Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1231 Desperate!

In the battle fort, the atmosphere is heavy.

This time, this is in order to win a line of life in the green fire world.

Results, there is no need to break back, but it is not broken, but it is my side ... Rising Sun Jie Di fallen, the fire circle is a big brand, the only way to compete with the golden god of the Golden Guo, fall into The other party in hand.

The ax is totally lost.

The second, self-explosion of the sword.

It can be said that it is a lady who has been defeced, and the loss is heavy!

"It's over!"

"My fire circle, finished!"

"I have no hope, I have no hope."

In the battle fort, it is mourning everywhere.


A thick desperation has emerged in everyone's heart.

The morale of the green circles is also low to the bottom of the valley.

If there is hope, these strong people in the green circles are not mind, do not hesitate to fight, go to fight, even if it falls, it is worth it.

But now, they can't even find some hope!

There is a big array, the fire community has no vitality, only by the big array of phagocytosis.

Inside a magnificent temple, more than 20 villaenes standing there, on these throne, some sitting, some are empty.

The many palace owners in the fire industry have gathered together, but they can be used at this moment, including swords and unparalleled, one is silent, and a sentence does not say.

At the time of time, there is an empty throne of the Palace Lord to close to the void hall.

The throne, I originally belonging to the Jianji Emperor, but now the rising sun is falling, the throne is empty.

Silenced over half an hour, or the sword is unparalleled.

"This loss, responsibility is in me!"

The sword has no pairs of hands, the fingertips have been inserted into the flesh and blood, and his face has a few points. "It is too small to see the woman in the big array. I thought she was just a general. Directive, there is a battle in my hands, the battle of the peak level, I am enough! "

"Who once thought that her body law was high, turned my gunpeted group, but also in critical moments, and set the rising Sky Jianji!"

"I am too small to see her, blame me!"

The sword is unhealthy is full of self-blame.

This time, it is, with him, the fire god is also handed over to him, and the Rising Sword Emperor will listen to his instructions.

The result is heavy, the rising sun is falling, and even the fire is also lost, and the sword is unparalleled to bear the main responsibility.

When I heard the sword, I was shook my head, but I said: "This matter is that we have given a good time to determine the action, and everything is planned, you just According to the plan, although it is endless, but no wonder your head. "


"Change to anyone, is definitely acting as the unparalleled owner!"

"This loss, I have to blame the woman too little to look at the woman, I thought she just understood the law, but I didn't expect that she also had that kind of energy."

Other palace owners have admired.

No one will blame the sword.

Because the sword is unparalleled, it is a good plan to act as before, but he didn't expect this to change in the middle.

"Double." Jian Nan Tian looked over, "this loss, responsibility is everyone, you don't have to be too self-blaming, and now it is not your own blame, it is not our accountability, us Now what is the most important, think about what to do next! "

What should I do?

Simply single four words, but the many palace people present all frowned.

The sword is not difficult to look at it.

Rising Sun Jian Emperor, the fire community couldn't find other people to build a four-pole sword, and even if they found it, they had to continue to be familiar with the array. They need more time will be more. I am afraid I can't break the black and white vortex.

"King, you follow Luo Zhen Wang in the vast chaotic world to swear for so long, the eyes are extremely high, do you have a way?" The sword didn't ask.

He has high spirits, but in the face of today's crisis, it feels weak.

"I have no way." The king shook his head dark.

The sword is not boundless.

Many palace owners in the temple also showed a dark smile.

Relying on the quadbridge array to go to the scene, it is their only chance, but this opportunity, but they can't grasp, now, do they still have the opportunity?


These palace owners, including the oldest turn temple, the void hall, Tanghuang, Hong Lian Palace, the cloud owner, etc. also reveals the color of desperation.

But after despair, it has been crazy!

"Dead War!"

"Even if my green fire industry is destined, it is absolutely no longer too good!" The first of the Yunong Lord got up and roaring.


"Tempera, we will fight with the golden country!"

"Fighting them!"

These palace owners also clasp their hands, and they were crazy.

"I really can only do the fighting of sleepy beasts?" The sword was unparalleled.

Just then ... a message is delivered.

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled, please return, "Master, you are looking for me?"

The news came over, it was his master brother.

"Little brother, hurry out!" Bloody Sound with a single excitement.

"What's wrong?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The Master is coming." Blood Lingtian Road.

The sword is unparalleled, but the next moment is suddenly got up, and the moment it got up, and his eyes flaws.

"The sword is unparalleled, what happened?" The palace owners who have decided to be sleepy and beasts have not seen it.

"All, I have to go out in advance." The sword has no double.

"What happened?" The Round returned to the temple is more confused.

"It's my master, he is coming!" The sword is unparalleled.

"Your Master?"

Many palace owners present are all.

The sword is unparalleled, it seemed to see the mysterious people who did not die back to the big array, and taught the mysterious characters of the law.

The Master of the Master of the Lord of the Lord of the Yunterong is, and even respectable

"Before your master, I just received your message, I taught you to break the law, and now he is definitely known that we have failed, he personally rushed over, it is difficult, he still has other broken * *** Temple is excited.

The mood of other palace owners is similar to the main temple.

They have been desperate, but now I know that the sword is unparalleled, but let them burn a hit again.

Although this is slight, it is still enough to let them fight.

"Perhaps, the Master of the Method, I really have other ways to achieve!" The Lord of the Yunterong is excited.

"Go, let's welcome!"

"Yes, go together!"

Many palace owners are going out of the temple under the leadership of the sword.


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