Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1236 The ultimate battle is coming!

"in a moment?"

When I heard the Xuan Yi, the sword was unparalleled and exhausted, and I made my best to calm down.

Next moment, he sat down directly and closed his eyes.

Next to the strong people in the green circles, they also heard the words of Xuan Yi. I know that Xuan is not at the price of the sword. I have created a chance for the green industry. Naturally no one dares to play the sword.

The sword is unparalleled in accordance with the Xuan Yi, immediately through the mountains and rivers, into the four black giants.

Just for a moment, he feels that the full renewal of the reincarnation is the existence.

Previously, the sword is not watching in the distance. He can see that this is not inserted back to the big array, which is combined by the two extreme power, and forms a cycle. This is formed, but the two extreme power What is essential, but he can't see it.

But now, through the mountains and rivers, through the four seized the whole big giant hand, the sword is unparalleled, the whole big array is clear, the two power he also looks very clear, just a moment He saw the nature of the two extreme power.

"The two power ..."

"It's familiar! Familiarity!"

"This is the extreme power of the eager to the yin!"

The sword is unparalleled, the whole mind is a roaring, just like the endless thunder.

He also immediately understands why his master will say that this is not to die back to the nature of the big array, it is a creation of him.

It is indeed a creation of a thousand years.

"To Yang and the Equation, the two extreme power combined, this is the same as the yin and yang swords I have opened!" The sword is unparalleled in an instant thoughts.

He opened the yin and yang swords, which is the perfect collection of two yin and yang.

"It is indeed the same!"

"The only difference is that after this big array is combined with the two power of the yin, it has formed a cycle, forming a balance, causing a stateless state, this state ... is a turn!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it also flashes a thick light.

"I understand! I finally understood!"

After the end of the two extreme power of the yin and yang, it is a roll back! "

"The yin and yang swords have reached the extreme, it is the reincarnation of the sword!"

"Return !!!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands.

He opened three swords, of which the sword said, the Time and Spaceway has already achieved the strongest sword.

Only the Yinyang Sword, I have never been able to achieve breakthroughs, and even breakthroughs, the path of the rogue doesn't know anything.

But now, he understands, yin and yang, it is a turn!

"Reincarn back to the sword, turn back to the sword !!"

The sword is unparalleled, but it has closed his eyes again. The beginning of the whole body will come back to the cycle of the cycle.

He already has a premonition, as long as the loop state structure is enlier, his time and space swords can be truly derived into a reincarnation.

At this moment, the sword has abandoned all distractions and fully investment.

At the core of the black and white vortex, the Nine-year-old eyes looked at the never-renewal back to the big array was constantly pulling to the world of paintings, but there is no way.

"Golden Feng adult, think about it to stop him!"

"Hey, this big array is what you show, you can't stop it, do you have any way?" The main color of the golden country is also a bit gloomy.

He has just tried his best, and there is no possibility of blocking the four giant hands.

"Look at this situation, this is not alive and returned to the big array, I can't keep it." The golden country is swaying.

He wanted not to charge the power, completely destroy the green fire industry, and all the strong people in the war fortress, so he can truly occupy this battlefield alone.

But now, this plan is to fall.

Although the lineup, the strength, Jin Guoyuan is more stronger than the green circle, plus there is still his existence, this warfare circle will not have a chance, the fire industry will also be destroyed, but he can't Killing all the strong people in the green fire world.

He can only destroy the fire community, but the high-rise power of the fire world can be hiding in the battle fortress, and he will not come out, wait for him to search the opportunity in this battlefield. These residual strong people can come out to make the gossip, it can bring them a lot of trouble.

"The antiresides of these green fires are very tenacious. Since they can't kill them all, they will first remove the green circles. As for those who have been residual, let them hide In the battle fortress, wait for the future to get up again! "The golden country of the gold has decided.

He immediately sent a lot of golden national strengths in the spaceship outside the world, so that those golden powers were doing.

Time, a large number of golden powers plundered out from the spaceship outside the world, densely numb, at least than thousands of people.

Thousands of people, the weakest, all are Tianzun, and they have more than one hundred!

This is the real strength!

It is only a huge gap when he is just a testistic attack.

This time is the real ultimate battle!

Jin Guo, is iron, to destroy the green world!

When these golden powers set up from the flying in the world, the strong people in the battlefield in the War Fort will also be perceived.

Including the Mumerous Palace of the Temple of Temple, the Lord of the Void Temple, sees the golden army of the high-rapidly scallion, and a noodle is uneven.

"Final decisive battle, finally come?"

The mains of the temple, the main palace of the void, and the eyes are cold.

Many strong people in the fire industry are extremely cold.

Although as long as it doesn't go back to the big array, they have the ban on this war fortress. The golden country is at all, they can continue or, who can be clear, this battle, they can't escape!

After all, after the war fortress, it is a green world!

If they don't play, the fire is over!

Their loved ones, friends, will be completely slaughtered by the golden country, hundreds of millions of menstruals, countless creatures, and they are also killed!

This piece of them raises their land, their homes, will also completely disappear.

They have not available!

Can only play!

Before the Golden Dadron stepped on the hot world, they will stop the golden army from all the costs!




Non-numbers from the fire community, they gathered in the edge of the war fortress, and those roads have already formed a battle, and they were full of full.

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