Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1224 Countermeasures

"What should I do?"

The sword has no double-finish change, and it is clear: "Don't you only look at the black and white vortex, continue to expand the dramatic, until finally thoroughly tweze my green circles?"

The palace owners present, it is also difficult to see by one.

"Do you want, we fight, all our palace owners rushed, and thought it would show the woman to show the big array." Tang Huang proposed.

"It is useless." The cloud owner shook his head.

"Is it really a point?" The round temple is full of not gumdao.

"It is too thick on my array. If there is a master of the big master than me, maybe there is a chance." The Yunterior said.

"The array is higher than you?" The wheel back hall is a bitter laugh, "You are the first master of the fire world, you can't find the way of crack, who is found to find out ? "

The surrounding palace owners have secretly shake their heads, and they even rose a despair.

"The array is higher than the cloud, maybe, I know one person."

The sound sounded, and it was a rising Sword Emperor.

Many palace owners in the main hall immediately looked at the Jianji Di.

"Rising Sun, you know that someone is in the array of activities, than the Lord of the Yunterong?" The round temple was shocked.

"In the fire industry, some people are on the array of law, which is higher than me?" The main heart of the Yunong is quite confused.

He has always confident that he has been confident on his behalf.

He also approved himself to be the first Master of the Burden of Burden, which is no doubt.

Otherwise, the huge array of this giant battlefield, will not always be handed over to him.

But now, the Rising Sword Emperor said that someone was on the array, and the accumulation was higher than him?

"I really know one person, he is in the array of activities to surpass the Lord of the cloud, I don't know, but he is in the array of law, it is indeed unbearable." Xuri Sword Emperor said, "Yunong Lord , Do you still remember 30,000 years ago, the referendum in the Temple? "

"Is the Temple?" The Lord of the Yunhan, said: "Of course, I know that the Temple is the land of one machine, and it is taken by my green palace by my green palace, and I have received a lot from it. The treasure resources, and the ban on the Temple, it is indeed very high! "

"At that time, you found that after the existence of the Temple, I invited me to go to the break, but I drilled into a hundred years, but I just barely explored some ways, I estimate that I have been over Millennium. Drilling, I have to grasp the ban on the ban. "

"But this time is you, I don't know where to crack this ban, I only use a moment, I will break the ban."

"Yes." Rising Niji nodded, "At the beginning, I didn't know how to crack this ban, but this method was I met a mysterious figure. He told me, this mysterious figure, very quirky ! "

The people around "weird?" Are tightly looking at the Rising Sword Emperor.

"It is really quirky, he gives me very unique, I can meet him, it is quite coincidental. At that time, he seems to be drilled against the anti-array. I saw that he is not low on the law, so it will The ban on the Temple gives him, ask him to help me crack, as a result, he only glanced at the immersiveness of the ban, and immediately told the law of my crack. "Xuri Jian Di said.

"What?" The Lord of the Yunhan is shocked, "the ban on the Temple, he saw it at a glance? How could it be!"

The Yunter's main heart has already set off a huge waves.

It is important that the ban on the Temple, he drilled for hundreds of years before he barely pepting some of the doorways.

But now someone is just a look, I saw the imaginary realistic?

"I really have such a Master of the Burden." The Lord of the Yunterong asked.

"I am telling the truth, but it may be that he is very familiar with the ban on the ban, so I will see it in my eyes, but I always feel that this person is unusual." Xuri Sword Emperor said.

"Whether it is a coincidence, I have to find it. If he can see the ban on the Temple, you can find a way to find the reincarnation." Yunterior Road .

"Rising Sun, what mysterious people you said, now?" The round temple will ask.

"Trouble is what I didn't know the specific origin of the person. I only know that the breath on him is very unique, it is just a eternal border, but I have already had a world-honoring force, I can't see it." Rising Swordsman smirks.

You can hear the words of the Rising Sword Emperor, and the swords of the side are unparalleled, but the body shape is a shock.

A eternal, but let the early sword emperor can't see the true, isn't that ...

"Rising Sword Emperor!" The sword was unparalleled immediately, "said the mysterious figure you said, is it called Xuanyi?"

"Xuan Yi?" Rising Sword Emperor shook his head, "I don't know his true name."

"Then he gave your troubleship method of the temple, you didn't owe him, so I gave an ambassador, contained you three swords?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, how do you know?" The Sword of the Rising Sword came over.

And I heard the answer of the Rising Sword Emperor, but the color of the sword became unusual.

It can be able to see the ban on the temple, and it is just the first time, but even the Xuri Jian Di, which is already the level of the world, feels extraordinary.

The most important thing is that the Rising Sword Emperor has owed the people, giving the other party a stroke of three swords.

All of this has fully illustrated the identity of the mysterious figure.

"All, if I have not guess, the mysterious figure I said, I know." The sword said.

"Do you know?" The palace owners around them are bright, and they have been brushing to sword.

"Not only know, and the mysterious figure is my master!" The sword is unparalleled.

"Your Master?"

These palaces are all glimpse.

"He is your teacher?" Xuri Sword Emperor is quite staring at the sword.

"It is indeed my master, and you gave him the truth of the three swords. He also added to me. I was still very weak at the time. With the three swords, I could escape a lot. Crisis. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Too good!" Rising Sun Jian Di Yisheng, "Sword is unparalleled, you quickly give you a message, see if he has a way, crack this is not going back to the big array."

"Okay, I will send it now." The sword is not a hyper point.

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