Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1245's War of the Peak!

The harsh wind whizes, the golden spectile light-like hole sword is unparalleled, but there is no touch of the body.

"Human shadow?" Golden Guoguo's primary eye mining.

A ghost shape appeared next to the Golden Guo owner, with a bit of a little loud voice: "Golden Guo Guo, your speed, too slow!"

While the sound falls, the cold sword light is also bright.

"Wind wave!"

" " " "

The wind is coming, and the thousand swords will come in an instant.

After three strongest swordsmanship, the swordsmanship of swords were instantly enhanced.

It is also a stroke of wind fluctuations, but it is more than breakthrough. Its speed power must be in power up to dozens of times!

A sword fooled to the golden countryside, the swords and shadings were not arriving, but the horrible soul attack has come.

It is necessary to know that just sword is unparalleled, but with the soul attack, a sigh of angry off two thousand Tianzun, how is his soul attacked?

It is a wide range of coverage before, but now it is going to only one person.

When the soul attacks, even if it is the main color of the golden country, it has also produced some slight stinging in the mind.

And this stinging follows the swords of swords and unparalleled swords, but also become more and more intense.


The Golden Guo Dynasty was snorted, and the golden spear also wore a hole.

clang! block! clang! clang! clang!

The impact of the dense Ma Ma sounded through the world, and these sounds were extremely sharp. Every road is enough to make the sky, but these impact sounds in a short period of breathing, but they have issued hundreds of times.

In other words, this is not a breathing time, the sword is unparalleled with the golden national owner, has been confrontation.

"This, this speed ..."

At the end of the battlefield, the strong people of the two camps are agreed to God, staring at the core of the battlefield that has been broken in front of the front.

With their ability to resist, only the power of the collision, but the sword is unparalleled with the golden country of the golden country, they can't see it.

too fast!

The speed of the sword is unparalleled with the Golden Guoda is too fast.

Even in the existence of the world, it is simply unclear the scene of the two people fight.

"This, this speed, such a power, change to me, I don't know how many times I died." Jin Guo's Red Snow King is there, and it shocked.

The golden country is strong, he knows that this war is also normal.

But another sword is unparalleled, how can you strengthen this?

Instructions, just before, the distance from now, there are about two thousand years, he is also honorable with other golden protesters, to assassinate swords, then the sword is unparalleled in his hand, but only the wolf.

But now two thousand years, the sword is unparalleled, and can you fight against the high-level golden national owner in his mind?

"The world, this is the strength of the world!"

The Dragon King of the Golden Guo also stood on the battlefield. He trembled, but his mood was abnormal.

God, he dreams can reach that, but unfortunately, it is far away from him.

However, the golden national owner is the world, and the strength is strong, but the sword is unparalleled?

"Although he broke through, he is only a truth, a truth can be equivalent to the national owner, spelling the feature!" Long Zuwang shocking noble.

In the vast chaotic world, there is an invincible one, he is an invincible.

However, the invincible is strong, but it is only invincible in the truth, and it is only a copy of the world.

In the World Chaotic World, there has never been an over-world prevention of the Shenzheng Shenming scene, at least he has never heard of it.

But today, he saw it.

A boundaries, indeed the frontal front of a world, not only fighting forward, but also does not fall in the wind.

The core of the battlefield, !! The sword is unparalleled with the golden country of the golden country, but the next moment, two people will explode again.


The Golden Guoguo is cold, and his skills are rolling, and all over the spear.

The spear has not yet thorns, but the surrounding world is already crazy.

With the savings of the Golden Guoda, the power of the spear completely broke out, leaving only a phantom in the void.

Lightning strikes.

The sword is unparalleled with teeth, and the face is incomparable, and the blood peaks in his hand also waits.

"Swordsmanics, dawn!"

Two horrible offensive, frontal collision.

For a time, heavenly crack.

After this collision, it was the golden country of the Golden Guo's obviously, and the head of the wolf was retired.

"This seat is the power of power, can be on strength, it is not as good as him?" Golden Guo Guo is full of incredibility.

He doesn't know that although the sword is only a truth, he is reversible, in the world of chaotic world, reverse repair, it has been treated by people as a monster, often increases a level to treat it.

Reversal of the level of the world, is not the difference between the world.

Most importantly, his rebellion, it is also integrated with three strongest swords, it is itself or four star peaks.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled, and the bloody will have a second phase of the second phase, so that his attack is to soar.

Everything about all makes the current swords unparalleled and powerful.

What is the world? How is it?

The boundaries of the sky, can also be on the strength of power, cover the world!

The sword is unparalleled, that is, such a reverse world!

"Not only the strength is strong than this seat, but his speed is also above, as for defense ..."

The Golden Golden Lord couldn't help but think of the scene of the sword. The scene of the spear will take the scene. Although he did not go all out, he asked himself, if it was changed to the spear, there is absolutely no gut Dare to pick up the empty hand.

The sword is unparalleled, obviously his body is strong, far more than he is too much.

"A boundaries, in strength, speed, defense, is actually strong than this seat?" The main face of the golden country is twisted, and it is crazy.

He looked up, then it was like a fierce and beast, and he glared in the sword.

"Force, speed, defense is not as good as him, then you can only rely on moving, leaning on school, crushing him!"

When the Dog of the Golden Guo, he made a lot of effort. His whole body rolled, and the time has formed a powerful ocean spread.

The horrible breath is full of his body, and his eyes have become incomparable.

The golden spear in his hand has a stunning golden thunder to condense.

The strong people of the two major camps around the battlefield, all of the land of the DPRK, and all the breaths are all breathing.


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