"Is it going back to the effect of the heart?" The sword was unparalleled.

In the blurred, he also heard the woman said that he would like to take a look at it.

After everything, the sword is unparalleled, and some painful stations are still got up, and the eyes are also ringing around.

"this is?"

When the sword didn't see the surrounding scene, it was stunned.

Food and endless wasteland, there are some buzzing stone monuments on the wasteland, but they are on the ground of this wasteland, and there is a lot of swords.

Yes, the sword mark.

It is a sword mark that is deliberately left by the sword.

Mermaine, thousands of swords.

The sword is unparalleled to look at the sword marks next to him. This look, the sword is unparalleled instant to attract the past.

A sword that is rampant, contains a strong fire sword, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Strong, leaving this sword, the sense of enthusiasm, strong terrible, dragon gantry, 13th floor, this sword is absolutely all." The sword is unparalleled.

He also realized that the fire sword is, so I saw this sword mark. I saw the vast fire swords of the swords, and I can guess the peerless people left the sword mark. How terrible is it.

The sword is unparalleled and turned to see another sword mark next to them.

"Earth, inclusive?"

"Good amazing earth sword!"

The sword is unparalleled and shocked.

The two swords he saw in single, the swords, which contained, and the swords of the earth, and the strong is strong.

And these two swords, but only this piece of empty, thousands of swords, the most ordinary two.

The sword is unparalleled, and the next consciousness looks to the stone monument that stands in front.

On the wilderness, there is a total of six defeat stone monuments standing there. This stone monument is central, and each has a huge and clear sword mark. This six swords are far more than those of the floral marks on the ground.

The sword is unparalleled to see the sword marks in one of them.

"This is ..." The sword was unparalleled and shocked.

Shi Tuchong, is dead.

The stone monument is that the huge foot is a three-meter sword!

"Too too ..." The sword is unparalleled to look at the huge swords of the stone monument. It can even imagine that a long time ago, an unbelievable existence, random from the sheath, transversely.

I left such a sword mark on the stone wall ... The sword marks out, the stone monument is non-destructive, what is delicate to the power?

"The Sword of the Earth! This sword, simply contains the mysterious, thick, sharp, vast, inclusive, everything, everything is everything, all of them."

"The wind sword! Tear, puncture, ethere, everything is there."

"Fire sword!"

"Drip Sword"! "

The sword is unparalleled.

In his opinion, this sword, all the mystery of all four swords is included in it, and more importantly, the four swords have coexisted to the same body, and they are still the same.

Four kinds of swords ... perfect combination!

The sword is unparalleled is completely obsessed, it is incredible, such swordsmanship, simply unimaginable.

He was obsessed with it, and even the self-owned sword came out, he could not help but start the swordsman, and his thoughts, consciousness is more and more quiet in the sword.

"Stop, stop!"

The sword is unparalleled, while the fierce bit bites the lips, the lips are broken, the blood flows out, the sword is unparalleled. From the obsessed the state of it.

"Good insurance! Good insurance!"

The sword has no double bow, with his own knees, the big mouth of the big mouth is gasping, and it is cold-sweating.

"It's almost a little bit, I will completely devil." The sword raised his head in front of the sword. He looked at the few stone monuments in front of the front.

Too powerful.

There are a few swords on the stone monument, too deep, too strong, with his current swords and feelings, is not qualified to enlighten.

Forced to enlighten, I just want to just, he will completely devil, completely fall into it, and finally lose their swords, lose their own heart.

That is, the so-called fire into the magic!

"The swords on the stone monument are too deep, I am scary, I am now going to refresh, then I have no difference with the death." The sword didn't swite and shook his head, and the sound of the sound was completely recovered from the just state.

I took a deep breath, and his eyes were again ringing.

"This is the sword." The sword rose a thick incredible.

Too shocking.

Thousands of swords, every sword, is left by the true sword top.

Every sword is full of swords, and it is very high.

Every sword mark, even enough to immerse him to drilled for a long time.

After the shock, the sword is unparalleled is a burst of ecstasy.

"This sword, contains dripping swords ..."

"This sword contains the fire of the sword, but also contains the strength of the earth, and it is perfectly combined with two swords."

"This sword mark ... overbearing fierce, this is what swords, it feels unlike the fire water, but the power, it seems to be stronger?"

The sword is unparalleled to these swords, and even can't help but take out three killer swords, sometimes in that drills, such as idiot, in the sword, these swords in front of the swords ... Three big treasures, more precious.

This is the most desire of cultivation.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, in the vicinity of these swords, and the two figures are in this void, and the two movements are turned off.

These two people are a beautiful and beautiful woman in the face of cold, and there is a strong sense of strong temper.

"Hey, this kid, took the time to go back, but I came back to a life, and he was lucky." Beautiful woman is cold.

"Big sister, although this little guy is low, but the talent is still good, he is only a lot, you have complete awakened the soul of the sword, very good." The honest and strong man laughed.

"Yes? That's just for the present, if it used to ..." The beautiful woman sounded, did not continue to say, but to see the honest and strong Han, "The sword is guarded, is it?"

"It's already arranged, it's all in accordance with your big sister, you ordered it." Strong Zhuang Han Road.

"Well." The beautiful woman nodded, "Hey, this kid, he really used this sword to be a rare opportunity. He didn't know that opportunities and crises are accompanied by the crisis. After a month, At that moment, there is he is very acceptable. "

"I hope he can live in the sword."


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