Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1222 a spear!

The void of the war's fortuname before the fortune, the glamorous woman was quietly suspended there, but in her side, the black and white vortex, the range is getting bigger and bigger.

Now the diameter of this black and white vortex has exceeded one meter, still expanding rapidly.

Looking at this black and white vortex, the glamorous woman is also secretly embarrassed.

This black and white vortex, now it seems to be insignificant, but she is very clear that this black and white vortex is terrible.

And how is it in order to create this black and white vortex, which is a huge cost.

Just then ... From the war fortress, a figure is sharp.

In the moment, this Tenthon has been perceived.

"Golden Peak." Township immediately.

"Reassured, this seat is near you, will never hurt you." The Golden Guo Dynasty came.

"That's good." Sumina smiled and saw the galloping figure in the Yuan Dynasty. "The arrival, it seems to be the sword is unparalleled?"

"Hey, then just, it will be solved by this kid." The golden country of the Golden Guo is cold, he is near the Townah, just use some means, hidden, only wait for the sword.

However, the sword is unparalleled from the battle fortress, but only more than 20,000 miles, but the body shape is suddenly stopped.

"It's a bit wrong."

The sword is not a double brow, "the woman should see me, but she didn't respond, even the golden country did not have a movie?"

"The sword is unparalleled, be careful." The King also reminded.

"I understand." The sword has no double eyes, and in his knowledge of the soul of the soul, the power of the soul is immediately ventilated.

In just a short moment, the power of the soul has covered all the vast world of heavens.

Everything in this world has also appeared in the sword. There is no double brain.

"Well?" The sword didn't double the first time, I found a strange void next to the glamorous woman.

That kind of void looks intact, but it is actually twisted, it is obvious that there is a strong hidden there.

"Sure enough, it is hidden in the dark." The sword is unparalleled immediately, "and the hidden means so high, the ordinary world is impossible to do, and the ordinary ribbies will inevitably have no guts to calculate me, that hidden in this In the case of the empty body ... Is it a golden protector? "

The sword is unparalleled.

In the entire golden country, there is a grasp of him, and it is estimated that only the golden national landlord of the highest.

"It is very likely to be the golden country, the sword is unparalleled, quickly retreat, return to the war fortress, then a long discourse!"

"I know." The sword has no doubles, but the pace is slightly span, it seems that it is to continue to flip forward, but the sword is unparalleled in the middle of the sky. Turned, and also directly showed the secrets of dragon blood, and crafted in the battle fortress.

This scene, the golden country owner hidden in the dark, the face is not sinking.


"Oh, I am noticeable, how is you, you die!"

It's a horror of the horror of the horror of the horror of the horizon, and there is a horrible feat of the golden protector, such as the wilderness of the fire, and the voids are raised.

Then I saw a golden stream, as if the meteor passed through the void.


The main side of the golden country is cold, and there is a low drink in the mouth.

This thorn, the void is immediately broken, and it is clear that it is a spear that thorns in the void, the next black spear has come to the front of the sword.

"What?" The sword was shocked.

He is already a timely obeying, and the first time chooses to turn around, but I didn't expect this golden national land or to take him.

This horrible spear is straight, and the sword is unparalleled only, and the whole body is all inverted, and a huge crisis is in the heart.


The sword is unparalleled and not hesitant to immediately swim the long sword. The blood peak sword slightly trembled, and it also made a good power.

With the darkness of the world, the dusty dawn is sword, and it is directly swing.

The dawn sword of the sword is unparalleled, but the Long Qi king who has no enemy world is seriously injured, and the power is extremely strong, but it has collided with the black spear.


Like it, the blood peak sword shocked out in the first time, and even with the sword unparalleled, the right arm was suddenly burst. The spear was still surprised, and the arm shocked to his body. Above.


The sword immediately spurted a blood, and the face was also miserable, but the sound still exists.

Through this long spear thorn on the impact of the impact, his figure immediately fell back, he didn't forget to take the blood and sword on the way.


The sword is unparalleled with the shells. It is not comparable to the war fortress, and the golden national owner swayed, and there is a huge ban in the war fortress, which is huge in the war fortress. outer.

"Let him escape?" The main color of the golden country is cold.

He is a 'leader' level, personally shot, can't kill swords without double?

"It can reflect the existence of this seat, and the front is one shot, but also keeps dead, this sword is unparalleled, it is really not low." The golden protector is low, although there is no sword without double killing Some unfortunately, he doesn't care.

After all, the black and white vortex has been, how long does it take? Don't say the sword is unparalleled, all the strong people in the green world, one can't escape, you have to die!

In the war fortress, the sword is unparalleled as the shells, but eventually, it is directly above, so that the ground is four minutes.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"No palace owner!"

Returning to the main, the void hall is waiting to come over.

When I rushed over, they all saw the sword unparalleled and right arms, and they were all over the blood, and the appearance was miserable, but the destructive life was hunting.

"Fortunately, I have been observed in time, I will choose to escape, if it is slightly at night, I can't keep this first." The sword is unparalleled. "You also secretly.

He has been in cautious. When he just got out of the war fortress, he left his second present, so he was killed by the golden national owner, life is not hinder.

But the treasure of him, such as the bloody will armor, blood peak sword, I am afraid I have lost.


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