Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1237 Blood Fire God!

"The Lord, the seeds of my green circles are ready?" The round temple looked at the clouds of the cloud.

"It's ready."

The main point of the Yunterong, "From the void continent, the ethnicity, the country, and some exclusive disciples selected in the ethnicity, and some of the unique disciples are already placed, just in my green palace. In the special place of this battlefield, the space channel of the special place and the war fortress has also been opened, and those disciples can be made to the war fortress. "

"One Million?" The round temper is trembled with the other palace people.

In the face of such a disaster, they must do the worst preparation,

One million genius disciples, seems to be a lot, but in fact, for the entire fire world, it is insignificant.

You know, single in the reincarnation of the mainland, some ordinary middle ethnic groups, all the people add up, more than one million!

But there is no way, they can't get all people in the fire industry. This war fortress also can't accommodate so many people, one million people, it is already the limit, they can only pick some elites, some have some Senior disciples of potential.

"The Lord of the Yunhan, these posthers disciples are given you."

The wheel will return to the main voice of the temple. "This battle, if we win, everything will be solved, but if it is the defeat of us ... The fire industry will die, I will wait for many high-level, and I will will die all. Down, you carefully taught these post-generation disciples. In the long years, with the war fortress, continue to fight with Golden Guo, let Jin Guo continue to bear the anger of my green fire! "

"Even if it is a battle of sleepy and beasts, I am a hot world, it is necessary to let the golden country in the next long years, they must not be peaceful on this battlefield!"

"To make my crimes in the green circles, I will never stop to the golden people!"

"I, understand!" The Lord of the Yunterior Heart.

With regard to the final decisive battle, they have already discussed.

This battle, all high-rise power of the fire industry will be asked with Jin Guo, but the cloud owner has left, he has to continue to control the battle fortress, prepare for the future of sleepy beasts.

After saying these, the wheel returned to the temple and reached out and took out two red golden medicinal herbs.

"I here, there are two medicinal herbs." The round temple is open.

These two red golden Dan medicine exude bloody smell of fragrance, and the smelling is vomiting.

The palace of the surrounding vectors have seen the two Dan medicine.

"This medicinal medicine, named blood fire god, is very early, I got four in this battlefield, a total of four."

The round temple said, "Five million years ago, my green circle was convenient for the golden national battle. At that battle, the Golden Guo Guo's consciousness was coming. At that time, I was universal enemy. In the end, the reason why my fireworks can win, and the consciousness of the Golden Guo Lord is bored because of the two palace owners in the Qinglu Palace, respectively, I took a bloody god! "

"This blood fire god Dan is burning himself, burning his life, damn a medicinal medicine!"

"Of course, it can also make it far from the power of itself in a short time!"

"Now this blood fire godde, there are two left, I will take one of them, I don't know who wants to take the next?"

The Tempse of the Temple took a smile and walked around around.

The palace owners around the surroundings are all frowning.

This blood is the Dan, but it is a must-have Dan, and it is a bit of a bit of the paintings.

At this time, the three movements are stepped off.

These three people, Herone is the void hall, Tanghuang, Honglian three palace owners!

Perhaps those newly born palace owners have some contradictory drugs, but they will never hesitate.

"Why, two of you, don't you grab this medication with me?" The Round returned to the Tanghuang and the Hong Lian Palace.

"Oh, the old man has been exhausted, this life is destined to have a high level of the golden country, but now it is difficult to have this opportunity to put in front of it, although it is just a short moment, but the old man will give up?" Tang Huang glared around.

"I also live enough, if you can experience a lot of strength before death, it is also good." The Red Lotus palace also laughed.

The void hall, Tang Huang, the main three people of Honglian Palace, I have already died.

Although they said it is easy to say, it is available to swallow the cost of this Dan.

In a short time, the strength is incremented, but it is their life!

"Time is not equal, you don't fight, empty, you are the same as me, the longest, and the strength is more than the other, this is a blood of the gods, you will be a one, This will also give the golden country to the greatest harm. "Round back to the temple.

"Of course." The void hall smiled, and took the blood of the blood.

And Tang Huang looked at the main side of Honglian Palace, and the two secretly sighed.

"Void, I will swallow the blood of the blood, I will drag the golden national owner as much as possible, and after you swallow the blood of the gods, it is as good as possible to kill the golden strongest, as for others. Everything is also delayed as much as possible! "

"We have to drag, drag to swords and no double wake up!" The round temptation of the main road.

The many palace owners present were not brushed to the sword.

In the process of their negotiation, the sword is not a double is still careful.

Seeing this scene, these palace owners also showed a smile.

They are all clear, the sword is unparalleled, and it is their last hope.

As long as the sword is unparalleled, the green world is still turning!

"Returning to the mains, the strong people of the golden country, will bypass the battle fortress!" There is a palace main opening.

The main gaze of the Temple is cold. "In this case, let us, and finally crazy!"

"The green circulation belongs, we ... kill!"

A icy 'Kill' word spit out in the mouth of the main hall, and there is also a low voice in the battle fortress!





That war's fortress also has a space channel that is outside the outside.

In addition to the sword unparalleled with the cloud, all the highest levels ... All the palace owners, Tianzun, Daozun, this moment does not have a short and retreat, they are in the Returning Temple, the Hall Under the leadership of the Lord, through that space channel, it is directly in the outside of the golden national army.

Everyone is a must-have determined.

Everyone is crazy!

They have to fight with the golden country! ! !


PS: Today's four is more, this decisive battle is also going to divide the victory, so stay tuned!

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