
The sword has no double news.

"Well." Xuan is a soon respond.

"Two brothers, dead." The sword was unparalleled, and the sound took a grief.

"I already know." Xuanyi sighed, said: "Life and death, your second division brother is destined to have this robbery, and it is no power for the teacher."

The sword is unparalleled.

"Your message is given to me, should you just tell me about the news?" Xuan Yi.

"Yes." The sword said: "The disciples have trouble, I want to ask the Master."

"Trouble? Talk." Xuan is still relaxed.

He received four disciples, and these four disciples have become a road, especially the sword is unparalleled, all have reached the first level of the fire world, but he did not find these four disciples to be asked. What, instead, his four disciples, when you will ask him to help.

"This is this ..." The sword is unparalleled, the original committee of the matter is said.

"Oh? Don't you go back to the big array?" Xuan Yi browed one, "Even this extinguishment of the world is out, the golden country owner is not small, this big array, you are now This is not small. "

"It is indeed a lot of trouble, so please ask you to come out." The sword has no double.

"Even if you come, this is not going to return to the big array, but it is not unable to solve." Xuan said.

"Can you solve it?" The sword was unhappy.

"Don't go back to the big array, nothing more than two extreme power combines, forming a permanent cycle, but as long as you can break the cycle in the big array, or turn it completely reversed, this big array can break down." Xuan A laugh, "" The light I know, there are six kinds! "

"What?" The sword was shocked.

"The sword is unparalleled, what happened?" The palace owners in the sword were all observed that the sword was unparalleled, and they have seen it.

"I, my teacher said that he said that the method of cracking that no renewal back is six!" The sword is unparalleled.

These palace owners suddenly stunned.

The cloud owner is even more eye-catching!

They want to die for this, they are going to die, but they are all unpredictable, but now there is a six kinds of solutions from the sword without a double teacher. It is a joke.

"Crack that there is no way to go back to the big array, but there are six kinds, but the only way to achieve the power of the fire industry, the only one!" Xuanyi came again.

"Which one?" The sword was unparalleled.

Regardless of the way to crack, as long as there is a method of implementing, it is enough.

"Ansuals, you are now in accordance with what I said, the outline of the reincarnation of the big array will be drawn."

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

Immediately in Xuan Yi, the sword is unparalleled, but it is directly in this temple, and the contour of the never sell back to the big array will come out.

This big array looks very simple, just that black and white swirls, but it can actually be very cumbersome and complicated, and it is unparalleled.

At least, the structure of the cloud is unable to see.

After the outline, Xuanyi is also the news: "I give you four positions, you remember."

Xuanyi also gave the sword unparalleled out four positions in the big array.

"Remember these four positions, these four positions, it is equivalent to the whole big array of torso, and the most central, this four positions are the dead blood, now I will teach you one, you need four The sword array of people teamed up. "Xuan Yi.

"Sword Array?" The sword was unparalleled.

"If you don't go back to the big array, once the shape is very stable, even if you know the dead hole of this array, you have to need a quite strong power to go back, and you don't have this forces in the hot community, so you can only Go to the sword array to join hands. "Xuanyi explained.

"Understand." The sword is unparalleled.

Xuanyi also taught the sword unparalleled in a sword.

"The sword array has been taught to you, you have to do it, you have to let the four people who control the sword array respectively occupy the four positions, and then attack the dead hole, so the big array is broken." Xuan said, "In addition, you should try to shorte them as soon as possible, you have to shoot it as soon as possible, if it is too late, it will get more and more stronger and stronger, if this sword can break it. , I don't dare to guarantee the teacher. "

"I know, thank you Master!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Don't thank me, this battle is unusually unusual, you are with your remaining brothers, as long as you can keep your life, it is very good." Xuan Xiao smiled and then interrupted.

"The sword is unparalleled, how is it?" The palace owners in the main hall still look forward to watching the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, looking around everyone, opening: "Master teach me a sword, I want to use this sword array, to break the neutral round."

"Sword Array?" These palace owners have surprised.

"The Lord of the Yunhan, in these people, you are best at the array of laws, this is the sword array given to the Master, you have this possibility." The sword is unparalleled to teach the sword array of Xuan Yi. Down, gave it to the Lord of the Cloudy.

The sword is unparalleled, it is very confident, but these palace owners are afraid not to believe, so the sword is unparalleled directly to the way.

"I first drilled and see." The Lord of the Yunong immediately began to study.

These palace owners include swords and unparalleled, still in the temple, waiting quietly.

After a long time, the Lord of the Cloud Palace has already had a result.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The brightest sword of the Yunong is unparalpled. The next moment, but it is a lot of gongs in the scene, respectful to the sword.

"The Lord of the Yunhan, what are you?" The sword was unparalleled, and the people around the surroundings were very wrong.

The Yunhan Lord got up, but I laughed: "I am worship, but I am worshiping your master, thank him, giving me a green circle!"

"First-line vitality?" The palace owners in the scene are all happy.

The Lord of the Cloudy is obviously the law of Xuan Yi, feasible!

"Really active?" The round temple will ask.

"The Master of the sword, in the array of activities, it is shocking, this is not going to return to the big battle, so he is so unspeakable, but he actually heard the name, and the structure of this big array is The depiction is depicted, and it is pointed out that the dead point of the big array! "

"He taught the sword array, and it is also an unusual, if we can really follow the formation of swordscent, occupying the four positions while attacking the dead point, this is not going to return to the big array, ten eight nine can be broken "The Yunterong is the main road.


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