Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1219 casualties!

In the hall, many palace owners, including swords and unparalleled, and the main people of the Temple have a position to listen to the Tang emperor.

"First, this level of the world, there are not many people in the world, most of them are replaced by some huge battles, plus some of the life of life is very good, so on the battle I lost a ride, I was seriously injured in one side. In addition, there were no losses. "Tang Huang said.

"One death and one injury?" The palace owners around him secretly nodded, and they were able to accept it.

It is necessary to know how crazy that is such as fierce battles, even if it is the same chance, it is very false.

On the other side of the fire, there is only a sword who has been killed before, and the one of the two 'olders' owners. In addition to the sword, there is a long time, and there are a lot of hands in hand. Although there is danger in that battle, there is no peace of mind.

As for the remaining more than ten palace owners, it will be hit by the golden head of the Golden Guo. I immediately gave the golden country again, and the golden protector was gave it, and I didn't stop the powerful resistance. This leads to most of these inspects, only in the process of chasing the killing process, it is dead, which is seriously injured.

Compared to the many of the golden countries, the loss of death in the fire industry is nothing to do.

"At the level of Tianzun, just the battle, the Tianzun, which was falling in the fire, had a total of 136 people." Tang Huang worked.

"So much?" The sword is unparalleled and other people are changed, but they can only secretly shook their heads.

They can guess that this is a hundred and thirty-sixth day of respect, there is certain that there is a lot of deliberately defeated before, and it is falling when the golden country is chasing.

But although these days are falling, they can die, but they have created greater casualties in Golden countries.

"Tao Zun hierarchy?" The sword asked.

I will die.

Tianzun fell to one hundred and thirty-six, how much is the respect?

You know, in the battlefield, there are many of the warfares in the Burden of Fire, and it is built from the battle of the road.

And on the battle, those battle were defeated by the golden country.

"Dazun ... is very heavy!"

Tang Emperor is holding hands, the voice is also low, "I just got a moment, this battle, my green circle one side is the fallen of the road, more than 35,000 people, more than 10,000 Dao Zun, in the battle, hunting, even if there is a support of the Chinese medicine of my green fire palace, it is hard to form a fight for a short period of time! "

"That is to say, after this war, the Daozun's battle in my green circles suddenly lost 40,000, close to a quarter!"


I heard the number of Tang Huang said, whether it is a sword where there is no double or other palace owners present, one is there.

40,000 people!

Just a confrontation, and it is obviously just a trial attack of the Golden Guo, or in the case of a big victory in the green fire community, the fire industry still lost the power of 40,000 roads.

What amazing numbers are this!

"How come, how can Dao Zun will fall?" The sword was unparalleled and frown, and the body shape was trembled.

The side of the reincarnation of the side is sigh, said: "Although Dao Zun can form a good fight against the battle, once the battle is defeated, these four Daozun, almost on the battlefield. It is difficult to have a chance to have a life, even if you want to escape the war fortress, it is hard to do! The fallen chance is natural! "

"It can be said, Dao Zun, on this battlefield, it is equivalent to cannon ash!"

"But there is no way, this decisive battle is about the death and death of my green fire, I need to spend this crisis, I need them to fight, form a combat force!"

"Everything, for the fire world!"

The round temple is holding hands.

In the surrounding swords, there are other palace owners, and it is cold.

They have already guessed before, this battle will be quite tragic, especially these respects, ten Daozun, experience this after the war, I am afraid it is less than one.

It is understood that they can only give these respects!

There is no way, the green fire industry must use all the power to use to have the opportunity to struggle in the golden country!

"This battle, the strong people in my green circles, especially the road, very much, but their fall, but it is worth it!" Tang Huang fell, "I just gave not only statistics." The number of strong people falling in one party, the golden country has a probably statistical statistics. "

"Golden Guo in this battle, sent more than 50 honors, more than 1,500 Tianzun played, but in the end, it was less than 20, and there were less than 500 days. ! "

"That is to say, this battle, my green circles have killed them more than 30 trees, more than a thousand Tianzun, although the overall strength of the golden country is strong, but such a loss, I want to come to the gold The country is distressed! "

The words of the Tang Dynasty, made everyone in the field a shock.

In the case, the losses in the green fire world are huge, but the golden protector is one of the defeats, and the loss is naturally more outrageous.

In the past, more than 30 falls of the world ... More than ten in the thirties of the world, there is more than ten, but the sword is unparalleled!

There is also thousands of Tianzun strong, and that is also a lot of money.

"No matter what to say, this battle, my fire industry is still winning, but since it is a war, it must be sacrificed. The strong people who fall in the green circle are also there." Round back Temple .

"Well." The palace owners attached great attention.

"Let's go, do what you should do."

The main gaze of the Temple is coming, "Rising Sun, Honglian, you will rearrange those roads, re-arrange the battle, this time the golden country has suffered a big loss, they will definitely not give it, second The summary is estimated that it will not be used for a long time. Before this, be sure to ensure that everyone in my green fire world can explode all the power. "

"Yes!" Xu Niji nodded with the main point of the Red Lotus Palace, and then arranged.

The palace owners present, they also scattered.

At this moment, at the end of the war fortress, the ancient huge crossover spaceship.

Among the Hong Snow, Hong Xue Wang squatted in front of the golden national owner, his shape was dramatically trembled, and the inner fear has all revealed to his face.

He knows how miserable, and this battle, the strong people in Golden Guo are all commanded.

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