Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1242, one stroke, heaven and earth color color!

"Golden State!"

A effort, it is like a winter fried thunder, sounding in the ear of all golden powers.

These golden powers don't come up, and I also noticed the existence of swords.

"The sword is unparalleled?" Golden Guo's main hand held a spear standing in the center of the battlefield.

He can induce changes in the breath of the sword.


"However, the battle has been fixed, he is now broken, late!"

The Golden Guo owner has absolute confidence.

This ultimate battle, the green world is in a peer-to-earth situation, and a fierce battle continues until now, this disadvantage has also been unlimited, and now there is only a small part of the green circles, and it is hard to support it.

In this way, even if it breaks through, even if the strength is increased to fight with him, what is it?

The battle has been settled, only the sword is unparalleled, what can I change?

At this moment, the sword who was closely gazed by everyone, but the body shaped a shock, in his sea, then the transformation of the soul of the soul of the soul, crazy burning , The time, the power of the vast soul is like a tide.

~~~ The force of the invisible soul sweeps all over the eight parties, as in the field, the entire battlefield is all permanently.

Many strong people in the battlefield can be very clear at this moment to induce a power around themselves.

This kind of power, very strange, can not see, but they can feel the existence of this force.

"What is he prepared?"

Many strong people on the battlefield have a lot of doubts, do not understand the sword unparalleled move.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, the face is embarrassed, and the body is swaying.

His scorpion is cold, staring at the many golden powers on the battlefield.

"Golden people, you will die !!!"

At the moment of the death of the death, it was originally filled with the strength of the whole battlefield, but it was a lot of soul spines, and directly from his nearest golden country, killing!


This is the power of the soul, the biggest degree of soul is annihilated, the soul is bombarded!

This trick, only ignited the fire of the soul, and the power of the soul reaches a certain level can be used.

This trick, he couldn't show it before he did not break through. With the three strongest swordsmanship brought breakthrough, his soul of his soul was also transformed, and it was greatly improved.

This trick covers the entire battlefield. Cover all the golden powers on the battlefield.

This trick contains the endless anger of the entire fire industry and the endless resentment of these five million years.

This trick is even more likely to have the biggest anti-fleet that is unparalleled by the fire industry.

As soon as it comes, heaven and earth! ! !

The soul spike formed by the soul, covered with a heavenly swept to all the golden protesters in the scene, and the in the body of these golden powers instantly.

~~~ Quietly, everything is calm.

The attack of the soul, this is quiet, and it will not rise to the slightest movement.

But in this quietness, Jin Guo is still close to two thousand strong people, but it is unique.

Whether it is Tianzun, it is also a world, and one of the eyes is rolling, and their body shape has also been in half empty, never move.

No one is awkward, no one speaks half a sentence, the entire battlefield is still silent.

This strange scene, made the strong people in the green circle, all of them.

"what happened?"

"What happened to these golden countries?"

"How is it stupid to stand there?"

Surprised, unexplained sounds sounded.

All of the golden protesters are as if they have been paused.

Of course, this 'suspend' only exists for a moment, and the red snow Wang is very clear in the crowd.

"Consciousness attack, strong consciousness attack." Red Snow Wang is dark and said, then after turning, "you have a few ..."

After the Red Snow Wang, followed by several Tianzun big, Red Snow Wang Zheng imagined, but when he looked at these people, the face was fierce.

He has been pericamed that these movements have lost their lives.

"Dead, dead?" Red Snow Wang was shocked.

However, this has just begun ...

~~~ The power of the soul is completely scattered, and the silence between the world is also completely broken.

But the next moment, the creepy scenes appeared.

I saw the battlefield void, slammed ~~~ a road shape, dense, like the rain, madness, downward.

After falling to the ground, it didn't ring anymore.

Too much, there is too much to fall below the ground!

In the original battlefield, the golden strongest is close to two thousand, but now the strong, it is turned into the wind surface in the 'rain point.

There are only those strong boundaries, but also stabilize on the void.

The original number of golden strong people, they became two or three of the big cat kittens.


The big world is completely dead!

The chop is silent!

Many of the gods on the battlefield, more than just those who have still been stood there, including many green circles that have been affected by the power of the soul, are scared, scared, scared. Hey, even frightened!

They all stare at the ground below.

Those golden powers falling below the ground, no one is raised again, they are all stayed there.

"Dead, they ... are dead!" The palace of a green world was mysterious.

All golden powers falling below the ground, all die!

There is no one living.

And the golden protector close to two thousand strong people, only the dozens of jewels were still there in an instant.

That is the following, all Tianzun, at this moment! ! !

"Do not!!!!"


"Illusion, this is an illusion, it is fake!"

The golden people who lived in the golden protector were finally returned to God, but they came to the gods, but they immediately made unprecedented drinks and snoring.

Sounds, accompanying, it is incredible.

Even if it is the golden national owner that has been very calm, it is also a horror of full face, and it is incredible.

He knew nearly two thousand Tianzun, in an instant, was killed?

What is this means?

This means is to show from the sword unparalleled?

How can he show such an incredible means?

He, how to do it! ! !


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