If there is no sword, there is no parallelism, you can cover the whole green world in the power of the Golden Guo.

It is just that he has been trying to test, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, maybe not necessarily better than him, but it is absolutely not weak than him.

Even if you go all out, there is no absolute grasp to defeat the sword.

There is a sword unparalleled block, he has no chance to override the green fire.

"There is no need for nonsense, the Golden Guo, the golden country and my green circles have been killed in five million years, and they have not yet dead, and today, I have two major camps, but it is a true time. I have a knot, you have to do it together! "The sword is unparalleled.

"Do you have a knot?" The Golden Guoguo's mouth is slightly tightened. "Look at your look, it seems quite confident? In this case, this seat is full!"

"Today, I will truly determine the belongings of this battlefield, and I will decide that I am in the Golden Guard and you who are destroyed!"

"come on!"

The golden country's main voice came, and he saw him a big hand, the original black spear has disappeared, and it is a golden spear.

This golden spear is glitter, carrying the wind of the sky, which is obviously more than just a problem better than that of the black spear.

In addition, the breath of the golden national owner has skyrocketing at this moment, and the short film has skyrocketed to a new level, and his body table is filled with a rich god, and the other power is crazy. The horrible pressure is spread, and the strong people who have attracted two major camps on the battlefield.

"Return, let's go back!"

The strong people in the green industry and the golden countries have a very tacit challenge at this moment. They have retired to the foreland of the battlefield, and they are afraid to be involved in the most peak fierce battle.

The sword is unparalleled in the empty, and feels the pressure that spreads from the Golden Guo Lord, but the eyes are extremely cold.

"Sality, like I think, this golden national owner did not take all the strength before." The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you must be careful, this golden country is universal."

The voice of the king suddenly sounded. "I saw him before, just a part of the power, I thought that the power of his body was not completely transformed, but now it seems that the gods in his body have already been completely converted. He is a genuine world! "

"The world is above the world, is it a world?" The sword has no double.

"Yes." Kings nodded, "Trendy Human god, Tianzun breakthroughs to reach the world, just just half a step! "

"And only to reach the world, it is only to take that step, and the spiritual power in his body will become completely meticulous. At that time, there was endless power and immortal gods. "

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom is also understood.

Directive, between Tianzun and the Gods.

Become a world, just just a half step.

Become a world, it is a complete cross-out.

But that is a complete step, it is apparent that it is not so simple to get it.

"Complete commandment, has a complete power, and it will be very strong." Yu Wang said.

"Strong, only good!" The sword is unparalleled, but it is still very flat.

He also has absolute confidence to his own strength.

"The three strongest swords are integrated, and the immortal gods, now I am so strong?"

"Try this golden national owner!"

The sword is unparalleled, squatting, licking his lips, blood peak sword, also appearing in his hand.

Blood peak sword, is the Sword of the Sword Master, which contains the suppression, but the blood peak sword itself, it seems that it is not too strong.

But now, when the sword is unparalleled, after the strength breaks through the strength, he once again controls the blood peak sword, but found that the blood peak sword is more terrible than he imagined, its power is until now show out.

~ ~~~ The sound of the faint Jian Ming spread from the blood peak sword, the blood peak sword sword is also crazy, it seems to be cheered, and the power of cheering it is finally excavated by the sword.

And the sword is unparalleled to feel the difference before the blood peak sword.

"Sword Embry!"

"It's just a sword embryo!"

The voice of the king took a shocking voice sounded in the sword.

"I am thinking, with a refiner, give you a sword like you, how can it be ordinary chaotic, until now I know, your master gives you a sword embryo. ! "

"Sword embryo, that is, it is possible to improve the power by continuously killing fierce battles, and in the future, if you have achieved achievements in the school, you can also integrate your own sheds into the long sword, so that Chang Jianwei can grow! "

"The sword embryo like this, can have been in the city of the chaotic world!"

When I heard the king, the sword had no double mouth angle, but I didn't care.

No matter what the sword embryo is not sword embryo, he only knows that the blood peaks are very urgent, urgent, want to drink blood!

And it is still the blood of the strong!

"Golden Guo Dynasty!" The sword was unparalleled at the Golden Guo Kingdom in front of him.

"The sword is unparalleled !!" The Golden Guo Dynasty also stared at the sword.

The two eyes have been promoted and the fire is burst.

No more conversation, just at the moment of the two people!


The figure of the two moves at the same time.

The core of the battlefield, the two body shape is out.

"Sword, Tiangle!"

The sword has swayed in the murder, and the hands of the hands and swords at the same time, and the long sword is also turned down.

~~~ The space is ruthless.


The Golden Guo is the whole body, and the golden long-spent in the hands is a golden stream. This golden stream is like a golden dragon, and the sparks are suddenly turned into the void. Under the power of the power, this long spear The power out of the outbreak is enough to earth.


A loud sound, the sky fried to form a huge space black hole.

In the black hole in the space, the shape of the sword is unparalleled with the golden national owner, and the golden national owner only shocked the two steps. It immediately stabilized the figure immediately, and then the ghost is out.


The Golden Guo Lord has come to the front of the sword, and the golden spears in the hands are not hindered, directly from the sword unparalleled heads.

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