Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1246 Nirvana Newborn!

In all people's shaft, the most central golden national owners of the battlefield, the general spear, and the whole body was in an instant.

"The whole school, do not destroy the true god!"


A shocking gangs sounded, and the fierce gardened gold spear, a large number of golden Thunder crazy gathered, but in an instant, a huge golden thunder was beast.

This golden Thunder is more than 10,000 miles. The whole body is spread all over the golden thunder. After a form, they will open the bloodpots, and they are directly in the sword. The horrible power makes all the sky is shocked.

Everyone around the battlefield is also frightened to look at the golden Thunder beasts that appear in the sky.

Do not destroy the true god!

This trick is that the Golden Guo owner went to the best, and the strongest tricks they showed!


King saw this scene, the heart could not help but shock.

The sword is unblocked is slightly rising. At this moment, it has seen the strong in the green circles in the world.

"Five million years!"

"Five million years of killing today, there are too many strong people that are falling in the green fire world!"

"The grievances of the green fire community and the golden country, today, should be a completely knot, but also have to be a knot!"

The sword is unimacard, and the next moment he looked at the blood peak sword in his hand.

The blood of the blood peak sword has long been showing, it is crazy trembled, the horrible sword is straight to the sky.

"Next, this sword ... it's not to revenge revenge for a variety of strong people who died in these five million years, not to vent the endless anger of my green fire, it is for the future of the fire world, For the future generation of the future of the fire! "

"It is to completely end the battle, in order to let me rebirth of the fire world, ushered in a new era!"

"The name of this sword, it is called ... Nirvana new life!"

The sword is unparalleled, the word is spread, so that someone presented in the scene will be clear.

At this moment, the vast power has been integrated into the blood peak sword. The three strongest swords are integrated. The sword is unparalleled to the swords, and the sword is also played, and the swords of the sword will be born. It's more and more embarrassing.


As the sword is unparalleled, the sword is suddenly fired.

Since the dawn, the second model of the sword is unparalleled, the new students, the new student, ""

Dawn, it was created when he opened two strongest swords.

Nirvana newborn, but he opened three strongest swords, and three strongest swords were integrated. He has experienced this fierce and crazy ultimate battle, and in the heart of many mating, he created.

This trick is that the sword is unparalleled to create a new era of a new era for the green world.

The representative, is the future of the fire world, is the hope of the fire world!

The moment of swords and light, all people in the world can't help but attract this sword light.

The huge golden thunder is coming, and this sword is done directly to the bloody big mouth of the golden Thunder's beast.

Both, the front is in contact.


A contact, there is no imagination that the dramatic roaring in the merge, only the sound of a slight tremor.

But after such a simple tremor sounded, this big world immediately began to shake crazy.

The land below ...

The earth that has been reddish is directly crushed, and a large amount of dust is crushed.

A huge, filled with a full-scale circular pothole hole, appearing in the sky.

At the same time, this collision also formed a shock wave, swept all over the sky.

In that strong two big camps in the battlefield, they are dangerous, and the first time is swept by this shock wave.

Immediately! puff! puff! puff!

Only heard a vomiting voice sounded, the strong people of the two camp were shocked, especially the green circulation camp, and some of them were there. These respects were blown out.

"Fast, hurry to the war fortress!"

Tang Huang immediately issued a command.

The roads in the green fire circles are also frightened, and they escapped in the battle fortress.

In the most central, the two power still is still crazy, impact.

This stalemate only exists for a moment, and he saw that the original sword light was once again happened.

~~~ Golden Thunder's alcohol is directly rooted, and it is also completely collected with the golden thunder.


Golden National Month is shocked when the Golden Nationalism is shocked.

This is the strongest trick he can show so far, but the results are unparalleled by the sword, and the front is defeated! !


After the shiny sword light hit the golden Thunder, the radius appeared in front of the Golden Guo Lord.

The Golden Guo's main look is rolling, but it does not come to make any resistance.


The horrible sword light has endless power, and the front impact on the chest of the golden national owner, the defense means of the golden national subject table, did not stop the knot directly, then saw the chest of the golden country Fried cracks ...


The Golden Guo Guo is desperate to fall back to a golden stream, and the half ram is re-stopped.

One stopped, the people around the battlefield immediately saw it, this, everyone can't help but expose the color.

In particular, those strong people in Golden Guo are more incredible.

I saw the golden protector of this moment, the golden robe was broken, all over the blood, and the hair was very mess.

The most attention is the chest of the Golden Guo owner, where there is a foot bowl size, no blood hole.

This bloody hole, almost all the whole chest.

What is the misery?

"This, how can it be?"

"The big man, actually lost?"

"Invincible National Lands, actually lost to a ride of the fire industry?"

"How can it be!!!"

The golden country camp, and he suddenly sounded a screaming roar.

These golden protests, one unable to believe this scene in front of them.

The Golden Guo, the world, that is, like God's general existence.

This existence, even if it is a real power in the vast chaotic world, can it be lost to a world?

They are really unable to accept this fact.

In contrast to the golden country, the green circle is naturally a jubilant.


"There is no palace owner," actually defeated the Golden Guoda !!! "

"Kill him, there is no palace owner, kill him!"

A murderous voice also resounded through the sky, and everyone in the green world looked at the eyes of the Golden Guo, full of endless resentment!


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