
A terrible roaring, that is filled with hundreds of thousands of miles of endless fire, but it is completely riot.

It's just a huge passage, which was blocked by the sky, and the scarlet flames went to the surroundings.

A cold sword light, cleared the fire sea, opened all the obstacles in front, but the rest did not reduce the dragon to the dragon.

"What?" Long Qiu is in the eyes and is full of unbelievab.

It is obviously the same trick, but the difference is the difference between this?


On the front of the sword, the bloody armor on the dragon must have a treasure of the naughty of the niche. The first time will weaken the sword unparalleled sword. The two fingers under the next, but it is still sweeping into the dragon.


Long Qi Wang although the flesh is unparalleled, it can be subjected to the impact of these two main energy, but it still spurts a blood, and the figure is withdrawn.

But at this time, ! A ghost-like figure appeared in front of him, it was a sword.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are cold, with amazing killing, but the right handfint finger has a strong force agglomeration.

The power of the pound is the power of the ancient god.

"The third finger of the ancient god, dieting!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it has a good right hand index finger, but it is directly in the past.


A feet has a high golden ancient god of golden ancient gods, coming out.

This golden ancient gods overlook hundreds of millions of sentient beings, and the thick golden right arm slowly lifted, formed a golden giant finger, and the time directly Dynasty Dragon Qang pointed.

This golden giant pointed out that tens of thousands of miles of miles were all done to the powder.

The horrible power, the dynasty, respect, will be very fearful.

The third point in the ancient gods!

As the sword is unparalleled to the four-star peak, the king of the royal family, this means that he has also been able to disconnect it.

This point of mind, there is an energy!

"Do not!"

Dragon must be frightened, but he can't stop on the way, and he can't make any resistance. It can look at the ancient golden giant finger toward him, and finally the front bombard His body is above.

The huge power of the ancient gods shocked.

This golden giant refers to the body of the dragon, but finally, it seems that the giant is pinching the ant, directly presses the borders of the dragon blood.


The endless ruins of the ruins were suddenly burst, and there was a deep enough spiral pothole that had thousands of foots, filled hundreds of thousands of miles.

And in the bottom of the pothole, the dragon must have no sound, and I don't know whether it is dead.

~~~ One finger falls.

The high golden ancient god of the high, and slowly dissipated in the world, everything sailed.

In the battle fortress, a silence!

But this silence, just in a moment, it is replaced by a dramatic!

"Win! No palace main win!"

"Haha, it is really worthy of my first strong, too strong, no palace owner is too strong!"

"Hey, the dragon must be king, it is not very arrogant before, saying that the strength of the unparalleled host is disappointed? He didn't say that the unparalleled palace is a waste? Haha, he said, let him say!"

"It is obvious that there is no good power before, and even the strength is estimated to play only one or two, this will be temporarily suppressed by the dragon, and the dragon must think that he has won, it is really ridiculous, see now , There is no palace owner, only twice, only two times, the life and death of this Dragon, winning, is too beautiful! "

In the war fortress, the strong people in the countless green circles shouted in crazy.


Returning to the main palace of the temple, a rich variety in one eye.

"Haha, I saw it, that is my brother, is my brother!" The sword is unparalleled, the three brothers, a hundred tigers, smiled crazy in the crowd.

The bloody days next to him and the past two people were also surprised.

And the opposite of the fire circles, in the ancient aircraft, many strong people from the golden country, are also watching this battle.

Naturally I also saw the result.

"Long Qi king, actually lost?"

"Long Dao Wang, the first world of Jin Guo, since with the adults of the Nog, have encountered countless ribers, never someone is his opponent, it is more than 5 million years ago, the part of my gold The strongest invincible boundaries in the hostile forces, also lost in the hands of the Long Dynasty, but now, Long Qiu is actually lost to a road? "

"I heard that the sword is unparalleled, it seems to be no more than five thousand years, but is a real genius."

"Don't exceed 5,000 years? This is against the sky?"

The strong people in the golden country are also extremely shocking.

However, even if the dragon is afraid, but it does not affect the golden morale.

After all, the top of the golden country is their country's adult. If one day, their national owner is defeated, the morale on them is a devastating blow.

But since the rise of gold, I have encountered a lot of strong enemies, but they have never lost.

The Golden Guo is the real god in their hearts.

The core of the spacecraft in the world, the golden countryside, the Golden Guo will also just see the clear clear, his mouth can not help but touch a touch of smile.

"The sword is unparalleled, in just eighty years, his strength has improved a lot, and it is really a big." The Golden Golden Guo sighed slightly, but immediately, the glamorous woman in the bottom of the past.

"Tomsaki, your party is inside, is there a super genius? This sword is unparalleled with the super genius, and how?" The Golden Guo is free.

"On strength, natural is that my brother is strong, but this sword is unparalleled in such a place that is completely isolated from the ancient chaotic world. It can show that it is very good, and its talent is not a ring." Ninth Festival.

"Oh?" The golden country is a brow. "Unfortunately, your brother is not there, or this is really trying to make him with this sword."

"Golden Peak, your top war will die now is life, you don't know, you still have a joke? Still think about what to do?" The Nine Soon laughed.

"Your intention is to defeat the sword and unparalleled swords, let the green fire palace will fall, so you can don't cost the green palace, and even don't need to have a good thing. "

"But now, your abacus is emptying."


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