Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1214 When the head is drinking!



"Kill them!"

About the battlefield, shouting the sound of the sky, two major camps, and a number of strong numbers, it is like the buffer constantly approaching.

At the center of the battlefield, a big bow is very unparalleled, there is a thousand-shot red worm, quietly suspended, and the sword is unparalleled to stand on the red head of the red worm, and the eyes flanges. Dead look at the front.

There, the strong people of the two camps are getting closer and closer.

"it's time!"


The sword is unparalleled to send a burst.

"give it to me!"

"Wang Yue Secret ... !!!"

The king made a heavy and heavy voice, and his body, there was a sharp sputum, and the king of the king of the king also opened, and he took a deep breath, followed by a foot. Let the heavens and the earth are all surprised, suddenly broke out.

" !!!"

The snoring, with a sharp, pilot the world, and even pilot time and space.

Time, shake the sky!

At the same time, while the king didn't say, the fire of the weak soul in the sea is also crazy burning, and the power of the pounds instantly vent.

"The ancient mystery ... Magic God !!!"

It is also a secret of illusion, but it is made by the power of the soul.

I saw a sound wave visible to a dark eye, transferred, ripples constantly enlarged, and finally formed a heavy wave directly toward those gold strong.

The strong people in Golden Guo have not truly handed over with the green circles. This wavy has come, this wave contains a sound wave attack, the most important thing is to have a horrible soul attack, even if it is dispersed, but It is still allowed to suffer a huge impact.

The five hundred of the golden protested, under this heavy attack, just slightly, instantly returned to normal.

However, more than 1,500 Tianzun, at this moment, more than 90% is directly in a state of consciousness.

One is like a fool, I'm there.

"Not good!" Red Snow King is bigger.

The two major camps immediately had to hand in hand. At this time, more than 90% of the hesitated camp, which turned into a sluggish state?

This is definitely a disaster for the gold camp.



Many strong people in the green circulation can not be affected. I saw a huge battle in a moment, and the horrible power of the horror was also urged, and the Tianzun, which was in a stagnant. Can't make a slightest reaction.

laugh! laugh! laugh! boom!

Just this moment!

In the next moment, in the golden country, Nine-beaten, a lot of battles in the Qing Dynasty rushed into the battlefield, and he was directly killed by more than 400 Tianzun!



The Kingdoms of the Golden Kingdoms have broken down.

Those who have not been killed, the conscious has been restored, and they are all in the balance.

On the green world, it is naturally a big joy.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, so good!"

"well done!"

"There is no palace owner, it is too powerful!"

A big voice sounded in the battlefield, so that the sword was unparalleled, and it was unclear.

But just at that scene, Jin Guo was killed in the scene of more than 400 Tianzun, he also saw it, and he was very happy.

This can be more than 400 Tianzun!

Although the number of golden in the golden country is numerous, it is more than 400, which is definitely a great loss.

And the most important thing is that these four hundred Tianzun are killed when they have just been in contact with two major camps. This is quite equivalent to the head of the head.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled with Dragon Dragon, winning clean, and now the morale of the green circles has an unprecedented high.

"King, let us!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Well." The King of Wang Zheng nodded, and its huge figure was immediately drafted on the front battlefield.

The sword is unparalleled to death, and he is also very clear that he should do something now.

"On the one side of the fire world, the battle of the respects, most of them can explode the battle of the sky, in the Tianzun's war, will not be too much better than the golden country, the key is to reveal this level ... ... "The sword has no bisector is cold.

Directive to fight, the fire circler counts him, and it will be six.

Plus some scale is incomparably, you can also explode the battle of the battle, there is less than twenty.

But one of the golden people nowadays, but more than 50.

"Long Qiu is seriously injured, life and death, the golden national owner never came out, now the golden country, no one can resist me!"

"I am now, I have to take my hand as much as possible to kill the golden world, reducing their truth."

The sword is unparalleled to kill, but his eyes have been locked in front of the front, a red robe woman holding a bloody sickle.

This red robe woman is a ride of the Golden Guo!


The sword is unhealthy low, but the body has been jumped from the King of the King, and there is no voice floating.

"The battle of a group of ants, also wants to block the king, it is really a car!"

The red robe woman is cold, and it has an amazing killing. It is a blood magic battle that is composed of thousands of Daozun. This is also quite tacit understanding of thousands of roads. The bloody magic formed is true.

Whether it is power or defense, it is undoubtedly with normal boundaries, even more points than the general world, can be on the speed, this vastness is a bit awkward, the red robe woman holds a bloody sickle, body If the phantom flies, it is easy to play this blood.

"Don't play with you, a group of ants, die!"

The red robe woman is in the cold, and the bloody sickle in the hand also burst out the truly cold. It is easy to come to the head of the huge blood, the bloody sickle in the hands is already lifted, just The eyebrow of the blood.

Suddenly ... a windy wind comes from behind.

"What?" The woman in the red robe changed, suddenly turned, but saw a screaming sword light, as well as the blood robes showing sword light.

"That is ... sword is unparalleled?" The red robe woman was shocked.

Before he stayed in the air boat, he saw how the sword was unparalleled.

Lian Long Zhu is defeated by the sword without double, what is her?

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