Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1238 Death!


In a shouting of the sky, the many strong people in the green circles are all from the space channel.

In the case of many palace owners, they will be many days, and finally, they are a large number of roads that form a huge battle.

Passive Ma Ma is like the Yellow Horizontal, flock to the golden army.

"Oh? Dare to come out?"

The Golden Guo is suspended in the void. Look at it all, the mouth can not help but have a cold smile.

He can't kill the high-rise strong people in these green fires in the war fortress. When he searches for the treasures in this battlefield, he will have a small trouble, but now, the green circle is strong. They are active.

"As soon as you know, this seat is not necessary." The golden country is laughing, but the arrogance is ordered, "kill them!"

The Golden Dadron received a golden national order and immediately broke out a burst of cheers. These golden powers were excited. They also had a bloodthirsty color, which was originally in the hot fire. Now, it is immediately toggle, and the strong people from the battlefield from the war fortress rushed.

Two major camps in the power of war, in an instant contact.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The horrible roaring is like a thunder that is in an instant.

The space is directly smashed, and a large number of shock waves form a horrible storm and is also rampant in this world.

The collision of the first time is single, two major camps have a lot of strong people fall, and they are honored. This contact is also killed on the spot.


The main body of the round temple is covered under the black armor. The body has skyrocket, completely in order to ancient beast, in the cold snoring, ~~~ Lightning-like a claw, tear The heavens and the earth are split, and the front of them is tearing directly into two halves.

"Golden Die, you will die!"

The round temptation of the temple is rushing. He rushed in the forehead, there is a meter of this black war armor as a reliance, and he hits it in the golden camp.

Next to the Returning Temple, the void hall is also killing, he holds two gold waves, this gold turn into two lightning, the ghost shuttle is void, but it appears in two golden protesters. Kill.

The two worlds showed a panic, and immediately made their best to resist, but one of them was still seriously injured by the main trend, and even a arm.

The Sword of a serous shirt, his look is indifferent, with a highweisted, a golden world in front of it, but the long sword in his hands is awkward.


A touch of sound is issued in Jiannan Tiankou.

A fantastic breath surrounded, with a sorrow, with a trace of ethere, but more, it is a unmanned sharp.

Find a dream, I originally in the ancient demon family, Jian Nan Tian is with this sword, smash all the hindrance, and finally boarded the peak!

Now, this sword once again made it from his hand.


The cold sword is light, but there is no power to generate it when you flore.

Just so silent, appearing in front of the golden world of fighting with him, then the swordsmann shouted from the golden countryside.

With a floating red, the body of the golden country is also quietly falling down.


A huge blood color river is unscrupulous, filled, filled the entire battlefield.

The red lavender main scorpion flashed, a large amount of spiritual power consumption, supporting the nine secret fields, covering the battlefield, causing the greatest oppression for golden country.

Of course, not just several of them.

On one party in the green fire, all the strong, at this moment, all made up our best.

Going out before, crazy with the strongman of the golden country, killing.

They are desperate, everyone is desperate!

As at this time, the golden country owner stood in the distance, the cold scorpion sweeped the battlefield in front of him, and his mouth was slightly tight, but the body shape was suddenly drifting.

The hidden means of the Golden Guoda is extremely high. In the entire green industry, in addition to the sword unparalleled soul, no one can detect his existence, but now the sword is unparalleled, naturally can't stare again. Hold him.


I saw this Golden National Land's figure appeared on the battlefield, and it was just behind a palace of the green fire world.

This palace master is the Lord of Su Qianong.

Su Qian ... reincarnation back to the mainland, the blood of Luo Yi is too old, and it is also the teacher of Su.

This Su Qian is a great success, and later got a Nirvana, which became the boundaries.

At this moment, Su Qian is exhausted, and the eyes are also scarlet, and it is crazy to kill with the strong people of the golden country.

It can be too sudden, and the Su Qiangen has no response, and he sees the golden national leader, and the Su Qian's chest hole is worn, and Su Qian has no time to send any sound, vitality It has been completely dissipated.

"Soviet House owner!"

The surrounding fire circles have noticed this scene, and suddenly anger!

"Be careful, it is the golden national owner!"

"The Golden Guo Lord personally shot, quickly escape!"

A roaring roaring on the battlefield, and the turn of the trendy patriarchal patriarch and the void patriarch, also noticed this scene.

"Reincarnation!" The void hall is low.

"give it to me!"

The Returning Temple issued a heavy voice. He only exposed the eyes of the eyes, and the moment it became scarlet. I saw him a mouth, even if it would have already prepared the blood, the blood of the blood, swallowed directly. Port in the mouth.

After the blood fire god Dan is swallowed, his body has a strong earthquake, so that he has once again skyrocketing again, and it is covered with the black arm armor. The face is also completely distorted. Open, on your forehead, on your arm, a green gluten riped, is abnormal.

His scorpion is also completely used for blood color, like a blood sea.

At this moment, the reincarnation of the temple has been completely complete, and it is full of ancient beasts.

He is like a double-eyed death of the Blood Sea, and the Lord of the Golden Guo, in the next moment, the huge body is suddenly bursting.

"Golden Guo Guo !!!"

The teeth were biting, with the endless radiopolitte sound from the main box of the Temple, suddenly sounded throughout the battlefield.

After killing the Lord of Su Qian Palace, his scorpion looked at the Red Lotus Lord.

The Red Lotus palace mainly controls the field of nine, and the field is oppressed to bring a small resistance to the golden country. This golden national owner is ready to shoot, like killing the Thousand Palace, will give the Red Lotus Palace Kill.

But at this time, the sound with unbearable resentment has been passed.

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