Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1233 banned!

"still have a chance?"

The sword has no double, but it will be frowned again. "Even the Master You can think of something else, but the fire is already in the hands of the golden country, and there is no entanglement to drag the golden country. The top card of the country, we can't close to the black and white vortex. "

"Yes." The round temple next to it is also looking forward to it.

The golden protector, but it has been staying in black and white vortex, before they break, let the fire gods shot to drag the golden protector and create opportunities for them.

But now, the fire is already lost.

The Golden Guogie is standing there, if they are going to break, the Golden Guo Lord can instantly shoot them to kill them.

"The Golden Guo Guo, that is, the peak strong, I can't be able to face him," Xuan Xiao smiled and said: "However, whoever said that it must be close to the black and white Swirl core? I stayed in this war fortress to break the reincarnation back to the big battle. "


Xuan Yi said that it is very easy, and people around them are listening, but they are very surprised.

I stood in the battle fortress, and I cracked the reincarnation back to the big array?

That is not the core of the reincarnation, that is, the black and white vortex, the battle fortress, but there is a full of 100,000 miles.

It is so far away, with the help of prohibition,?

What joke is open?

"Xuan Yi Master, I have been cracking from the law, I must be directed at the core, and this war fortress is a long distance from the black and white vortex, this, how is this?" The clouds were frowned.

He is also very high in the array.

When I didn't know Xuan, he was confident that he was the first Master of the Burden.

It is a matter of understanding, he is very clear, do not rely on the core of the array, it is not possible to talk at all.

But now Xuan Yi said ...

"Oh, don't rely on the core of the array, you can't take it." Xuan Yi is shocked. "

"Xuan and a master, are you really grasping?" The Lord of the Yunhan still can't believe it.

"Is there any grasp, do you know it? Anyway, I don't need you to do something, even if there is a failure, there will be no loss." Xuan Yi smiled.

"This is." The palace owners present nodded.

Xuan is in the war fortress, does not need to be exposed to the Golden Kingdom, and they naturally don't have to pay for the shirts.

"Anters." Xuan Yi Dynasty was unparalphed.

"What is the master of Master?" The sword was unparalleled.

No matter how other palace owners questioned Xuan Yi, the sword is unparalleled to his own master, but there is absolute confidence.

Since he said that can break the big battle outside of the war fortress, it must have a great bottom gas.

"Isn't the teacher to give you a mountain river social map before? Borrowing the teacher." Xuan Yi.

"Mountain River Society]" The sword is unbenched. "

The mountain river community is the most precious in the three treasures of Xuan.

It is chaotic god treasure, and it is a little defective, but the value is quantity.

However, because the mountain river social map is too high, the sword is unparalleled to now, but only once, it is used to suppress the road, or with the skin of Luo Zhenwang.

Now he breaks through the road, but wants to use the mountain river social map, but it is still very difficult.

No hesitated, the sword is unparalleled directly to take the mountain river social map and handed it to Xuanyi.

"Master, do I need to lift the recognition?" The sword did not ask.

Under normal circumstances, the treasure requires a recognition to realize the power to truly.

Since Juan Yi must use the mountain river social map, there is no double in the sword.

"Light of the recognition?" Xuanyi shook his head, "If you release this mountain river map, it is not a busy living."

"White is busy alive?" The sword was unparalleled.

He doesn't understand the meaning of this master.

"Don't worry, you will stand in this, look at it." Xuan is a smile and there is no more explanation, but his body shape is slowly floating.

Xuan Yi directly floated above the above-war fortress, and it was stopped when it was blended, and even almost integrated into the ban.

His movement, is on the battlefield, countless green circles, the strong look at the eyes.

Those Tianzun, the roads showed the color of doubts.

"The Master of the Master of the Palace, this mysterious master, what is going to do?"

"Look at him, it should be to wait, but the big array is far more than 100,000 miles, he can't go out, how to get it?"

"I heard that this mysterious master is intended to stay in this war fortress!"

"Just in this war fortress? What is joke?"

Those Tianzun, Dao Zunmen feel incredible.

Don't say they, those palace owners feel that they feel incredible, and the bottom is also questioned.

In addition to the warford, the most important thing in the black and white vortex, the cool woman is hidden in the dark, the golden country owner, and I have some obvious to the movement of the war fort.

Despite the masking of the ban, they can still see the most edge of the ban, even they can see the specific realm of Xuan Yi.

"Eternal nominal?"

"What do you want to do this?"

The Golden Guogie is also inexplicably taking with Natsukata.

At this time, the mysterious one that floated above, but looked up with the last throw, a stream of stream thrown into the void.

"That is……"

The Golden Guo Lord looked at the things that were thrown out with the nine scenication.

They see clearly, it is a beautiful painted picture, with Xuanyi, this picture is completely open, and instantly integrates the world around the world, disappearing.

This move, looks quite quite weird.

Caustic, ~~~

The singular light is shining, and it is shining on the ground floor of the battlefield.

This is the light, it is not allowed to lift his head.

And on the endless sky on their head, it turns out!


Everyone is full of eyes, full of horror looking at everything that happened above the sky.

Even if it is the Golden Guo, at this moment, the look also became horrified.

I saw that the vast sky, it was already a huge, and the wonderful picture world was completely replaced.

This painting the world, all over the world, if the black and white vortex expansion has been unbearable, then this is the world, but it covers the entire sky, the scope of the scope, but will happen to hundreds of billions!

The vitious breath, also slowly cast from the world.


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