Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1215 The terrible sword is unparalleled!

"Escape!" The red robe woman did not hesitate to escape directly.

"Do you escape?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is shouted, and the sword is slight, affecting the time and space, and then there is a woman's woman in the red robe.

"How can it be so fast?" The red robe woman widened his eyes and tried to resist.

When a wind is invading, the body of the red robe woman is directly wearing, the body has slowly fall down.


The sword is unparalleled, and then the figure will fall out again.

In the blink of an eye, the sword has come to a gray robbed old man, and this gray robb is rolling, and he is suffering from the sky.

When the sword is unparalleled, he also noticed that he immediately waved, a huge red cloud immediately slammed the sword.


The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the ancient gods, directly putting the blood of the second stage of the blood.

"Triple Wave!"

" " "

Connected to three swords and shadings, and the momentous came out from the sword.

It is clearly three swords and shadows, but these three swords shadings are combined with each other, just like the three waves to connect.


The first heavy wave directly displays the red cloud that the grayroof elder.


The second heavy waves collided with the big hand of the gray robbery, and the gray robbers took the palm of the red boxing set, and the next moment of the arm was bent.


The third heavy wave did not hinder the slightest hole wearing the throat of the elderly, and the elderly were still in front of death, and it was unbelievable.

"the second!"

Killing the elderly, the sword is not paused, and there is a two high high men in an instant.

"The third!"

Just a moment, it is also a tall man who is a hierarchy, and is also unparalleled by the sword.

"the fourth!"

"the fifth!"


On the battlefield, the strong people in the two camps were too much, and the confusion is incomparable, and the sword is unparalleled is in this chaotic battlefield, relying on its absolute strength and swordsman, but also the strong people of Golden State.

In just a short instant, I died in the sword. There was a six-bit, and I have reached six, and the Tianzun, which is resolved on the way, and more than ten digits.

This is only a moment!

The golden countries are not blind, and the sword is unparalleled in the battlefield. When I murdered the scene of the six bounds, many people see it in the eyes, one is not hurting.

so horrible!

The sword is unparalleled on the battlefield, which is equivalent to death, crazy, harvested the life of golden powers.

But anyone who is eye-catching, almost no one can escape the life.

Even the boundary, swords can be slaughtered.

"too strong!"

"How can I force this?"

"I will wait for the world, although the strength is not as good as him, can you not be slaughtered by him?"

"Even Long Qi king, don't want to slaughter us so simple, but this sword is unparalleled ..."

Whether it is a strong person in the Qing Dynasty or a green circle, the heart has set off a huge waves.

Directive, each has a good means, and the life expective ability is also very strong. Even if you encounter strength, you can find ways to save your life, but the golden protest, but the foundation, In the sword, there is no pair of hands, and they are all of them with ordinary Tianzun, and Dao Zun has no difference.

The swords are unparalleled, and they can kill them in an instant, and kill them these tributes. They are also instantly killing. They have not yet returned to the hands, as long as they are staring to kill, they are dead. .

They don't know, the sword is unparalleled, but the most important thing is that his time and space swords, the speed is too fast!

The sword is out, affecting the speed of time and space, the speed of terror, there is no bound to match.

In addition, he also had a soul attack, before the sword is unparalleled with the king, it is a large-scale soul attack, and there are so many people. These inspectors can naturally resist, but only one-on-one The soul of the sword is attacked. If these inspect can be blocked, the consciousness will slowly shoot.

And this slow-shot, it is enough to let the sword have killed it.

"Time and Space Jobs, with the soul attack, plus my swordsman, now I, kill the general boundaries, it is the slaughter!" The sword is not a double eyeliner.

The sword is unparalleled. Crazy slaughter, and the strong people of the golden protested, but the golden protector reacted.

"You can't let him continue to slaughter!"

"Blocking him, you must stop this sword!"

"It's too horrible. The speed of his slaughter is too fast. If you don't hurry to stop him, it is estimated that these leaders have been to be cleaned by him!"

"Tianchen Wang, Mo Wang, Donglong King, Ancient Tomb King, you have quickly shot, stop him!"


The four shadows came from the surrounding, so soon, the sword was unparalleled in the center.


The sword is unparalleled to look at the four bounds in front of the world. These four tribute three men and a woman, the breath is already thick, and it is much more than the ordinary world.

"The Queen's strong quality is really high, I have been a green palace for so many years, in addition to me, I will return to the Temple of the Temple to have the world's power, but now this gold country will take four times. Directive peaks. "The sword is unhappy and dark.

Four people in front of him brought him some stress, it is obviously the power of the peak.

"The sword is unparalleled, I will wait for you to continue to slaughter." The only woman's ancient tomb in the four people open.

"Yes?" The sword is not a big mouth, "Try it."

The voice falls, the shape of the sword is missing again.

He did not look at the four big directions in front of his eyes, but it was a voids, obviously he didn't plan to be entangled with these four trees, but wanted to seize the power of the opportunity as much as possible.


The ancient tomb royal snorted, a green ribbon, but a green river, instant caves wear the void appeared in front of the sword, and the sword was unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a digital residue in the void, and this ribbon is easily avoided.

But his body is stabilized, but immediately perceived a fierce broken wind, only to see a mist, and a few thousand feet of heavy swords have been crushed toward him.

The sword has no double eyes, and the anti-hands and swords, but it is a day.

It is quite horizontal, and it is shredded by the huge sword vain.


The shape of the four big borders once again appeared in the sword unparalleled.

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