Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1232 Master comes!

In the battle fortress, the strong people in many green circles gathered in a corner, the atmosphere was very dull, and it was desperate.

At this time, many palace owners including the sword unparalleled, rushed out from a palace, and the faces of these palaces were obviously excited.

In the past, the Tianzun of the green circles, and the respects also look in their eyes.

"The owners are urgent, where is it?"

"Do you have to pay attention to these palace masters, do you seem to have a excitement?"

"Yes, it is excited."

"Is it that the palace owners came out of other ways, and I still have a line of life in the green world?"

"It is very likely, otherwise the palace owners will never be excited like this."

The entire war is soon.

Many Tianzun, Dao Zunmen followed the palace of these palace, and rushed over the center of the war fortress.

On a space, there are several stones to stand there, including the two brothers and brothers of the swords, and the tiger, as for standing in the most central, it is a gentle white robe man, the white robe man Wen Wenya, giving people a feeling of intimate.

"Then, is it a sword unparalleled teacher?"

The arrival of the palace owners were closely solidified in the white robe.

At the moment of seeing the white robe man, they rushed to a strange feel.

This white robe man is atmospheric and is only a level of eternal, it seems to be ordinary, but I don't know how, they naturally feel weird.


The sword is unparalleled to the front of the white robe, respectfully.

"Xuan Yi Master!"

The main reincarnation of the Temple is a multi-palace master, but also to the white robe man.

They have also learned to know the name of Xuan Yi from the sword.

As for them, the Master of the Magical Master, even if the strength is really harmful, it is worthy of being treated.

What's more, the mysterious one in front of you is still a life-saving straw in their green fire.

"Get up." Xuanyi sword was unparalleled, and he looked back to the temple of the temple and laughed: "You also have to start, I can't afford to greeze."

"Master, you will come today, should it be to go back to the big array?" The sword is unparalleled to see the mountain.

"Well." "Xuan Yi faintly," I took you to the law, I thought you can solve it with this law, you can solve it, but I didn't expect to fail, so, then I I have only come to come from person. "

"The meaning of the teacher, is there any other way of breaking?" The sword is unparalleled.

"If you don't go to the round, it is a big array of death. It is the terrible place to be completely formed, and the evolution and expansion of the long years. It is now weak, and this big array is just just The two extreme energy is over, and it is not too high to be too high. This is a way to get rid of. "Xuan Yi smiled, but a slap in the chest.

When I heard this, the palace owners in the scene also lit up.

The meaning of Xuan is clearly, obviously he has other laws, even if there is no, he also can find it again.

"Let's go, let's go to the next time you don't die." Xuan Yi smiled.

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

"Xuan Yi Master, please!"

The Returning Temple is in the front of the road.

This makes the Tianzun, nearby the green circles, and respects, one by one.

"Who is the person? Good face!"

"I actually made many palace owners to be so humble, even the turn of the Temple personally personally introduced it? But he is just a good border!"

"What is eternal? I heard that he is a master of the owner of the palace, can teach the disciple of the unparalleled palace, you said that he is very powerful? And he is really powerful, is a diamond of the array, It is said that than the clouds are high, it is from his hand, but it is unfortunately, we are too small to fail, this leads to failure. "

"The Master of the Double Palace Lord? No wonder!"

"He is now in person, it should be in order to return to the reincarnation."

The entire war fortress is talking about whispering.

Although the mysterious one is an eternal, in the entire war fortress, in addition to the sword unparalleled brothers, others are the strong people above the road.

Any one of the truth is a way to grasp the mysterious one.

But now, the whole war fortress has no number of strong, but no one dares to smash the mysterious one.

Single sword is unparalleled, there is no one dare to be underestimated, let alone his research on the array.

All the way forward, and on the road, Xuan Yi asked casually: "Annual, what is your achievement in the sword?"

"The disciples have now opened two swords with the strongest swords and a campaign level, but unfortunately, it has been could not find a way." The sword is unparalleled.

If it is possible, he has long blended the immortality of the swords and the immortality. In that, he has been confident in the face of the golden national owner. The green circulation is not here.

But because he couldn't find a breakthrough way.

"Don't worry, come slowly, everything will go to the streak." Xuan Yi smiled and asked: "What are the three swords of you open?"

"One is returning the sword, the law is returned, has been developed to the ultimate, and the strongest sword!"

"One is a time and space sword, over the speed, affecting the power of time and space, is also the strongest sword."

"There is also one, it is the binding of the yin and yang swords and yin and yang, but unfortunately just the level of the campaign." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh? Yinyang Keyway?" Xuanyi browed, but his face revealed a mysterious smile.

After a while, Xuanyi will come to the edge of the War Fortress in the leaders of many palace. It can be very clear to see more than 100,000 miles through the ban on the war fortress. The huge coverage. Miles of black and white vortices.

"Xuan and a master, don't go back to the big array, just there!" The round temple pointed to the black and white vortex.

"Well." Xuan is indifferent, looking at the black and white vortex in the distance, but immediately smile, "Fortunately, only to expand thousands of miles, still in the primary stage."

"Primary stage?" The sword was unparalleled.

"This is not to go back to the big array, the greater the scope of the expansion, the more stable, including one billion miles, which belong to the primary stage, more than one billion, which belongs to the middle stage. At that time, with the power of the hot world I really can't break this big array, but now, there is a chance. "Xuan said.

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