Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1230, the death of Rising Sun

"Is it dead?"

The glamorous woman saw this scene, but could not help but show a cold smile, muttered: "This is the character, but my genius brother gives me, contains his power, can die In my hand of my genius, you are also worthy of proud. "


The sword is unparalleled, and the dead is staring at the glamorous woman. It contains the anger and endless killing of the sky.

This is anger and killing, soon he is depressed by him.

"let's go!"

The sword has no double sorrow, and the two major respects from the swords, and immediately fold back toward the battle fortress.

He is clear, four strongest swordsman, need four strongest swords to play the power can be played out, and it is possible to completely break the big burst. Now the Rising Sword Emperor has fallen, the quadbridge sword is not The method is replaced, and their purpose is impossible to complete.

In this case, then it can only return to the war fortress and then a long report.

As for the cool and bright women, the sword is really trying to kill her immediately. It can be too far from the distance. Plus that the nine wins and it has been able to get the law. If it is full of flee, he has no way.

The sword is unparalleled with the Sword South Day, which can only bring endless unwillingness and anger.

And, even if you want to go, it is not easy.

"You can't escape!"

The cold and extremely low drunk self-imported, he has been entangled in the fire of the fire, although the quite wolf, but with time, he also found that the power of the fire coming is continuously weakened. Now, now, it is no longer suppressed him.

"Worse, fire source is so useful!" The sword did not have a double-finish, and the fire god was controlled by him, and he naturally clear the situation of the fire.

The rest of those fire crystals are enough to allow the fire to support the time of two breathing.

Two breaths, very short, as long as two breathing have passed, the golden national owner can immediately take the hand to deal with his father and son.

"Two breathing!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the mind is also electricity, and it has decided.

"The fire, give me a dead, the golden country, the golden country."

The sword didn't double the fire, and his second book was also turned and went to the battlefield of the Golden Guo Lord and the Fire God.

The fire god won the sword unparalleled order, and it is also possible to make a powerful energy. It is difficult to stop the two breathing of the golden country. But after two breathing, the fire source is exhausted, and the fire is paid in the void. The Golden Guoda will take a hands with the swords and swords and south.

At this moment, the first of the swords and unparalleled, and Jiannan is the battle fortress from the war, and there are tens of thousands of miles away.

Ten thousand miles, put it in us, I have passed the moment, but now, it is very distant.

"Before you let you escape once, now you think you can escape the second time from your hand?" The main color of the golden country.

If you want to cross out, you can get rid of his strength. If you have a full speed, you can completely catch the sword unparalleled and Jiannan Tian two before entering the war fortress, chasing it, give two people.

But at this time ...


A sword light appeared in front of the Golden Guo Lord, is the second state of the sword.


The golden country is the main color of the gold, and it also flashes a contest. The spear is stabbed by the spear, and there is no accident. This long stamite can kill the second book of the sword. Then he still Come and go to chasing the first national respect of the sword.

Suddenly ...


The sword is unparalleled, the second, the face, flashing a madness.


The second body is directly burst, and the horrible power will form an impact wave, sweeping the four sides.

"Self-explosion?" The Golden Guoda flashed.

He didn't expect the sword where the sword was decisive, and directly discarded this 'furnish' to block him.

Since the shock of self-burst, the golden country is also slightly stigma, and then I want to chase, but it is too late.

"Let him escape? This little child is really awkward!" The main color of the golden country is gloomy.

A road showed two times in his hands, it would be a joke twice in his hands.

"Golden Peak."

The cool woman is on the nation of the Golden Guo, and it seems that smiles. "The sword is unparalleled, the life is really big enough. Jin Feng two shots, even gave him an escape. ! "

"Hey!" The golden country of the country snorted, but did not answer.

After sinking, the Golden Guo Lord looked at this glamorous woman and said: "Tomsaki, why is you just?"

When I mentioned the just, the Nine Sinale also became difficult to look, "I didn't expect that in this small fire world, some people can make this unwanted reincarnation to completely see it, and they have used it. Fencing array, occupying the most central four parts of this big array, and attacking this big array! "

"Fortunately, I just responded fast, I used my brother to kill one of them, or, this is a big fear that has been broken by them!"

"Oh?" The Golden Guoda is slightly, "Do you not be full of confidence? How can I be worn?"

The nine street frowned, but it didn't say anything.

Today, it is indeed that she didn't think.

"Hey, it's okay, this big array is not broken, or this is spent for this price. I am afraid it is white enough." The golden country of the country has little, obviously, there is no previous Satisfactory.

"Golden Peak, even though it is confident, the green fire circler has just been fighting, and it is easy to stop your war, but the result is nothing, and next, this green fire is afraid It has not been able to organize the second time. "Snoving the road.

"It is also right." The Golden Guo is nodd, and the hand is slight, but the fire is straight to him.

Before the sword is unparalleled, the fire is full of the golden national owners, and after the energy is exhausted, it naturally falls into the hands of the Golden Guo.

By now, the Golden Guo owner has forcibly erase the sword without the control of this fire, and he controls this fire.

"Hey, the fire of the Yinjia level." The Golden Guo's main eyes, he has already recognized this fire, "this treasure on the battlefield is really enough, even such a war Have, but now, these are all in me, this fire is also! "

The Golden Golden Lord got the fire of the fire, but the Tenthon, but under the auxiliary of the Golden Guo owner, suppress the ax one, and then put the Ax a little.


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