Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1213 Wars, from!

At the end of the Golden Golden Lord, she is only a simple partnership with the Golden Guo Lord.

But the nine wins is very clear about the intent of the Golden Guo Lord.

In order to be able to completely cover the green industry, the Golden Guo is expensive to prepare a big kill.

When the big murder is out, it is easy to cover the green circles, but it is because the price of the murder is too large, and the Golden Guo is not willing to use it easily.

If you don't have to go to the murder, you can directly destroy the hot community, the Golden Guo Lord is not asked.

"Hey, even if the dragon must defend, the morale of the green circles does not fall anti-rise, but with the power in this seat, we must destroy them, still is easy." The Golden Guo Guo snorted, but immediately started Order.

"Red snow, do it!"

On the deck of the spacecraft, a large number of strong workers from the golden country has long been ready to go.

When the head of the Red Snow King, after receiving the command of the golden national owner, the scorpion immediately became cold.

"Long Qi Wang actually lost to the sword. I really didn't think it." Red Snow King is amazed, shaking his head, the next moment, a shocking, it is rising.

He overlooks many golden powers behind.

"All, let's do it!"

"let's go!"

Red Snow Wang waved, his body is the first riée.

After the Red Snow King, it is a large number of golden powers that are dense.

These golden countries have a breath, and they also have a scorpion, and the time is rushing to the sky. Like the Horizontal, the war fortress in the Qinglu Palace is over.

These strong people just gave out the spaceship of the world, the strong people in the fire world were already perceived.


The sword is still standing in the battlefield, looking at a lot of golden powers in front of the madness, the face has become cold.

In the war fortress, many strong people in the fire industry, all of them are holding hands, and they are also ready to go.

"All the position determines the battle in the dead world, arrival!"

The Round Temple is standing with many palace owners. "Everything acts in accordance with the previous plan, I, Void, Tanghuang, Rising Sun, Honglian, my five people and swords are unparalleled, leading many roads Battlefall, killing with the golden country! "

"As for these new Jin Palace, with more than a thousand Tianzun who broke through the Soul Dan, stay in the battlefield, we will find ways to let the strong people in the Golden War are close to this war fortress, when you listen My instructions, killing in one fell swoop, don't give any opportunities for the golden country, it is best to create it! "

"Okay." The palace owners around him nodded.

Jin Guo is now, I don't know that the ten new births of the new birth, and there is the existence of thousands of Tianzun, so they can become a big killer of the Qinglu Palace.

The Lord of the Cloudy. "

The Round returned to the main (Yun Tianzun) that has already broken through the world (Yun Tianzun). He opened the ban, in addition, the Arctic God, you also see the situation, and support the battlefields as much as possible to give the golden country. "

"No problem." The main point of the Yunterong Lord.

Five million years ago, the battle of Golden and Green Palace, this war fortress was taken by him, the entire fire community, only his use of this war fortress is handy.

"All, this battle, I am a green world, you will win!" The main low of the temple.

"Wins!" The many palace owners around him also headed.


The turn back to the palace is full, but its body shape is the first time to go to the battlefield.

While he is shaping, he also sounds in the entire war fortress.

"The green circle belongs, play with me!"

The voice of the Round Temple is ringing in everyone's ear, and many of the many strong people in the green world have become turned into.



The sky is rushing to the sky, and the heavens and the earth are eclipsed.

The whole sky is echoing this, which is full of crazy war.

"Battle!" "Battle!" "Battle!"

In the battle fort, the parties responded.

"Blood Devils, from!"

"Qinglong battle, start!"

"Open the battle, start!"

"God battle, start!"

Many of the many respects that have already been hoped, they all followed the previous drills, and they greeted each other, and it formed a battle in an instant.

I saw a tall and burly, emitting the fleet of a heil, from the war fortress.

At a glance, it is actually a battle in a thousand.

These battlefams, completely combined with the power of these respects, allowing them to explode far from their strength.

Subsequently, these high-body shaping, under the leadership of the Temple of the Temple, the Temple of the Temple, Tanghuang, Xuri Jian Di, Hong Lian Palace Lord's five people's leader, from the war fortress, the first time, it is already a turbulent The golden country has greeted the past.

The sword is unparalleled, then standing in the forehead, and the golden country is also closest.

"Golden State."

The sword is unparalleled to look at the golden national strong in front of the front, and the eyes are extremely cold.

It is not the main force of Golden Guo, and now the estimate is not all, it is just a part of the golden country, but in this way, under the leadership of the Red Snow King, there is also a full of more than 50 times. More than 1,500 Tianzun, rushing.

This battle is absolutely impossible to resist 80 years ago.

But now, it is different.

"The sword is unparalleled, let me come out." The thick voice sounded in the sword.

"King?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"I stayed in your body, I should come out to stretch and stretch the bones." King said.

The sword is unparalleled.

Kings did a long time in his body. On weekdays, the king was only recovering his spiritual strength with injuries, but there were very few shots to join hands.

However, don't forget, I am born with the ancient gods, but the most intimate comrades of the ancient gods, the ancient gods and the moon join hands to play the most powerful.

When the sword is unparalleled, the Body of the King is huge, and the void appears on the side.

The whole body is spread with red scales, and there is countless tentacles, it looks abnormally.

"The sword is unparalleled, you still remember the tricks of the Eastern Tang, you and I greeted it?" The voice of the king sounded in the sword.

"Of course, I remember." The sword didn't have a slight smile, and the king saw the past. "Do you want to come again now?"

"What do you say?" The scarlet eyes of the king also saw it.

Two people look at it, and the swords are more than a smile.


PS: Five get it!

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