Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1218, the first battle!

too suddenly!

What happened is too fast!

This sudden change allows the many strong people in the Golden Country that they have not reacted.

The battle has already happened the earth-shaking changes.

In the nine classes, all the strong people of the Golden Kingdom are oppressed.

The 18th National Arctic God, the first time it brings a rebuition to Jindang.

As for the many palace owners who are ready to go, Tianzun is like a tiger into the flock.

Too close, those golden strong people have chased the green circles, and they have already killed the distance from the war fortress, such as such a short distance, enough to make the war fortress have already prepared a lot of strong people. Kill.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled and the king will join hands and once again.

This is definitely catastrophic!


"Immediately counterattack!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

I have previously fled the fire-fighting world, and I immediately turned to kill the past.

On the battlefield, the awareness of the large amount of Tianzun in the Goldenkia is still in a sluggish, and the fire in the green circle of the fire is killed.

Even if the awareness is not affected, those strong people who have also been fortunate is also scared by the sudden changes in front of them.

Mingming the green circles have been defeated, they are chasing.

In just a moment, the battle will reverse it!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The terrible roar sounds crazy in the battlefield, just a photo, gold strong, at least one-third of it is directly killed.

And the rest of the strong, in the face of the floods, there is a nine-procortical field, the Arctic God's auxiliary fire community, and immediately lost the courage to resist.

"The dead, it is a trap!"

"It is a trap that is ready for the green industry!"

"Return, quickly retreat!"

Red Snow Wang smashed, snoring.

The strong people in the Golden Country are also crazy and fleeing. No one can see it, they are falling into the green circles.

One party in the green fire community will hide most of the power, just waiting for them to approach the war fortress, and then the strong people will be out, and they directly refuse to bring devastating strikes in the golden country.

"The bangs of the boy, the strong people in the fire world are it?" Red Snow Wang is also roaring.

The nine-procortical field and the Arctic gods, he knows, but he didn't think that the power of the fire industry became so strong.

This is only 80 years, and the fire community has more than ten directions, thousands of Tianzun?


Jin Guo has been completely defeated!

On the green fire circler, it was crazy to chase and as much as possible.

Before it was a golden country to chase, the fire community escaped, but now it is completely, it is a chasing in the green circle, and the golden country is crazy.

In the process of chasing, naturally, a lot of gold strong people were caught up.

at this time……


Since the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the golden country, the main spirit suddenly moved. He looked at the moment, he could clearly see that there was a lot of strong body, and It's galloping.

"Stop, don't chase!"

The Tempse of the Temple is now ordered.

Although many strong people in the green fire circles are somewhat unwilling, they also listen to the command of the main temple, did not continue to chase.

"Walk, let's go back."

When the Round of the Tempo waved, many of the strong people in the green circles have returned to the war fort.

The rest of the golden protocols will soon be mixed with the strong people who come to meet, and they will enter the boundary spaceship.

The first consensus of the Qing Dynasty and the golden country in this decision was curtain.

Inside the battle fort.


"Big wins!"

"This battle is the one who wins in my green circle!"

"Hey, if the strong speed of the golden country will come quickly enough, just those who are golden countries, they are afraid that they have to stay!"

The entire war fortress has fallen into a shout.

Just that battle, it is indeed a bright fire.

Not only win, but also a big victory!

The many palace masters in the fire industry are also gather together.

"I have been happy, I haven't been a happy killing!"

"Haha, the golden country didn't expect that my green fire world will suddenly have so many tributes, Tianzun's war, let us seize the opportunity, give them a head of the head!"

"This battle, the reason why it can make such a big victory, not only because of the thoughtfulness of the previous deployment, and there is no big work!"

"Yes, there is no palace owner with the worm beast under him, and the special symptom attacks are connected twice, and the Tianzun of the Golden Guo caught a sense of consciousness twice, which gives me a two-day heavy community. Their chances, and before the winning battle with Long Qiu, it has greatly improved the morale of my green circle. "

"If there is no unparalleled palace master, this battle has never wins, but it will not be able to achieve great victory."

These palace people talk about it in their models.

The sword is unparalleled, and several people who have the Round Temple and the void hall are stayed together.

"From 5 million years ago, this is the first time I have collided with Golden Kingdom, the first time I got a big victory." The turn back the temple is cool, "I've been five million years ago, I am green. The world can only rely on the war fortress, and take advantage of our efforts to resist golden offensive, but this is the first battle, this is the first battle. "

The sword is unparalleled, there is a void palace next to the temple.

"However, although this battle won, we can't proud, after all, this first battle, Jin Guo is just a testistic attack, but did not go all out, but my green fire circler is a tipped, And through trap calculations, it will achieve so greatness. If it is true, the golden country is still on the side of my green circle. "The Temple of the Temple said.

The sword is not nodded.

They naturally don't forget this battle.

Everyone knows, this battle, the Golden State is just a testistic attack.

Others don't say, single golden national owners, never shot, and never exposed.

"Several." Tang Huang passed from the distance.

"The casualties have been statistically?" The round temple looked over.

"Well." Tang Huang nodded slightly, but the look was extremely heavy.

The look of the Tang Dynasty was seen in the eyes of the sword, and the faces were not changed.

"How?" The round temple is busy asking.

"This battle, my green circle is a winner, but the loss is still very huge." Tang Huang said.


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