The Golden Guo owner is entangled in the fire.

That Niyun, is also chasing it by an ax.

The whole black and white vortex has no one can stop the sword.

Only the two major respects of the sword, the swordsman, and the Sword of Jian Jian Di has reached the designated location.

"My two major books are already ready, what about you?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I have already arrived!" Jiannan replied.

"I am also." Xuri Jian Di nodded.

"Very good, start." The sword is unparalleled, and the time, the four shares of the swords, from the four regions of the black and white vortex.

Then the black and white swirls moved in the dark, did not dare to fight with the ax, and they also found these four swords.

"Well?" The Nine Sorrow is slightly shrinking, and some are not right.

"The position of these four people ..."

Through the swords from littling, Kiunaway can be very clear to induce the position of the sword without double four people (second this honor), and that four positions are not true.

"That is the most important part of my big array. It is the most important torso of the entire big array. The four parts are connected to the core of my big array. It is equivalent to the human heart, they are four How can I find the four parts? "Ninth Sinale became a little hard to look.

Before she was very confident, she believed a small fire industry, and it was impossible to see that she was the virtuality of her array, and she could not solve her.

but now……

I saw the position occupied by the sword unparalleled four people.

At the same time, I also pay attention to the movement of swords without swords.

"They also build a mapping method, and it is the combination of array." The heart of the Ninth Festival, the uncomfortable moment of the bottom of the heart reached the extreme.

"They must have completely seen my method, I plan to use the sword array, I am breaking!"

I don't think it is, I will see the Golden Guo, who is in the distance, want to invite the Golden Guo to stop.

But she immediately pays attention to the golden national owner at this moment, has been completely entangled by the fire, and it seems to be in some low winds, and I can't make it out.


"In this green circle, someone can completely see my array?"

"Who is it looking to it!"

At the 9th, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword has begun to condense the sword.

Only waiting for their swords, the quadrupole swords can burst out of the extremely powerful energy, and the cycle of this insemination is completely defeated.

"Can't let them crack down my array, or the golden peak is ten times to pay, and it is estimated that I will bubble."

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Niastern Solit have also become cold, the next moment, her body is the most close to her, and the direction of Xuri Sword is floating.

This Townshock should be a very good body secretary, although the war is very general, but the escape means is quite, and the ax is chasing behind her, but even the opportunity to meet her. No.

Now this Townah Diseased, the Sword Emperor came over, and the ax has not stopped.

At this time, the swords of swords and four people are just ready, only in the past.

But at this moment, the Nine Pizza came to the sincerity of the Sky Joint, and his body has a hand-knitting in his hand.

Let the symbol ... Boom! A horrible power broke out immediately.

The powerfulness of this power is suffocating, an outbreak, in an instant, formed three Jinlong after the Xuri Sword, these three Jinlong dishes were finally gathered together, forming a golden stream hole, and the time has bombarded On the body of the Sword Emperor of the Sun.


When the rising sun, the Sword of the Rising, he just got the arrival of the Ninth Solo, but the breath on the Ninth Festival was very ordinary, and the strength was not strong. He is now in the most critical, will be broken On the occasion, there is no debunch.

He is ready to use his own flesh, with your own body treasure, hard to resist the nine.

With his ability to resist, even if it is hard-student, it will be seriously injured, but it will never be fatal.

But he didn't think of it, but the Township used to use the force.

And that in the contest, the golden flow of gold is, even more stronger than the Golden National Lord!

The golden stream is directly impacted in his body. He did not have any response at all, and his chest was broken, the heart was smashing, and the life nucleus also broke away.


The Rising Sword Emperor is standing there, and the eyes are somewhat sluggish, but their mouths are mysterious, but only two words, and his consciousness, including his voice, but has begun to dissipate.

Rising Sun Jie Emperor has begun to fall into the bottom, and the double eyes gradually becomes permeated, and it is more reluctant.

He has passed a message to the sword with the only one left, to the sword, to the Swordsnun, and passed a message to the palace of the war fortress.


Just only two words, but heavy mountains.

The Emperor of the Rising Sword Emperor is finally completely closed, and his body has no strength, so soon by the black and white vortex!

This scene, the swords that are not far away, Jiannan Tian, ​​including many strong people in the battle fortress look at the eyes.

Everyone is there.

They saw the Rising Sword Emperor, and they were gone through the golden stream, and they saw that the rising Sword Emperor was caught by the black and white vortex.

Every one is suddenly anger!

"Rising Sun !!!"

"Rising Sword Emperor !!"

"Bastard !!!"

In the battle fortress, there is no roar!

"Do not!!!!"

In the other corner, the sword is unparalleled, and the two major books have made a screaming roar, but also want to break!

Rising Sword Emperor!

Before the sword is unhappy, it is definitely the most dazzling person in the green world!

He is a recognized first sword repair, and it is also a recognized first day!

He is just a Tianzun, but it is just a general practitioner, which is purely brought to the two strongest swords and roads that open up.

He is in addition to the sword, there is no dream, and the third has the opportunity to become a green fire palace leader and become the level of the Golden National Lord.

He originally had an infinite potential, there is endless hope, if there is a drag of the fire world, he will leave the fire world to go to the green chaotic world to sway, it is possible to become a top power.

For the fire circle, in order to break this, it is exhausted, he is exhausted, and finally, even intended to have a hard work to withstand the Sword of the Towna ...

But now, this genius is falling under the eyelids of all the strong people in the green world! ! !


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