Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1216 is tragic

"The sword is unparalleled, I said, I will not give you any more opportunities." The ancient tomb is low.

"It is a bit of powerful." The sword was unbroneous.

"I'm shot." The tomb king voice was cold.

The four peaks around the sword are unparalleled, and it is immediately shot.

The ancient tomb still waves the ribbon, just like the spirit of the spirits.

The ink king is waving the sword, the heavy sword is tonized, covering half a void, the mighty coming.

The Donglong Wang is cold, and the lightning is shot. The palm is suddenly a dragon claw, and suddenly the sound.

As for the last day of Tianchen, the long stick swept.

The four big peaks are full of efforts.

"Give me!"

The sword is unparalleled and cold, the sword is born, and the whole world is dark.

A sword light is like the first dawn of the dawn time, falling.


The four peaks were the offensive of the exhibition, and they were smashed by this sword light.


"My four big peaks is acended by the offensive to show their hands." Is it necessary to be defeated? "

"It is worthy of being able to defeat the enemy of the dragon!"

The four peaks of the peaks are dark and dark, and the dawn is a sword, after the four major offensive, the rest is still not reduced, and the tribute is straight to the king of the tomb.

! A shadow block in front of the ancient tombs.

"Tianchen Wang." The ancient tomb is bright.

"Give it to me!" Tianchen Wang's eyes were cold, but the meter was suddenly a heavy golden halo. This golden halo has formed a golden big clock, and the Tianchen Wang is covered, and the Tianchen Wang is a golden clock in this. I was also crazy for a moment, and I made a dazzling golden ray.


The sword light bombards above the golden big clock, the golden gardens of the golden big clock have been bleak a lot, but after a while, it returns to normal.

"Well?" The sword has no double-colored slight change, "" There is still the treasure of the nursed body, this is troublesome. "

The four peaks in front of you, if a pair of swords are unparalleled, they are all defeated, and even all killed, but now these four big peaks are teamed up ... These four people are good at attacking power, If you are good at bundling, you are also good at speed, and it is good at defense.

It is quite tacit with each other. In a short period of time, the sword is unparalleled to defeat these four people.

And these four people have to be entangled with him, and the sword is unparalleled, it is difficult to have a chance to go.

"no solution anymore."

The sword has no double eyes, the next moment is shaped, and the second truth appears, and then it is a king that has been coming, and then rushes directly to other battlefields.

"That's ...

"It is indeed forth, but I have made my best to stop his book. It is already very reluctant. If you want to stop him, it is almost impossible." Mo Wang low deeply.

"Under normal circumstances, the combined power is far less than the present, we only need to stop his book, so that it is given to others to deal with it." The tomb of the tomb is solemn, "We continue!"


The four big peaks are honored, and once again, there is no double kill.

The first of the sword is also immediately greeted.

The first state of the sword is blocked by these four peaks. Although his second book is still in the battlefield, the second state is after all, there is no bloodline to the relationship, the overall strength is More than the general peak community, it is to be strong, but the invincible bound, but it is still a difference.

Although he adds to the king to join hands, he is still rushing in the battlefield, but you can't do it with the previous slaughter.

The big battlefield, the two major camps were madly killed, this trip has already reached the stage of white heat.

The golden protector was killed by more than 400 Tianzun, and the sword was unparalleled, and there were many powerful people, and the feet were also lost. Mess.

But now, with the first true of the swords, the golden state is slowly recovering, and the gap in the overall strength of the two camps is reflected.

Even before it has been killed by more than 400 Tianzun, the remaining Tianzun strong in the golden country is still not weak.

As for the strength of the truth, it is still stronger than the green world.

As the killing is getting more and more fierce, the advantages of Jin Guo have become bigger and bigger.

"Haha, destroy!"

The red snow king smiled, the long gun in his hand ruthlessly pierced the void, and the surrounding blood scene was coming. This shot has appeared a large-scale Qinglong battle, and there is no hint of thorns in this Qinglong's pound. Above the body.

Booming ~~~ This huge Qinglong immediately rushed, and the thousands of Dao Zun, which made this Qinglong battle, the four scattered came crazy, and the red snow king is a gun, carrying horrible. The power broke out. In an instant, the thousands of Dao Zun killed most, only a very small number of roads were escaped to the side.

These roads are desperately escaping towards the war fortress, but in the end, they can really escape into the battlefield, but less.

In battle, although it is extremely strong, it is enough to make these respects out of great war, but there is also a very deadly defect.

This lack of defects is that once the battle is rushing, these roads cannot be re-composed in a short time, then they are facing, they are only slaughtered by the other party.

The war continued until now, and many of the green circles have set thousands of battlefams, but they have already been rushing one-third.

And the road to the battle, more than 80%, all were killed.

Without the battle, these Daozun was on the battlefield, even if no one deliberately attacked them, even some attacks remaining, but they were enough to easily set their death.


The whole battlefield is very fierce!

The strong people of the two camps are also crazy.

"Haha, they can't help it, give me kill, kill them!"

The roaring of the Red Snow King shook the sky, and he raised his entire battlefield.

On the other hand, it has gradually formed a defeat.

"Almost, you can return it!"

The round temple of the Temple looked at the situation in his eyes. He flashed a rube, but the next moment was a command.


"Withdrawing War Fortress!"

The reincarnation of the temple is a lot of strong people in the battlefield, including the huge battle of the battlefield, all have to get rid of the opponent in the first time, in the amazing speed, and go to the war fortress.

The two major books of the sword are also immediately pulled.

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