Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 121 Abyss!

"Go to death!"

The sword is unparalleled, and its ghost figure has passed from the six golden kilms.

These six golden kilms, including the headless dark blades, have not reacted, and feel the throat of throat, followed by the voice completely dissipated.

The sword after the secret surgery is unparalleled, and it can be half-dead before, and it is too simple to kill these golden noodles.

"Do you escape?"

Lin Yun's breath is magnificent, and the black robe is hunting. It has been chasing the sword. The sword is unparalleled.

After the sword killed the six golden noodles, he immediately slammed into the woods, and Lin Yun was the top of the woods.

One is empty above, but one is in the woods through the trees to hang out rapidly.

Two terrible breaths all the way.

Next to Jingyue Lake, a large number of Jin Danwu is full of eyes, and the heart has also set off a huge waves.

What did they have seen?

Ten golden noodles came to kill the swordsman. As a result, ten golden noodles killed, and he died, one leaving!

A purple killer personally shot, and the result was directly into the ground directly into the ground, and he did not know.

There are hundreds of meters around, the earth is dry and yellow, lost your life?

The second rare killer shot, real identity, is it a wind and snow city, Lin Yun?

The scene of this scene, as if a bomb is general, in the mind of these Jin Danwu, many people have never returned to God.

no way.

Too shock!

This scene scene is unbelievable.

And now, Lin Yun is still chasing swordsman ...

"Fast, we have also hurry to follow!"

"Keep up, keep up, I have to see if the sword can escape this robbery!"

"Haha, the world is a battle, than before, I have to be exciting, and hurry up!"

A large number of golden Danwu is instantly rushing, as in the direction of the tide, the sword is unparalleled with Lin Yun, chasing the past.

"Old three." Su Yuanyu was gripped, and the figure was rushing in the front, and she was also praying, "You must escape, you must escape!"


Inside the woods.


The terrible gun is like the Thunder, the sword has no double shape, this "Thunder is" the big tree he just stepped through, and the whole big tree will be burst from the middle, terrible The power crazy impact, with a broken fragmentation that bombards the other big trees around the surroundings.

The sword is not blessed, and the whole body is full of gluten, but it is still a strong willingness.

"I, there is still a life!"

"There is also the last silk!"

The sword is unparalleled, the head is dead, staring at a mountain, behind the mountain is the first Jedi, the first Jedi, the unique place!

Since the abyss, it is an Jedi for others, but the sword is unparalleled, but it is the last life of the straw!

"Adhere to, stick to it." The sword was in the heart of crazy roaring.

The breath on his body has been wilting, and the secret surgery has stopped showing it. It can be so that the secret of the unbelievable load damage brought by the body has built.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled. It only feels the martial arts, and the pain comes in the body is even unprecedented.

Such a terrible persistence, very people can endure, even if the yin and yang fake, the strong is, but the sword is unparalleled, but the five fingers are clarified, the fingertips are deeply fell into the flesh, do their best Make yourself to keep you clear, then use the final power to struggle to go to the bottom of the abyss.

Finally, he came to the top of the mountain, and came to the front of the two mountains.

When I arrived, his body stopped.


The Lin Yun also appeared in this, and the cold eyes gaze the sword.

In the surrounding, a large number of Jin Danwu have also arrived, and countless eyes look at the swords at this moment.

These eyes are quite complicated, there is sigh, regret, but more is pity.

Everyone knows that the sword is unparalleled at this moment.

Being behind him is the bottom of the color of the color, and in front of him, it is the super-existence of the yin and yang empty.

He, no chance.

"Ten golden noodles killer, two purple killing, this waiting lineup, even if you go to assassinate those rich and unsatisfactory, you are not over, kids, your district is a small completion, you can let my bloodstand The lineup is assassinated to kill you, you are also worthy of pride. "Lin Yun was cold, staring at the sword.

"Next, you are still dead."

Lin Yun said, the figure has slowly moved to the sword.

The sword has no double throat. One of the blood spurted in the mouth. He wiped the blood of the mouth and looked at the Lin Yun, which was approaching, but his mouth is a strange smile.

"If you rely, you want to kill me?"

"Hahaha !!!"

The sword is unparalleled, the laughter is rummer, and the voice is also close.

"My sword is unparalleled ... day can be harvested! The land can be received! Everyone can accept!"

"The people who have the bloody feather, can never receive!"

In the words, the sword has no double eyed, there is someone in the scene, then the pace is returned, turning around, the bottomless abyss of the deep, jumping!

In an instant, the sword is not overwhelmed by a large amount of cold wind in the abyss, but it is unyielding, the roar from the abyss, but fierce roots in this world.

"Long, Shenlong, the sea, it is difficult to give pride!"

"If he has returns to the day, it must call the devils under Huangquan!"

"If Xiaoye is not dead, the soil is coming again, it will will make the bloodstream ... Tiantun !!!"

The sound is magnificent, and I am roasting in the deep abyss, echoing in the world, ancient times!

Sky tremble!

Earth resonance!

Everything in Tiandi is blowing chestnown!

Next to the neighborhood, a large number of Jin Danwu gathered there, but this moment all the face is a little pale, and the mind is still echoing in the mind.

"If he has returns to the day, it must call the devils under Huangquan!"

Everyone is silent.

"He, can you really return?" A Jin Dan is murdered.

Next to this Jin Danwu, there is an elderly to reach Jin Dan, a burly man, which shook his head, solemnly said: "If he died, it will be, it is true that it is true. , The bloody feather, I am afraid it is true! "


PS: Brothers, if you feel good, see the cool, don't forget to collect it, you can reward more, thank you, and now you have just started a day, then wait for a big outbreak, After the big outbreak, the update speed will be upgraded to four chapters, thank you for your support!

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