Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1227 Fire God!

A vast dark void.

Here, the sword is unparalleled with the emperor to fight, and there is no palace.

At this moment, the two major names, swords and unparalleled things in this virtual, and the Swordsang Day, and the Jian Jian Di gathered together.

In the face of them, there is a gusset, which is the manipulation method of the four-pole sword array.

"This is the four-pole sword. It turned out to be a hitting the sword array?" Jiannan is slightly like.

"It is indeed hits the sword array, and the power is extremely strong. As long as we play, with this sword array, you can completely explore the strength of the golden national owner, the power of the golden country, bombardment in that no one On the dead point, so the big array is broken. "The sword has no double.

"Don't be too late, we start trying now, be sure to have the first time to master the sword array at the shortest time." Xuri Jian Di said.

"Well, hurry up." Jian Nan Tian also nodded.

Immediately, in this dark void, count the four people in the sword without double, and started to take this four-pole sword.

They stay in this virtuous womens, they can unscrupulously exercise swords, and some people will not bore them.

They are also very clear and the importance of time, so they are competing to win the second, and they are not divided into days and nights.

Time is in a hurry ...

One shock, one year passed.

In this year, whether it is a golden industry or a green world, it is quite calm.

The two sides did not have a big battle again, even if it was a small smashing and killing.

The only unchaul is that the war's fortuname has been in front of the black and white vortex in the rotating.

That black and white vortex, I was very weak, I didn't be put in my heart. After a year of expansion, the volume of black and white vortex has reached countless times, and now black and white swirls are already a big thing!

Virtue in the palace.


At the four different portions of different orientations, it also gives a low drink, and the long sword in the hands also waves.

The four swords will start from the sky.

These four swords are extremely strong, spreading the thrill.

The four swords of swords also wore the void in the first time, and the next moment she bombarded the void in the most central in the four people.


The void is completely cracking, and the horrible power is ruthless to swallow everything.

The two major names of the sword, the Jiannan Tian, ​​the Rising Sword Emperor is indifferent to this.

"It's almost." The sword has a smile in the mouth.

"This sword array is indeed, especially the control requirements for strength, too high, I have stayed in this virtuous Palace for a year, and I have drill this one hundred thousand people, I finally found the strength of the power. The horizontal point is really played out. "Jian Nanny smiled.

"Although we still can't call this sword array, it is not perfect, ten times, only eight times will play its peak power, but this is enough, time is not equal, we have consumed one I can't continue to drag up any time. "Xuri Jian Di also said.

"I agree." Jiannan nodded.

"In this case, then we are ready, will do it tomorrow!" The sword has no double silence.

"Good." Xuri Jian Di, the Jiannan Time Heavy Total.

The next day, the edge of the war fortress, many high-level high-rise in the green world have gathered together.

Many palace owners have seen the ban on the battlefield, where they can see a huge black and white vortex.

That black and white vortex, still covered tens of millions of range, still became a big big thing, and this black and white vortex is still in amazing speed.

"Just one year, it will expand to 10 million miles, the volume increases countless times, and the larger size, the expansion is getting bigger and bigger, if it gives it a year, this black and white vortex range Can exceed 10 billion! "The Yunterong is serious.

"Ten billion?"

I heard this figure, the strong people in the scene of the fire circles were shocked.

Even if it is for them, it is not short, it is not a short period of time, and it has to be brushed for a long time with their plurality.

This black and white vortex can be expanded in just one year.

"Now, the black and white swirls are still too strong. Under normal circumstances, one of them can withstand the strength of the strand, close to his core, and our war fortress, more It is soft. "

"However, if it makes it a year, then the swallowing strang is at least hundreds of times. When they are in the heart of it, I am afraid that I have been shredded in the moment. If it is expanded for about ten years, let's The war fortress is also unable to resist it directly from the black and white vortex. "The Yunterior said.

"You can't continue, we will nowadays, the sooner, the more you have to grasp, the bigger." The sword is unparalleled, "the Round returns the main, the battle, you have been ready."

"It's ready." The round temptation main point nodded, then waved, a silver figure appeared on the ground.

This is an indifferent man who is wearing silver battles, war, hands holding a silver cave.

This indifferent man is cold and cold, and the eyes are deep, but also silver light.

"This is the war of the Golden Guo's owner?" The sword didn't look at this silver war, but he couldn't help but rose.

This silver battle is that the fire world is outside the battlefield, the last big brand.

It is enough to get the battle of the Golden Guoda!

"Fire God? And is also the hierarchy of the silver armor?" The voice of the King took a horrified voice sounded in the sword.

"Kings, do you know this battle?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Of course, I know." The king laughed, "the fire is in the world, and the name is not small, and this fire is divided into three kinds of copper armor, silver armor, and gold armor, where the light is copper armor. The battle, the strength is not the weakness of the golden country, the fighting power is definitely more horrible than the Golden Guo Lord! "

"But it is a pity, this Silver Ah's fire god is broken, and your green circles can't take adequate fire source crystal, naturally can't make this powerful strength to play."

"Of course, even if you can't play all the strength, you can resist the golden country, but it is more than enough."

"It is enough to block a while, it is enough!" The sword is unparalleled.

They are now going to crack down the roll back to the big array, but the golden national owner is nearby, naturally someone will stop the golden national owner, let it take it.

Within the fire, no one can resist the golden national owners, so it can only rely on this fire.

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