Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1235 is a big hand (below)


Xuan Yi's move, in everyone's opinion, is crazy!

However, this crazy behavior, but no one can stop.

The four black giants, firmly grabbed the four most important parts of the reincarnation, the horrible power pulled the power, this huge filled, tens of thousands of unsubstable returns I was actually pulled upside down.


Since the Townah Festival.

She can't believe it.

An eternal, actually can be resistant to the end of the year-old retraction.

Task, even if the golden country of the Golden Guo, even if it is fighting, it can't move this big.

"This, this ..." I haven't stopped in the Niomou Exit, but I can't say it.

The four giants pulled the entire turn of the necklace, slowly rising, although the speed of the rise is slow, with snail is general, but it is indeed rising, with this speed, top for more than half a day, It is enough to completely pull this big array into the world.

"Master he wants to pull back the big array into the mountains and river social map, then refining it?" The sword is unparalleled and frown, "the mountains and river maps are chaotic gods, but they want to accommodate this. , Not easy? "

"No, no!" The king did this time, his voice became more, "Wrong, we made a mistake."

"Lotten wrong?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I saw him pulling the big array, the consciousness believes, he wants to make the big array to completely refine the big array, so he refines the big array to let the big stalks stop running, this crisis It is also lifted, but I didn't think of it. The power of this teacher is much better than I think. "The excited ratio of the king.

"He is not a refining! No!"

"He ... is a refiner!"

"Refiner?" The sword was unparalleled.

It's obvious that it will pull the refiner?

"The sword is unparalleled, your mountain river social map is indeed chaotic god, but it is damaged chaotic Shenbao." King said.

"Indeed, there is a little damage." The sword is unparalleled, and the body is a shock, "Is it ..."

The sword is unparalleled, but this may, but let him feel unprecedented.

"Yes, your master, he shows a big means, forcibly pulling this unwanted reincarnation big array into the mountains and river social map, it is to use this unwanted round to return to the largest, and he It is a refining, he is repairing the mountains and river society! "Said the king said.

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled, and his heart, you also set off a huge waves.

The fire community, thousands of strong, including the cloud owner, everyone is helpless, there is no way!

But his master is good, not only can it be broken, but he wants to use this unwanted turn back to the big array, to repair the chaotic god of Shanhe Society?

What is the means of shocking and gods?

This means, don't say it in the green world, even if you are in the vast chaotic world, I am afraid it is incredible!


"The sword is unparalleled, your master is definitely a completely tail monster, and he is impossible to be a people in the fire world, he will inevitably from the ancient chaotic world!"

"If it is really a person who is born in the green fire, even if the talent is high, it is absolutely impossible to accomplishment in the refining, the array of law, which is high to this incredible point, this level, even the founder of the star Master, who is comparable to the tip of Luo Zhen Wang, is afraid that it is not qualified! "

"Your master is definitely a real refiner, the magical power!"

Kings roared in that crazy.

"Refinetics can be very energy?" The sword is unparalleled.

Can I?

In the world of vital chaotic world, only like the founders of the Star, the first level of the eight-star ancient gods, the level of the king, is eligible to be very good.

And his teacher, in the refiner, the array, all reached such a level?

"However, although your master has a tenth day, his present realm is indeed only eternal bits, his strength is just a happiness, and the surprise means of eternal bodies, how he will bear Get to live? "King said again.

The sword is unparalleled, he also thought of this, even if you see it in the direction of Xuanzhi.

At this point, the sword has no double-faced donation.

I saw this moment of Xuanyi, but the breath is weakened, but this weakening is not just spiritual, and there is vitality. His vitality is also attenuated at an amazing speed.

"Master!" The sword was unparalleled immediately.

"Sure enough." The King also nodded. "He not only has its own spiritual power, but also has its vitality, it costs all the price, and then show this means, this passage means that you can become, your master, will definitely ! "

"Will you fall?" The sword was unparalleled.

At this time, it seems to be aware of the sword, the sword is not a pair. It is in the process of displaying the way to go back to the roll back to the mysterious one in the mountains and rivers. The slight turns, the sword of the next, his face is unparalleled. It is still gentle, with a heart-free smile.

At the same time, the gentle voice also passed, "the apprentice, the teacher will have disappeared, before disappearing, I will send you a way for the teacher!"

"Master ..." The sword didn't say anything.

Xuan Yi waved, interrupting the sword unparalleled, solemnly said: "Don't say anything, hurry, according to the teacher said."

"Yes!" The sword is unparalleled with hands, although there is no endless grief, but it is also born by him.

He is very clear, now, it is not an indecisive time.

Xuanyi did not hesitate to break the big array. For him, he created this. He only got this kind of confidence, and he did the way to see Xuan Yi, this is worthy of this feeling of his Master!

"Anters, not letting you relieve the recognition of the mountains and rivers before the teacher, it is for the present!" Xuan Yi sounds solemnly.

"You still control the mountain river map, and through the mountain river social map, you should now feel the essence of the reincarnation, this is a huge creation of the nature of the big array. ! "

"Good look, do a hard study!"

"The opportunity to create you for the teacher, and it is also a line of life created by the green border. You must cherish it!"

"Can you really spend this disaster in the green fire industry!"


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