Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1217 broke out!

"Want to escape? Do you escape?"

"Don't let go, chase it up, kill them!"

Red Snow King sent an emperor and snoring, hysterical.

The strong people of the golden country also have a glimmer, and they are looking at the championship.

They see that the current hot community is already in the defeat. At this time they chased it, it is hurting the poodle, it can be hit by one side of the green fire.

Golden Country Camp, killing the sky.

And in front of it seems that the fire community that has begun to escape, the round is cold, but the heart is calm.

He glanced over the madness of the madness, and his eyes were shunning.

"The Round Temple, the golden national strength has entered the scope of the Arctic God light!" The Lord of the Yunong came, "In addition, many palace owners in the war fortress and the Tianzun have been prepared."

"Very good, wait for me to ordered." Turning back to the main road.

"Yes." The Lord of the Yunhan Lord.

"Honglian, you can be ready." The main news of the Temple of the Temple.

"I have already prepared it, there are three seven stars to win the spirit of Ling Dan, I can unscrupulously break out the field of power out." Honglian said.

"Very good." The round fire is flashing in the main eye.

He hesitated for a while, and the Tempse of the Temple came up with a sword unparalleled message.

"The sword is unparalleled, the trick you have before, can you still display it again?" The round temple of the temple asked.

"The trick before?" The sword was unparalleled naturally understood which tricks said.

"The sword is unparalleled, tell him, can be displayed again." The voice of the King came.

"Well." The sword is unparalleled.

"Can you still show it again?" The wheel of the temple is bright, "it is too good, wait for me to order, you will shoot."

"Good." The sword has no double heart.

"Everything is already ready, next, just wait for the golden country to hook." The main excitement of the round temple.

In the war fortress, the ban on the banned, the remaining more than 10 palace owners in the fire world, thousands of Tianzun strong people gathered there.

These Tianzun include Xiao Emi, Yun Emperor, and Swordless Teachers and Sky and others with sword unparalleled familiar.

They all waiting quietly, but their hearts have already been awkward.

They stayed there in the end, and they saw this war from head, but there was no one shot.

They are all waiting, they are all waiting.

On the battlefield, the green circles escaped in the crazy, and the Golden Guo was chasing in the crazy. This chase escape, the golden strongest from the golden country is getting closer and closer.

100,000 miles!

Eight thousand miles!

50,000 miles!

Wink, Golden Strong is only less than 10,000 miles away from the war fortress.

Not at 10,000 miles, even if it is an ordinary road, you can brush it, so short distance, the power of the war fortress, you can do it now, but One of the golden countries, I am afraid that there is no time to react.

At this step, the timing is obviously arrived.


When the Round returning the temple, the time has been in the War Fort, and the palace owner who is ready to go will, and the Tianzun will have order, and the Red Lotus Palace is unparalleled to the sword.

One received a command ... On the battlefield, the Hong Lian Palace directly swallowed a green Dan medicine, the hair robe hair has floated, and the horrible breath has come out from her body, and she has been staying in hand. The bloody bracelet on the top of the bloody blood, followed by a huge bloody river.

! ! !

The bloody river is surging, and the coverage of the sky is covered throughout the battlefield, and the time will be covered in the battlefield.

Everyone on the battlefield is covered by this bloody river.

"Jiufang area, oppression!"

Rumble ~~~ The oppression power of horror, instantly broke out.

Then, a lot of golden people who were still chasing in the madness, all of which were in the quagmium, and the body has been greatly hindered.

"This, this is?"

There is too suddenly, suddenly let these golden powers have not reacted, they have fallen into the field pressing.

At the same time, in the battle fortress, the ban was blocked, only to see a golden ray, this golden light is a golden mirror, this golden mirror exudes an incomparable ancient breath, but during the period The faintness has a golden beam to condense.

follow closely……

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! ~~

The foot is 10,000 gold beams, and it is burst out.

The ten gold beams are all the Arctic God of War Fort, and the 18th National Arctic God, and the speed is far beyond anyone's imagination. In an instant, it has come to the front of the golden camp, and The first time Impressed above the 18th golden dominance of the forehead.

Among the 18th golden dominances, there is a full-footed eight world, which can be hit by this Arctic God, but the body is immediately wore, and the Arctic God has wear their body, rearward Continue to take out.

All the way is ruined, but all the power of the Golden Strong of the Arctic God, even the ability to smash, and immediately killed.

The 18th front of the Arctic God, the moment is dissipated, but it can be so instant, but the golden protested, including hundreds of Tianzun, including the rear, continue to spread, and die.

It's still not enough, while the Arctic God is shot, there is a war fortress, it has already been hurt, preparing for a lot of 20 palace owners, Tianzun, it is like a radio, immediately burst out .



The shouts of the earthquake sounded, and the dense numbness of a large number of stomatics appeared in front of the golden country.

This scene, made the strong people of the golden country changed their faces.

Especially the red snow king, it is a look of ghosts.

"Ten people respect, thousands of Tianzun?"

"How can it be?"

"When is the strong man of the green fire palace?"

The magic of the red snow is full of face.

On the other side, when the battle of many palace owners in the war, the Tianzun killed, the sword in the battlefield was not swearing!

"!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Ready!" The sound of the King of Kings.

The sword has no difference between the Shu Mang, the next moment ...

"The ancient mystery ... Magi!"

"Wang Yue Secret ... !"

From Wang Yue, the anger of the ancient gods, coming again!

One time, earth-shatter!


PS: Today's four more normal updates!

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