Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1243 Sword Musou and Golden National Lord

"Do not!!!"

The golden protestings of the entire battlefield have fallen into unprecedented anger and horror.

This tricky sword is unparalleled, it is terrible.

I will kill all the days, I will kill all the days.

Although it is true for the golden country, the truth is the real backbone, but they want to search for the treasure housing in this battlefield, it will inevitably need a lot of Tianzun to explore, but now, these Tianzun, but it is completely extinct!

How this is not survive.

And the horror, it is the meaningful means of swords and waves!

In contrast to the golden country, the green circle is in a surprise.

That is nearly two thousand Tianzun, it is killed in an instant!

You know, they are not enough for the rest of the sky, but they have been compensating for these power gaps before, but now, the golden country is full!

This is a single order, let the crisis of the fire industry, and resolve half of the foot!

This ultimate battle, they also saw a dawn of a victory!

"Double children!" Jiannan is holding his hands and his eyes flashed in an unprecedented surprise.

Task, now people, is his son! ! !

"Sword is unparalleled!"

Tang Huang, Xiao Emily, Blood Ling Tian, ​​Yang Zi Xuan, Suiro and others also excitedly excited.

They will know that swords will not let them disappoint.


On the void, the sword is unbolded in the indifference site.

Such a breath of the golden country, but the sword is not very compassionate.

As he said before, the strong people of Golden Guo have died!

In his body, the king of him is secretly praised, "the soul is crushing, it is necessary to close the star of the star, the first level of Luo Zhen Wang, can be eligible for the means, and this kid, It's just that it is only a world. "

Reversive! "

"Da Zun is in turn to ignite the fire of the soul, it is incredible, he is now reaching the strength of the soul of the soul, and the power of his soul can continue to improve, and he is the founder of the Stars in the future. At the level of Luo Zhen Wang, what is the strength of his soul? "


"Scary reverse!"

Kings are very clear about how to show the threshold for the sword without diagnosis.

However, the sword is unparalleled, because the relationship between the reversal, the road to ignite the power of the soul, the world can be reluctant to discuss the trick.

And this trick is exhibited, and it is shocking the world's direct extinction of the battlefield, all Jin Guo Tianzun!

In an instant, the entire battle has been completely changed.

Of course, although the battle has been twisted, it does not mean that the crisis of the fire industry has been completely released.

After all, the sword has no double soul crushed, only the Tianzun of the Golden Guo, and the rest of the world, including that sunset, the golden protector, but also lived well.


The sword that is stared by everyone is unparalleled, the shape is shaking, has spanned half a battlefield, and the radius appeared in front of the Golden Kite.

"Golden Guo Guo!" The sword is unparalleled with no endless cool.

"The sword is unparalleled!" The golden national owner is equally cold, and it has also been erecting cold.

Just just, this golden national owner saw that the sword was unparalleled, but it was still not intended. If the sword was unparalleled, it was difficult to change anything.

In short film, the sword is unparalleled with the facts, and after breakthrough, one of them is enough to change the battle.


A cold, the golden national key, a shocking murder shocking, the next moment, his body is a shake.

The harsh broken wind sounded, the body of the Golden Guo, has already appeared in front of the sword, and the black spear held by his hand is overwhelming, and it is uncomfortable. The chest is bursting.

~~~ The void immediately pierced a hole that filled the roots that had a long-term range.

In this big cavity, a black stream is incomparably, it comes.

When I saw this scene, the sword was not a double gaze, he did not pull the sword, and did not show any swordsmanship.

Just in the black stream, he finally lifted his palm when he was not enough to one meter.

That contains a strong right hand, and the black stream is grasped directly.


That is enough to easily explode the strain power of the thrust slag, but the sword is not a palm of the palm, but it is tightly holding the silk, until the black flow light is a thoroughness.


Even if it is the Golden Guo, it is also shocked when seeing this scene.

His attack, sword is unparalleled, dare to pick up the empty hand?

Moreover, it is then next!

"Golden Guo Guo!"

The sword is unparalleled, it is still a faceless expression, and the palm is still holding the handle black spear.

"Can become the Lord of a country, lead you so many respect, Tianzun, the strength is not possible to only have this level!"

"Take your entire strength, or you don't want to defeat you."

The sword has no double sound slowly spread.

In an instant, his wrist, the Golden Guoguo main figure is immediately retreat.

After returning to the body, the Golden Guo Lord once again looked at the sword, but his eyes became more downs.

"The sword is unparalleled." The Golden Guo Lord opened.

"Before this seat, your potential is extraordinary, it is possible to threaten the present, but now it seems that this is still a little bit."

"This seat is now very regret."

"Regret?" The sword was unparalleled.

"When you regret it, you wanted to break back in the big array before you didn't have all the price, you can't escape from this seat!" Golden Guo Guo's cold channel: "If you don't hesitate to kill you before, I will not be subject to any resistance again."

"Can now ..."

The golden country is around, but the face is very ugly.

Previously, the main army of the gold, how much the force is getting better, and how many strong people have.

After this battle, especially after the horrible tricks of just swords, the Golden Guo has only dozens of respect for him.

Light of this person, wants to occupy such a great battlefield, has become a luxury.

"This battle is my gold!"

The Golden Guo is holding hands, although the bottom is extremely unllowed, but has to admit it.

These strong people in the Light of the Golden Country, they want to occupy this big battlefield, which is not realistic.

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