Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1210 Longzhao!


The main eyes of the Temple of the Temple and the vectors around the vectors are bright.

"Everyone, I am going." These palace owners arched in front of the sword arched.

"I will order it, let everyone prepare for the war, as for the dragon, you will rely on you!" The round temptation of the main road.

"Well." The sword nodded and then figured out the fantasy, directly to the void of the dragon.

Through the ban on the war fort, the sword is unparalleled soon, there is a king of the dragon.

There is no one in the sword, and there is a battle in the battle fortress.

"Is a palace master!"

"There is no palace master, there is a come!"

"Hey, look at this dragon to die."

Countless roads have expected.


"Long Qi Wang?" The sword was unparalleled.

Looking at this dragon, the sword is unhappy.

"It's amazing suffocating, giving me a feeling, but it is like a killing weapon." The sword is unparalleled.

And I saw the appearance of the sword, the dragon must be turned into a cold man immediately.

"You are the sword is unparalleled. Area Road Road?" Long Zuwang voice is cold.

"I am a sword. There is no double, but it is only a road, but it is enough to deal with you." The sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, a big tone." Long Zuwang snorted, "I will fight for thousands of years with the national owners, and I will die in my hand, I will even have no enemy. I have also encountered three! "

"These three invincible boundaries, I am in front of them!"

"The three wars are all win, there are two invincible boundaries, but they are directly killed directly!"

"And you, the fourth place I have encountered with the strong enemy!"

"Take out your strength, otherwise you will be the same as the two invincible princes, becomes the soul of my knife!"

The dragon's words, the word, echoing in the world, and also passed to the battle fortress.

Many strong people in the war fortress heard this, a noodles were changed.

"This dragon must king, it is an invincible bound!" Tang Huang cooled the sound.

"Not only is an invincible, and I am afraid in the invincible community, it is very strong. If it is true, he once defeated three invincible prostitutes, and even killed two, then his The strength is really terrible. I don't know if the sword is unparalleled to fight against him. "The Round returned to the color of the temple.

Other mysteria masters have a bit heavy.

This battle, the sword is unparalleled, and the morale on the green world is absolutely destroyed.

In the war fortress, many strong people in the green circles are quiet. .

"The sword is unparalleled."


Xiao Emily, Yun Emperor and the three good brothers of the swords are gathered there, they are holding hands, and watching the void of the gods.


The three brothers of the sword, the bloody sky, the purple peak, and the hundred tigers also stay in a corner of the war fortress.

The three of them are Dao Zun. Naturally came to the Qinglu Palace. In these eighty years, they also have no pairs with swords.

And just around them, there are three people standing there.

That three people, but the three giants of the sky.

The three giants have also turned over with the sword. At that time, the sword was still in the sky, and only a little guy in their three eyes. Who once thought that thousands of years did not see, the little guy has already Growing up to the point that can only be completely looked up.

Nowadays, all high-rise powers of the fire industry are gathered on this war fortress, and the sword is unparalleled is the spiritual pillar of many strong people in the green world. It is the main bone.

And what are they three?

Among this battle, it is just a common small soldier.

This caused them three people couldn't help but praise the people.

In the other corner, the Tianstrian ancestors standing there, watching the shadows at the end of the line, but the mood is abnormal.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have the enemy of the killing, I can't wait to smoke your gluten, drink your blood! But today, this battle, but the fire industry is life and death, I hope you can win!"


"Be sure to win!"

"No palace owner, will win!"

The countless powers of the fire industry are also roaring.


And in the void, the sword is unparalleled looks very calm, but the bottom of the heart does not dare to have a small opponent.

His scorpion turned slightly, looked at the war fortress behind him, as if it can be seen in the expected eyes of countless people through the ban.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled, but it was flashing and unprecedented colors.

"This battle, you must win, and you have to win beautiful!"


The sword has no double mouth, and the blood peaks have appeared in his hand.

"Haha, come, let me see the super genius that you are very appreciated by everyone, there is a bit of strength!" Long Qiu is a lot of laugh.

After laughter, his body has spanned.

Step by step, the void immediately trampled into powder, and his bloody knife behind him was instantaneous.

"Blood treasure!"

Long Zuwang voice is like a thunder, vibrating the heavens and the earth, and his bloody knife in his hands is, but it is sake of a sacred blood, and it is a creepy blood.

This bloody, as if from Jiufang Hell, as if you can smash everything.

Booming ~~~ Tiandi color color, the blood shadow is carrying the sky, there is no double locking of the sword.

"Jinger?" The sword is unparalleled.

This dragon must be a hand, and it is an idea that the exhibition is a scholar, and the power of this.


The sword is also a cold, and it takes a step. At the same time, the blood peak sword is even higher.

The whole big world is completely dark.

A piece of darkness, calm, almost no wave.

But there is no darkness, a sword light is suddenly lit, this Sword is not a darkness in this no dark, as if the first dawn of the dawn rises.

Jingsai, dawn!

The sword has been squatted.

Psychic school to school!

A sword is light, a bloody, and suddenly the fierce positive impact together.

This collision is like two stars.


The huge roaring, as if heaven.

The core of the collision, slap in space, is like a piece of paper, completely smashed, and the time is filled with more than ten thousand miles.

There are hundreds of thousands of miles of voids, all in a space storm.

That space storm contains the terrorist strand strength, enough to easily kill the Daozun and even the sky.

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