Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 123 Ancestral Land?

After receiving the news of the sword where there is no pair of messages, the anger is not only the high-rise of the Dragon Palace, as well as the brothers who are unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled in a room of the estate.


Wang Yuan took the table, the spiritual bursts, and immediately broke the whole table, and a gas wave was also crazy and surrounded.


"The old three is dead?"

Wang Yuan's obesity body is shaking slightly, and that looks a bit of funny faces have also become more embarrassed, and it is even more fearless.

"Danjiu!" Wang Yuan's one drink.

! A violent robe appeared in the room, respectfully standing in front of Wang Yuan.

This purple figure is obviously not the people of the Dragon Palace, but he has been staying in the Dragon Palace, and the high-rise power of the dragon palace is unique.

"Less master." Zi Zou Ying Danjiu shouted.

"Bloody Pool, Tianzong Dynasty first killer organization, I want it ... completely disappear, have any questions?" Wang Yuan Danjiu looked over, and it was cold.

"Bloodyater?" Danjiu slightly frowned, "Leisser, this day, the Dynasty is not our chassis."

"I don't care about it, can I only ask you, can you do?" Wang Yuan looked low.

"Can!" Danjiu decisted.

"That takes me to do it." Wang Yuan is another angry.

"Yes." Danjiu left immediately.

"Bloody Pool ... The old three!" Wang Yuan is holding hands, but the next moment is silent.


In a golden dragon hall in the province of Heaven, there is an inner hall.

"The old three, actually died? The people who were being killed by the bloody ripples, jumped into the abyss of the abyss?" Head of blood robe, the indifference of the blood-colored war knife, Yang Zi Xuan, just received the news, there is a terrible Kill from the sky.

"Give me all the information about the bloody ripple," Yang Wu Xuan low. "

"Yes." The person in charge of this Jinlong Dragon Dragon is immediately led.

"Bloody Tower." Yang again went to the eye, "From today, my experience is only one!"

"Trumpes in the blood of the blood!"


A mid-room.

Black girl Su Soft is cold, the hand has a gold paper, the spiritual force is driven, this golden paper is burning, after the paper is burned, the voids in front of Suofu are suddenly ligated.

"Mon." Su Soft voice is very small, but with awe.

"Little soft, what happened?" The body sounded a gentle voice.

"The son, my brother, dead." Su Zudao.

"Oh? Talk to see?" Xu Zhiying.

Su Guang is about to say a simple narration of things.

After finishing.

"Do you want to revenge your brother?" Asked the championship.

"Yes." Su Siro nodded.

"You are gentle, this moment is actually killing, it seems that your brother is not low in your heart." , From now on, they stayed around you, it is impressed by it. "

"Thank you bob." Su Guangfeng.

The shadow is slightly smile, and it will make a smoke, completely disappear.

The Dragon Palace is aimed at the retaliation of the bloody ripple, soon, it is fast, and there is no chance to give any wheezing to the bloody puff.

While struggling to resist the Dragon Palace, the bloody discovery, except for the Dragon Palace, there is another two horrible power, and it has also begun to launch a terrible offensive for the bloody phenoli.

For a time, the first killer of the Tianzong Dynasty organized the bloody feather building and slammed.

And all of this is from one person ... sword is unparalleled.


At the same time, the entire Tianzong Dynasty was shocked by the sword without double, the bottom of the abyss.

It is completely laid-up of the bluestone floor, and there is a few clusters of flames burned there.

The sword is lying on this platform, even if the whole body is six fees, the bones are also broken, but he still has a life atmosphere.

His awareness has already fallen blurred, and in this vague, he also heard someone around him talking.

"Jin Dan Xiaocheng, on this realm, even dare to enter the ancestral place?" The speech is obviously a crisp female voice.

"Big sister, you didn't find it, this little guy's length of the person came to this person, very similar?" It's a sound of a sound, but a hoarse man sound.

"You said the southern days? Hey, Jian Nan Tian came to this at this time, it can have reached the top of Jin Dan, and the sword is more exciting, and it is also directly testing, which is much more powerful than this kid. "

"The trial of the ancestral surface, this kid is connected to the first-day qualification. If it is not seen in the shackles of his swords, I really want to throw him out now, let him die. "The woman said.

"The big sister, are you going now?" Asked the man.

"Give him a back, then bring him to Jianzheng, close for two years, die is alive, see himself." Women's Road.

"Yes." The man should have.

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled, and someone came over and pulled himself. This ignorance, his body's bone collision, the happening moment is increasing, so that he is ambiguous and completely coma.

When the sword is unconscious, it is already three days after it is again.

On the over-vast air ground, the sword is unparalleled, it is awkward, and the eyes are slowly open, but the voids that can be seen are dark voids, and there is no shine shining.

The finger moves, slowly lifting, and then kneaded his cheeks.

When you have a hot breath.

"It hurts, it seems, it is not dead." The sword was unparalleled, and it was very bright.

He will know that for others, the abye is a must-have, which is undoubted, but it may not be the case.

When he completed the experience in 100,000 mountains, he was summoned, and he came to the edge of the abyss. At that time, he was full of curiosity, or even guess, this no one is a little incense. I mentioned him ... the ancestral place.

The two people heard in the blurred feelings before him have also proven this.

Under the depth of the abound, it is indeed the place of the ancestral place.

And the ancestise, it will exclude all foreign people, but they will not reject the soul of the sword and have three kills.

"Well, strange, my body ..." The sword has no double moving the body, but it is quite surprised.

He has also fully implemented the secrets of the mystery, and it is clear that the side effects of the secret surgery are clear. Moreover, he is the secret of the secret surgery, the body damage is larger, and there is no ten days according to the truth. Half a month of Kung Fu is returned to recover.

But now, he conscious of the three days of coma, the damage of the body, has been recovered in seven or eight eight.


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