Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 122 Crazy Revenge

A silence, the whole endless abyss side of the Oldquat.

Lin Yun's pace stepped out, slowly went to the abyss, overlooking the darkness of the dark paint paint, and his eyes were cold.

"Endless abyss, even if I broke into the bottom, I will die, as for you ..."

"I still want to live?"

"I still want to have returned days?"


Lin Yun said with a smile, but the sword didn't say anything, but dismissed.

"Lin Yun." The cold voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Yu came, and immediately turned to see the past, but he saw that the black girl Southern Southern a heart is a feeling of breath, the beautiful eyes are cold to the extreme.

"Go back to tell your master." Su soft, taking a trembling, spit out, "From today, the bloody feet will not be peaceful."

Lin Yun has a sink.

If you say this, Lin Yun will kill it, but for Suoft ...

It is important to know that although the bloody ripper is strong, but it is only for the Tianzong Dynasty, but in the Tianzong Dynasty, there is a more vast world, but it is stronger than the bloody ripple. A lot.

The special breath that Suve broke out before Su Soft shouted, he hidden in the dark, he could also hibernate the origin of Suoft, so he did not dare to take the Southern.

But Su Soft's words, he didn't care.

The background of Suofu is indeed amazing very amazing, but the bloody ripper is simple as the surface?

"I will wait and see." Lin Yun said, then turned and left directly.

After Lin Yun left, the whole endless abyss came out to show off the sky.

The next day, the news about two peaks on Jing Moon Lake is like a hurricane, and instantly swept the four sides of the Tianzong Dynasty.

In the Tianzong Dynasty, a shocked.

Life and death, as the first chamber of the Tianzong Dynasty, I have been a thousand years of age in the Millennium Dynasty, which is recorded in this millennium. It is a significant incident in the Native Dynasty.

And on this day, this millennium has an event.

On the moon lake, the peak battle!

This millennium not only recorded the battle for this black spoiled battle, but also filed a shocking war in the night, and also recorded it.

And the focus of this incident, all points to a person ... swordsman!

This is this introduction to the swordsman on the milleniabit.

Swordsman, a Kim Danzheng, and also comprehend three swords, and the three swords feelings have reached a terrible super genius.

On the battle of Hemotine, the twenty-two of the mutual dragon list is played in front of the Dragon List, and finally defeated Xiao Mang.

On the evening, the bloody loft was killed. Two purple kilms shot the Thunder assassination, and the ten golden killers were killed, and one of them was killed, and the right hand was abolished, and they did not know.

Another purple killing Lin Yun, all the way to kill, was forced to help, the swordsman chooses to jump into the abyss.

One generation genius, this is falling!



At the endorsement of the death of the Wu Fighting, the evaluation of the sword is very high, and it defines the peerless genius for decades. Unfortunately, it is finally forced to jump into the bottom of the abyss. This seems to be in everyone. At the bottom of the abyss, then it was fallen.

The large number of people in the Tianzong Dynasty, all regretted.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled in jumping into the bottom of the abyss, and it is also circulating in the Tianzong Dynasty.

"If he has returns to the day, it must call the devils under Huangquan!"

Countless people shocked this, and sigh.

Some young people who have a bloody blood, they are even blood boiling when they see this sentence, and even hope to have a day, the sword is unparalleled to return, and the magic is sent to Huangquan.


Dragon Palace.


A terrible breath is rushing up, and there is also a shocking and murderous burst.

The Dragon Palace is empty, and the white honest white palace is beautiful, but there is an endless anger to burning.

"The main hall of the Dragon Palace, what is!"

The sound is loud, echoing in the world, and the whole dragon palace is sensational.


A shape is shaped from the corner of the Dragon Palace, and these shapes are in the air, and they will appear next to the White House.

Many of the Temples in the Dragon Palace one day, see the White House owner in front of the world, one is a sudden one.

"Old white, what is going on?" The Black Palace also appeared to the White House owner and asked.

"I just got a message, swordsman ... dead." The White House is mainly cold.



"Is that little guy?"

The surroundings were blown up, and the faces of these temples became difficult to look.

Swordac, a unparalleled genius.

Not long ago, when he had passed the eleventh floor of Longmen, all the palays were shocking for the sword and the unparalleled potential. The Black Palace owner even figured it, the sword is unparalleled, and the talent is not on the top of the Tianlong list. A knife crakheat for decades.

So peenth genius, the Dragon Palace emphasizes its degree, it is imagined.

Even before a few days ago, the black and white palace owners and their temples were also carefully studied to discuss how to cultivate swordsmen in the future.

But now, they have not been able to cultivate the swordsman, but they know the news of the swordsman.

How do they not shocked?

How does it not irritated?

"Killing the swordsman, is a bloody ripper." The White House suddenly looked up, cold.


"It's them?"

"Mix, dare to assassinate my dragon palace disciple!"

These temples are anger.

The Jinlong Temple is one of the hegemon of the Tianzong Dynasty, and the core of the Jinlong Temple is the Dragon Palace. These two big hegens have not committed the river, and they have never actively assassinated the Dragon Palace before the bloody rivers. disciple.

This time, the bloody ripple has been doing.

Not only murizes the Dragon Palace disciple, but also assassination is the best genius of the best potential of the Dragon Palace. Everyone is optimistic and is full of peerless genius.

"Self-killing of the Dragon Palace, this is the provocation of my Dragon Palace!"

"Swordac, is the most dazzling genius of our Dragon Palace. He has completely hope that the knife is comparable to the knife, and even hope to reach the high step."

"The result is because of the bloody ripple, this genius, no!"

The main color of the White House is cold, and the killing of the body can condense into substance.

The White House is the most expected, the most optimistic, when the sword is unparalleled, there is no out of the Longmen eleventh floor, she is the most popular sword unparalleled, I thought that the sword was unparalleled, but also personally came out to persuade the reprimand.

As the sword is unparalleled in the dragon palace, she is even more surprised by the sword.

And now I know that the sword is unparalleled, she is also the most painful.

"It seems that our Dragon Palace is too long." The fire of the fire in Yao Temple flashed.

"The genius is killed, and if the Dragon Palace is unknown, the Dragon Palace is a joke in this day!"

"No, I have to retaliate!"

"Revenge, retaliate, you have to give a heavy lesson of the bloody!"


Soon the many strong people in the Dragon Palace, under the person of the White House, a bloody revenge for the bloody ripple, the scope covered the bloody retaliation of the entire Tianzong Dynasty!

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