Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1241, angry, from the heart, disgusting born born!

Inside the battle fort.

Booming ~~~ The shape of the sword has been crazy with transforming, but now, this tremor gradually calm down.

After the calm is completely restored, the sword is unparalleled, but it slowly ranked a golden halo.

This golden halo is in a very vitious breath.

"This is ... God?" "How is it possible?"

"Is he not three strongest swords, catering immortality? How can there be God?"

"Is it, he is not immortal, but an immortal god?"

Although it is the knowledge of the King, it is not worthy of shocking after seeing the sword thereof.

Keyway integration, condense immortal, achievement!

On the sky, it is necessary to make the immortal speech, condense the immortal gods, so you can achieve the community!

The body of the world is already a good fortune!

But now, the sword has no double body surface, this gods can be eligible.

The flesh behind the sword is unimoxified, and it has denoted a category of immortality, but the immortal body!

Concentrateing the immortal gods, the realm of the sword is unparalleled, and it is not a Tianzun, but ... True!

"Directly, achieve the truth? This is reversal?" The king took the cold air.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled, it is only for the flesh, and there is also the soul of the soul in the sea!

The fire of the soul, just just born, it was very born, fragile, but after the transformation, the fire of the soul is more than ten times more than before, and the power of the soul has been unprecedented. Transform.

In the battlefield, the disc is sitting on the ground, and the sword of the eyes is unparalleled. At this moment, his eyes are fierce.

At that moment, I opened a blindness of the bilies and the bilies, and the front of the voids were torn directly.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is slow to stand up. This, only heard the bursary of his full body bones.

How long did he sit in this clearly, but it feels that it seems that there is a total of billion years.

"The sword is unparalleled, how do you feel?" The voice of Kings suddenly sounded.

"Feel?" The sword didn't have a double, and immediately opened, "very strong!"

"Very strong?" Yu Wang Yizhen.

The sword is unparalleled, but it doesn't matter to him. It is too late to pay out so much. His figure is moving, but it is directly outside the war fort.

The shape of the sword is in the battlefield. He stood in the top, and the vast soul of the soul came out from him in the sea. In an instant, the big battlefield was completely covered.

Everything on the battlefield, everything in the corner, all in his mind.

At the same time, when the sword is unparalleled on the battlefield, the people on the battlefield also discovered his existence.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

"Unparalleled Master !!!"

"Is a palace master!"

On the battlefield, when a piece of exclamation was loud, a lot of eyes were brushing to the sword.


At the core of the battlefield, a green shirt man who was defeated by four four circles, and looked up in the sword.

This green shirt is a sword, a parallel father, Jiannan Tian, ​​and at this moment, the Jiannan days, there is only the upper halfway body, as for his thighs, it has been obviously being broken, but even the upper halfway, he still Holding the long sword in his hand, one person is fighting for the four major boundaries.

When I saw the sword, my mouth has a deep smile.


"Sword is unparalleled!"

The eyebrows have a white-haired old man with cinnabar. The whole body is full of blood. The breath has been weak to the extreme, purely the power of Dan medicine, then the last grievances work, support him to continue to kill.

At this moment, Tang Huang also looked at the sword.


In the ground, that is, in the bloody, it has broken through the Xiao Emite that reaches Tianzun. He is lying in the corpse. His half of the body has lost, but the life nucleus has not been completely broken, but also barely leaves a life, he is Desperately fix your body, just wait for the flesh to repair, and rush again to the battlefield and rush to the golden people.

When the sword was unparalleled out of the war fortress, Xiao Emily saw it.

"Sword is unparalleled, my good son-in-law, are you finally good?"


At one place in the battlefield, a man and a woman are back to the opposite. Being next to them, it is a full of thirteen golden nationals.

This man is a woman, Yang Tuan Xuan and Suoft!

Yang Zi Xuan has completely turned into a semi-bullwhile, Su can rushed to the eyes, and the two people were very weak. Obviously, it has reached the ground of oil.

But now, they have seen the emergence of unparalleled distant swords.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, Yang Zi Xuan has exposed a smile with Suoft.

"Old three, wait for you for a long time!"


A full body bathing under the blood, the whole person has already seen the shape of the shape stands in the center of the battlefield.

When he held a knife, he was holding a war ax, and he used two sorts of people, and he had been killing with the golden country.

He, it is the sword unparalleled master brother and bloody!

Blood Lingtian, is the war blade with the war knife, as for the war ax, it is the war of the hundred tigers that have fallen.

Three brothers who are unparalleled in the sword, now, only the blood is still alive!

"Teacher, rely on you!"


"Sword is unparalleled!"

"No palace owner!"

Everyone in the fire industry looked at the sword.

This is the last hope.

And the sword is unparalleled, and everything on the battlefield is clear. He felt a weakness of weakness, and even felt the pleading of a strong heart in the green world, the last hustle .

He can even hear a roar of the entire green fire industry.

At the same time, he also gaps to those who have fallen, disappeared.

"The Round Temple Lord, the Void Temple, the Red Lotus Palace"! "The sword was muttered.

"Three brothers, Yun Emperor, fire predecessors, Su Qianong Lord, Bawen Lao Zu, ..."

"Are you falling?"

The sword is unparalleled, his heart is crazy, crazy jumping.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The urgent heart jumping sound is like drumming.

The sword is also gradually gradually, distorted.

"Golden State!"

The sword is unparalleled in low mouth, and his soul is also roaring these two words in death!


Unprecedented anger, in an instant, the sword is unparalleled throughout the body!

Wrath from the heart, disgusting born born! ! !


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