Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1209 to challenge

A smuggling of the three meters high is within this temple.

This person wears a bloody armor, a boots, and wearing a blood-colored helmet. If you have a bloody knife, the cold eyes are also brought with a silk, and the body is like a weapon.

"Duochang." This blood color figure towards the Golden Guo Lord micro-waves.

"This seat knows that you have been looking for the right opponent with you, now there is one person in the battlefield before us, suitable for your opponent, his name is a sword, unparalleled." The Golden Guo said .

"The sword is unparalleled?" The bloody body raised his head. "Can there be an endless world?"

"Yes." Golden Guo's main point.

"Too good!" The bloody shadow exposed a highlights, and it was also in the past.

"Go, if you have the opportunity to kill the sword unparalleled." The Golden Guo Dynasty told him.

"Yes." The blood color figure nodded, and then turned right away.

After this bloody shadow, the Golden Guo owner told him: "Red Snow, you will prepare first, and you will listen to the order of this seat."


The Red Snow King will leave directly after the lead.

In the Qinglu Palace, the huge war fortress has been launched at this moment, and a large number of prohibitions are completely covered by the green house, like iron bucket.

The strong people in the fire industry in the War Fortress have also been perceived by the existence of the hisee of the huge airbound.

"Then, it is the battle of gold!"

The strong people in the green fire industry have a look like a torch, and it is cold in the face.

They all know that the battle between the two camps is about to completely break out.

Among the most important voids of the war fortress, the owner of the green palace gathered together.

The main ring of the Temple is coming. A large number of medicinal herbs, the news that the high-level war in the green world is increased, and the golden country is afraid that there is no necessarily known! "

"Now, the Golden Country will certainly think that our high-level war is still the same as before, the palace master is only six, and the top of Tianzun is more than two hundred."

"And I can completely rely on this, and I will find the opportunity to give the Golden Kingdom!"

"The right thing." The sword is unparalleled and others all agree.

The awareness of the Golden Burden is estimated to be in eighty years ago, which is really a good thing for the green circulation.

"Now the main army of Jin Guo has arrived, just I don't know when they will do it." The round temple said.

"No matter when they do it, all parties in the green circles are ready to be proper, ready to fight." The void hall is serious.

The palace owners next to them nodded.

Eighty-year time, the current hot community has been prepared.

at this time……

From the huge ancient aircraft from the distance, a bloody shadow is galloping.

"Someone came over!" Red lotus opened.

Many palace owners looked up over.

"Just only one person?"

"What do he want to do?"

These palace owners have exposed a surprised color.

And the bloody shadow, but has come to the battle fortress, and only the distance between the war is only less than a distance of the distance.

Blood-shadow shadow with a soul of the blood, burst into the war fortress, because there is a ban on the existence, this blood color does not see the scenes in the war fortress, but his soul is already ringing, here The world is slowly swayed.

"I am the golden country, the first battle, the first battle, will be the king!"

"The sword is unparalleled, dare to come, and fight with me!"

Brought a few provocative words to the war fortress, the strong people in the green fire circle were shaken.

"Is it challenged?"

"One person challenges?"

"Challenge the palace owner?"

"There is no palace owner, but the first strong one of my firepower, this golden country is actually challenged the palace owner, it is really looking for death!"

One of the warfasts, a large number of roads have already appeared on the edge of the war fortress, and these roads respect have discussed the king through the ban on the bloody shadow of the war.

And the voids gathered in those palace owners.

I know that the Long Gui Wang's intention, the palace mains in the scene is a sink.

"Challenge the sword is unparalleled?" Round returning the main eyebrows slightly frowned, "The sword is unparalleled is now recognized by my green palace, and the first day of recognizing it can be said to be the top of the top of the green circle." Now that the decisive battle has not begun, the Golden Guo owner actually dispatched a Long Qang to challenge the sword. "

"Hey, the golden national owner is a hand of the hand."

The sword has no double eyes.

Whether it is him, or the strong people present, it has seen the intention of the Golden Guo Dynasty.

The arrival of this dragon, seems to be just ordinary challenges, but the actual dry system is extremely important.

After all, he challenged the sword. The sword is now almost almost a spiritual pillar of the green circle. It is the main bone. If he is challenged, if it is defeated, the morale of a green circle is absolutely a good one.

The strongest person of the self, but a battle under the Golden Guo's Lord, but the road to the green circles, how will the Tianzun think? In the past eighty years, they have been returning to the temple, they are hard to give these respects, and the confidence of Tianzun has accumulated. I am afraid that I have to get the ground.

Even if this overcome, defeating is just a war will be only a warrior of the Golden Guo, there will be no impact on the golden morale. After all, the Golden Guo really supreme is the golden protector.

"Overall strength is much stronger than my green circle, but the golden national owner is still going to keep, I want to kill us from the morale, it is really cautious." The void palace is dark.

"Narleon is known as the first battle of the Golden Guoguo, and its facts want to come to a lot more than that of the Red Snow King, and there is no accident should be an invincible, the sword is unparalleled, this battle, You can't pick it up? "The Round Temple Lord to see the sword.

The people around the surroundings have also seen the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a heavy point, "pick it!"

"Get a battle?" The round is the main one.

"The other party is challenged in front of his own door. If I don't take the battle, I have the same impact on the morale of my green circles, so I have to take a battle!" The sword is unparalleled.

"But can you have a grasp?" The round temple was frowned.

"Grasping?" The sword is not a double mouth angle, "there is!"


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