Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1221 Black and white Swirl!

In the battle fort, it is still a sniper.

The first confrontation with the Golden Kingdom, a big victory is willing to be happy. After a big joy, everyone has detected the losses of their own, especially the aura of the road, so that the whole war fortress has fallen into a bleak among.

The sword is unparalleled in the war fortress, and looks at the surrounding scenes.

Suddenly, his look moved, and his figure immediately went to front.

There, there are two gods standing there.

"Master, Three Brothers." The sword is unparalleled.

These two people, Herone is a sword, a passionate master, and three brothers.

"Xiaoyi." Bloody Tian and Baihu also looked at the sword.

"How can I only have two, two brothers?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Second Director, he ..." Bloody Tian Zhang said, but did not finish the words, the hundred tigers next to it also showed the color of grief.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled, and it has already understood it.

"Is it falling?" The sword was unimaced.

Just that battle, the fallen Daozun has a 35,000 people, and his second brother is also one of the roads. It is obviously not lucky in just that battle, and it is killed by the golden country.

"Two brothers!" The sword is unparalleled and handsome, and the eyes also flashed a grief.

"When I came three, the Master was a message to take us, we must be careful, while killing the enemy, as much as possible, I have always kept my own life, I have never thought that only the first After the war, the second divisions were fallen. "Bloody sky shook his head.

"Even the two brothers are falling. My strength is not as good as the second brother, after this decisive battle, I am afraid that I can't live to the end, the master brother, the teacher, you have two strength, but you must live it." The tiger said.

"Three teachers, don't say such a stupid," bloody sky was launched.

The sword is unparalleled, but the heavy is very heavy.

Only the first battle, lost 35,000 Daozun, this is a few in the sword.

Purple peak like his second brother, just one.

Soon the sword is unparalleled, the nature is also falling in this battle.

"The seniors of the emperor!" The sword was unparalleled.

When I was in the ancient world, I had a vision.

At that time, the sword was unparalleled in the mouth of the night, and the existence of the ancient world was known to know the vast world.

And the vision is more than once, and the sword has always remembered this kind.

I didn't expect that this kind of love is still too late, and the vision has fallen in this battle.

Purple Peak, Emperor, and the sword is unparalleled in the reincarnation of the mainland, but also died in this battle.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled in addition to grief, and can only sigh.

Everything is for the fire world!

at this time……

"There is no palace owner, you're going!" There is a road to show.

The sword is unparalleled, immediately appeared on the edge of the war fortress, and the end of the aircraft saw the past.

I saw it from the air boat from the world, and a glamorous woman suddenly drifted out and took directly toward the direction of the war fortress.

"Well?" The sword didn't have a double.

He saw that the glamorous woman was also a world, but the breath was not too strong, and the Dragon must be king, it would be too much.

And only one person is only one person, what to run?

"Sword is unparalleled!"

I learned that the news of the news is the main, and the voids, the people, etc., have immediately rushed to the sword.

These palace owners are surprised to look at the glamorous woman, do not understand the intention of the glamorous woman.

The glamorous woman went to a while, and then he stopped at 100,000 miles away from the war fortress.

Following, just under the gaze in the war fortress, this glamorous woman took out a gratiment, as the glamorous woman was moved, and there was a black and one white in the middle of the contest. the power of.

These two powers are extremely extreme, and they are crazy to prune together, producing an amazing strand force.

~~~ The void is shredded by the strand.

At the center of the battlefield, a black and white vortex of a bowl size appeared quickly.

This black and white vortex looks quite fragile. If you don't accidentally, you will be destroyed, which is destroyed, but after this black and white vortex appears, it begins to spread around the surrounding speed. Open.

There was only a bowl size at the beginning, but just instant kung fu has expanded to the bucket size, and continued to expand.

"what is that?"

Everyone in the War Fort, found the existence of the black and white vortex, and a face is quite quite.

They all know that the black and white vortex, what is things, and it is not clear that the glamorous woman creates the black and white vortex.

However, in the sword, there is no double body, when I saw the black and white vortex, I immediately called it, "I didn't sell the reincarnation, I didn't go back to the big battle!"

"Don't go back to the big array?" The sword was unparalleled to hear the yell of the King, and immediately asked: "Dai Wang, what is this not going back to the mainland? Is it a very powerful big array?"

"Great, huh, what is powerful!"

The voice of the king has an unprecedented cold, said: "The sword is unparalleled, I remind you that it is best to take immediate now, take the black and white vortex, it is not really expanding, it is destroyed, it is best to put the woman. Also give it to kill, or you will wait for it! "

"What?" The sword was shocked.

Now not to destroy the black and white vortex, the fire industry is waiting for disappearance?

"What is true?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, more than you think, the sword is unparalleled, hurry, if it is late, you can't get it!"

"Good." The sword has no double heart.

Although the king did not say clearly that this is not going to return to the big array, but the king will follow the Lu Zhen Wang in the vital chaotic world, so many years, its eyes are naturally than what they can, since the king is now It is said that this big array can make the fire world disappear, and the sword is unparalleled.

"All, this black and white vortex is small, I am going to take this black and white vortex, when I don't really expand it, I will be destroyed directly!" The sword said unparalleled.

"Yes, I also hidden, this black and white vortex is not very general." Round back to the main point, "swords are unparalleled, you will take your hand, but I'm going to be careful, once I am not right, I immediately escape to the war fortress."

"it is good."

The sword has no double heart, but the body shape is ruthless.


PS: Today's four is more!

Starting today, the normal four is more updated, that is, it will keep four more updates every day, will be very stable, never have more signs, and it is almost unable to appear, and I have always been What is owed, the next day is doubled, and you can rest assured.

In addition, everyone wants to explode, will be in the future, as long as there is time, killing will elect or add as much as possible.

I hope everyone can support this book as always, thank you!

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