.

The sword is still waiting, after a moment, Wang Yuan will come out from the Danxin Palace. After walking out, I saw him a big hand, and the atmospheric Danxin Towel was immediately reduced, and he recovered in the body.

After all of this, Wang Yuan came to the sword without there.

"Wang Yuan is old, congratulations." The sword is unparalleled.

"I am lucky." Wang Yuan also revealed a smile, and the spin was about to come over.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled to watch this Qiankun ring.

"This is the numerous Dan medicine I got after I recognized by Danxin." Wang Yuan said: "This Danxin Palace has passed the master, and the test is also the original owner. I have passed the test, and I have passed the heart. Palace, but can be obtained, but only the Dan Medicine in the first floor of the Danxin Palace. "

"First layer?" The sword is unparalleled.

"There is a total of four floors in Danxin, the more I want to be, the more precious medicine, the first floor of the medicinal medicine is only the lowest, although the quality is the lowest, but the words of the Qinghuo Palace can also be helpful , Look at. "Wang Yuan said.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the soul is swept. It is a shock and surprise in the me.

"This, this is the soul of the soul. So much?" The sword was unparalleled.

Wang Yuan gave him this Qiankun, and it was a medicinal medicine, and the number is the most, it is the soul of the soul!

There is a thousand!

Task, Shen Soul Dan, can be able to make the road to break through the sky.

Under normal circumstances, a goddess can create a Tianzun, there is a thousands in it?

"When Danxin Palace was born, Danxin Mongolin deliberately throwing so many gods Dan, I guess, I guess that the number of Shen Soul Dan in this Danxin should have a lot, but I didn't expect him to thrown so much. After that, can you still have so much number? "The sword was slightly trembled, excited.

In addition to the soul of the soul, there is a higher level of Nirvana!

That can create the people of Ziguo, this Qiankun, there is also a few ten.

It is necessary to know that the two major camps with the golden fire palace with the golden country are crazy for six Nirvana, and they have paid a lot of life.

As for some other medicinal herbs, the quantity is also extremely horrible, and the medicinal medicine, which is a lot of hurts, is also used in the green fire house.

All Dan medicine is added together, the value is quorning!


The sword is unparalleled, "The Golden Main Machi is about to come, the high-level power of my Green Palace is compared to the golden country, the gap is very far, but now there is these medicinal herbs, I can create it in the Qinglu Palace. Thousands of Tianzun, you can also create more than ten points, this is absolutely a huge surprise for my green palace! "


Yes, it is definitely a surprise.

"Wang Yuan is old, thank you!" The sword has deeply seen Wang Yuan's eye, and the sound is not serious.

His thanks, it is the whole blue fire palace, and it is said for the entire fire.

"Your brother, no need to take a guest, I also said, I am also a member of the fire world, but I am so weak, I can't fight with you, I can do it, and only these." Wang Yuan said.

"Single you do now, no one can be comparable in the Qinglu Palace." The sword is unparalleled, "Go, we quickly returned to the Palace."

"Well." Wang Yuan is head.

After Wang Yuan got a lot of medicinal herbs, the sword was unparalleled to immediately returned to the green house.

And one time, he immediately called the other five palace owners of the Qingquan Palace.

The five palace owners have now returned to the Qinglu Palace. I went to the Tanghuang of the Golden Country, and the Rising Sword Emperor, and the Honglian Trinity had returned back. As for the foundation of Golden Guo, energy off Naturally, it is all destroyed.

Built within the temple.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are so urgent, what is going on, what is going on?" The void palace asked.

"Of course, it is a big thing, it is a big happiness." The sword is unparalleled with a few palace owners in front of him. Then it is the Qiankun who gave Wang Yuan. "Please see."

The awareness of the five palace owners immediately saw it in Qiankun.

At this point, the five people's eyes are full.

"This, so many medicinal herbs?" The round temple was shocked.

"The Soul Dan, thousands of thousands of, Lian Ni Dan, there are ten pieces of foot and foot!" The void palace is also surprised.

"The sword is unparalleled ..." Tang Huang is looking up and watching the sword.

The sword has no double slightly smile, "This Qiankun ring is not what I got, but a brother of my brothers from Danxin Palace."

"Danxin Palace? You said that you will take one person to Dan Xin Palace to try, is your brother?" The round temple looked over.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point. "Although this brother is not good, but the alchemy talent is so high, so many people have not been able to successfully succeed, and they are recognized by him, Danxin Palace is also He controls, but in the Danxin Palace there are some restrictions left by the original owner. He is now only able to get the Dan Medicine in the first floor of the Danxin Palace, which is what you saw. He handed it to me. "

"Great!" The round temple was surprised.

"The sword is unparalleled, your brother, there is a big work on my green fire!" The void palace is even more.

"Yes, big work, better than me, etc.!" Tang Huang, Xuri Jian Di, Honglian is also excited.

So many medicinal drugs are enough to make the high-level war of the fire world greatly increase, and next to the decisive battle of the golden country, the bottom gas is naturally more.

"Previously, the battle of Danxin Palace, I also got some of the soul Dan and a few Nirvana, and this time, I have been hesitating, I don't know how to assign these medicinal herbs, after all, I am green palace and even the whole blue The fire world can have a great increase in the strength of these medicinal herbs, there are many days, and the medicinal herbs is only so much. Once the assignment is not good, it will inevitably make people feel dissatisfied. "

"But now ... this problem can be solved." The round temple laughed, "There are so many medicine, those who have a breakthrough in the medicine, almost everyone can get one God Soul Dan! "

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