Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1228 Hand!

"This black and white whirlpool is like this, the air boat in the golden country has long been refunded, and only the golden country of Golden Guo, and the woman who started to show black and white vortex still there, The sword is unparalleled. I will give you this battle. Next, you will rely on you. "The round temple mainly said.

"Give it to me." The sword nodded and soon got the power of the war.

"Father, Rising Sword Emperor, we are." The sword has no double eyed, his second book has already been around.

"it is good."

Jian Nan Tian and the Jian Jian Di also prepared to be proper, after hearing the sword, there was a unparalleled words, and the four moves directly from the war fortress, the core of the black and white vortex, galloped.

At the moment where the sword is unparalleled, the most important cold woman in the black and white vortex has been noticed.

"Both have passed for a year, the fire community is finally moved." On the 9th, he looked at the four shapes of galloping. "What do they want to do? It's hard to do it? ? "

"Let me expand this big array to the year, is it too late to do it too late?"

The bottom of the Nine Sina is full of confidence.

This is not going to return to the big array. Even if it is in the world, it is also very terrible, such a big battle, and what people can break?

What's more, now the big battle has been working for a year. It has long been in the past, and now I want to break the big array, it is too difficult.

The fire community, a interface that has not been handed over with the ancient chaotic world, will someone know how this big is broken? May?

Although there is absolute confidence, you can pass the message like the Golden Guo Dynasty.

The Golden Guo owner has been hidden in the nearby void in this year, and it is already ready to go.

"Sword is not double?"

The golden country of Golden Guo has stared at the two body shapes, the corner of the mouth could not help but a cold smile, "I am lucky last time, escape from this seat, but this time you will not Have such luck! "

Under the gaze of the Golden Guoda, the four shadows are getting closer and closer to the black and white vortex.

"It's going to go to the core of black and white vortex. But the golden country of the Golden Guo did not appeared?" Jiannan's day face is dignified.

"Don't worry, I have found the position, I have been staring at him, as long as he moves, I will immediately let the fire gods, will not let him hinder our, the woman in the big array, just just one The name of ordinary ribbies, I also have a way to deal with her. "The sword said unparalleled.

His soul is already spread, through the power of the soul, I have already captured the position of the Golden Guo, and the Golden Guo owner is afraid not to know.

This is the benefit of the power of the soul.

The power of the soul belongs to the power of high-end, and the sword is also because the relationship between the reverse repairs can be used to master this power, the purpose of the soul, and he is now just a star half.

"Well? I can't help it?" The sword had no double corner. He has already perceived the gripping of the Golden Guo's main figure.

"Oh, I am so strong that I'm still thinking about the means of sneak attack. This golden country is the means," the sword is unparalleled, just in the golden country When he was less than 10,000 miles, the sword waved.

A silver light, instantly riped out.


It is sufficient to make a horror of the horror of the Temple of the Temple, and this fire god broke out.

The fire of the fire fell, the sky, whitening silver, and he had directly locked the position of the Golden Guo, then stepped out one step.

Step by step, the distance from 10,000 miles directly appeared directly in the front of the Golden Guo, and the silver hole in his hands was already out of silver Thunder.


Suddenly, the Golden Golden Golden Lord is also shocked.

He first didn't think that the sword was unparalleled to lock his position very well, but he was even more shocking, but he was a long gun in front of him.

The speed of this shot is also powerful, and he has a fear of him.

There is no doubt that the person who is shot, the war is never weak than him, or even stronger!


The Golden Guo Dynasty immediately snorted, and there was a dark spear immediately in his hand, and a heavy visit was spread from the long gun.


The Golden Guo's main focus also burst into strength, and the dark spear immediately wore the void lightning and shocking with the silver hole.


The low hitting sound sounded, and the fire broke, and even crushed the void instant.

The main color of the golden country is sinking, but his body is can't help but take the burst, and the foot is full of ten steps. Every step is far from the far.

As for the full body covered in the silver, the body is just a meal, but it will kill again.

"It is worthy of the fire god of the silver armor." The sword is unparalleled to expose the highlights, follow the two people around, "Golden Guo Lord has been entangled in the fire, we hurry!"

"Well." Jienan Tian and the Rising Sword Emperor headed.

They are all very clear that they are now controlling the fate of the fire world!

If you have to get, the fire industry has struggled.

Once failed, let it go back to the big array, continue to expand, the fire industry will destroy!


The sword has no doubles, and the two major respects, Jian Nan Tian, ​​the four storms of the rising sun Jie Di are directly scattered.

The four-way figure, all in the previous drill, and rushed to the four positions pointed out.

On the way, the sword is unparalleled in the Township.

"Although you are just a general world, it is not strong. It should affect us, but in order to prevent it, let you stay next to it." The sword was unimaced, and then waved again.

A burly flamded out.

"Ax, let her stop, don't let her influence us, if it is best to make her!" The sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled to achieve such an order, and it is also to prevent it.

In case this time they fail, they can at least try to force the Jiunxi.

S Steppront, since it will not be created in the big array, since she may have a way to turn off the big array.

I heard the sword unparalleled instructions, and the ax was full of light, the giant ax appeared in the hands, but the next moment was directly to the Nine Soon.

"Sure enough, I want to come to the battle, and I also have a war with Jin Feng's adults, but no matter how hard, I will ultimately just white feet." That Nika laughed, see the ax, She is shameful, but it is strange in this black and white vortex.

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