Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1240 takes a step!

The martial arts cultivation, one step a step.

Dao Zun, you need to open a way that only belongs to yourself.

And Tianzun, but the three ways to open, thus condense the immortal law.

Immortal, is a flesh!

The sword is unparalleled, and the strongest swords are now integrated, and the flesh is naturally starting.

This transformation is a rebellion.

The sword is unparalleled, but he can feel very clear at the moment he can induce his body is changing the earth.

His flesh and blood, his skeleton and even countless cells, almost every breath is lifted at an amazing speed.

"This feeling……"

The sword is unparalleled, only feels comfortable and happy.

He has been completely silent in this transformation.

And on the battlefield of the outside world, the two major camps still kill the hot.

From the beginning, the two major camps were in the current, they have continued to be half a clock meal, and in this half hour time, the green circles are countless strong, and they are crazy, they are killed with golden powers, desperately resistant The attack of this golden country, the power of fallen, nature is not necessarily.

As those who have been constructed by the respects, when they pass out from the war fortress, they can at least have more than thousands of battles. They can kill now, but they still exist in the battlefield, but they are less than three hundred. seat!

In other words, there are more than seven hundred battlefranges that have been rushing.

In the battle, many of the many respects, more than 90% were killed by the golden country, and only the remaining a wolf fled to the war fortress, but these respects, one to the war fortress After that, there is no experience in any recovery, and you will directly build a new battle again with other respects.

New battle, they immediately killed again.

Those of the Tianzun, there are more than one thousand two hundred days before one of the fire circles, but the killing is now less than 500.

There are still these days, even if there are some days of being hit hard, the strength is, but there is still no way to retreat. Even if there is only one power, they will do their best to bring harm to Jindang.

As for the palace owners of the world, the green circles have a total of more than 20 people, and now the fall is nearly half!

The rest is still crazy.


madly slaughter!

The whole world, because of this horror killing, the color is lost.

On the ground of the big battlefield, it has already been spread in the endless bones. These bones have been unclear who are who is, the whole land is completely blushing, it is like a blood sea, the scene is unbelive.


A great ring.

The horrible roaring is accompanied by a shock wave, and the sky is not as good as the two golden directories, and the three people are shocked by this three people. A blood mist, falling down down.


The whole body is covered under the black armor, as if the reincarnation of the ancient gifted beast is the sound of the temple, the body is not easy to stop in the void.

His eyes still show a blood color, the face under the black arm has been distorted, and his body shape is also dramatic, as if it is always possible at any time.

"Continue, don't stop!"

It took a few more cold laughs from the front party, and the golden national owner stood there quietly, and the appearance of a face.

The Returning Temple has been fighting with him. Listening to the present, the Round Temple is obviously reached the limit, but the golden national owner is very calm, and the shackles are still angry.

Seeing this scene, the round temple of the Temple bite his lips, and the endless anger and unwilling.

"Is the limit?"

Although it is unwilling, it is clear that it is clear from the state of itself.

The medicinal effect of the blood of the blood is close to the fire, and his life is still going to come to the end.

Now he, there is still the last power!

"Haha ~~~"

The main rollover is rising up, and a cool laugh is!

This laugh is in the case of Ms, but it is unprecedented.

On the battlefield, all the strong people in all the green circles were heard, and they did not come over.

"Void, Tanghuang, Honglian, also have the younger fire!"

"I will take a step forward!"

The voice fell, and his body shape was also so fierce, the golden country is rushing to the golden country.

"Is the anti-fall before death?" The Golden Guo Dynasty looked at this scene, just prepared to take the turn of the temple to completely killing.

However, the rush of the rush of the temple, and when the golden country is the leader, still do not take the golden national owner ...


A low and drinking, as it comes, it is a shocking explosion.

One of the oldest palace owners in the green fire industry, turns back to the main, self-explosion! !

When I saw this scene, the strong people in the green fire circle trembled in one person, and their hearts were dripping, and they had endless grief.

But soon, this grief, but the endless grievances, all of them ventilated to the golden country.


"Kill this group of black!"

"Golden Guo, Laozi fights you!"

A burst of lascaps, the sound of the heavens, and it is already very tragic battlefield, but upgraded again!


The void hall is in the void, and looks at the reincarnation of the Temple. It is also slightly trembled. He also took out the blood of the blood, there is no hesitation, directly The fire god Dan is swallowed.

I swallowed the blood of the blood, the breath of the empty temple was instantly skyrocketing.

"Golden State!"

With the resentment of the sky, the void palace is also directly killing the golden country.

The Golden Guo owner was taken back to the heart of the temple. It also appeared that some wolves have not yet set their shape.

"Come again? Hey!"

The Golden Guo's main focus has also emerged in anger, and immediately smashes with the void hall.

Samely swallowing the void of the blood, although the strength is not as good as the main point, he will die, but it is also entangled in the Kung Guos' main way.

After a moment ... Boom!

The dramatic explosion echoed again.

"Return to big brother ... The younger brother, come with you!"

After the temple is self-explosion, the void palace is also self-explosion!

The overlord of the two continents of the green fire industry is falling!

At this moment, in the battle fortress, the sword of the disc on the ground is unparalleled. The transformation of his body is finally the last step!


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