Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1247 Chapter of the Golden Guoda Lord

"kill him!"

"There is no palace owner, kill him!"

"He must die!"

One is full of resentment and killing voice to sword unparalleled in the ear, and the sword is unbolded and cold.

In the past five million years, the two camps have been crazy, and the fire community has paid a heavy cost, especially the two decisions, and the high-rise strong is more lost, causing all the culprits of culprits. It is the golden national owner in front of you!

And I want to really knot more than five million years, this Golden National Lord must die!

"I just had the sword, I have been wearing his chest, and the heart is already crushing, but he actually didn't die?" The sword has a surprises.

He just had a sword, and he wanted to kill the golden national owner.

But why didn't you kill it completely, just hit it.

"The sword is unparalleled, the golden national owner is the life of the gods, the spirit of the world is perfect, the life core is also the same, and they have the ability to use some means to protect their own kiss, you just though the earthquake Breaking his heart, but did not shocked his life again. He naturally can't die. "The voice of Kings sounded.

"If I haven't mistakenly mistaken, this golden country of the country should be hidden in the head. If you want to kill him, you must crush his head!"

"Smash you can kill him?" The sword was unparalleled.

In addition to tens of thousands of miles, the Golden Golden Golden Lord is in a slight shaking, his face is still incredible.

He didn't think that he would really be defeated in the hands of the sword.

"Golden Guo Guo!"

A burst of bursting.

The Golden Guo owner immediately looked up, but it was a sword where there was a murderous eyes.

"Today, you will die!" The sword is unparalleled with endless cold, but his body is immediately killed.

Seeing this scene, the main side of the Golden Guo also became a moment, he grinned, "The sword is unparalleled, this seat admits that your strength is indeed over the seat, but want to kill me? Hey, relying on you, not worth it! "

The voice falls, this golden national owner is directly waving, and immediately has a silver stream.

This silver flow rate is very fast, and it has a lot of time, and it is in front of the sword.

Subsequently, he saw a silver electricity, the fierce light, and the terrible gestures were oppressed.

"Is this?" The sword has changed, and immediately waves the sword.


A low loud noise, the sword is unparalleled, and the whole people are rushing back to rear.

This scene, the strong people in the fire circles around the battlefield, they were shocked.

Task, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, it is slightly higher than the golden national owner. Even if the Golden Guo is full, it is pressed by him, but now the silver shadow, it is easy to brute the sword. Return.

The sword is unparalleled, and he will returning to the body. He is slightly lighter, staring at the burly man in the front of him in front of him, but the complexity has become unbeatable.

"Fire God!" The sword was unparalleled.

Yes, the Golden Guo Dynasty took it out, and the silver stream of the unparalleled mall is suddenly hitting the sword. He is a fire!

This fire god, before, but the killing community in the green circle, controlled by the green circles.

In order to break, the fire god came to block the golden country owner. As a result, the war lost the lady and folded, the array did not break, and the fire is also lost into the hands of the Golden Guo.

Now, this golden protector has taken out the fire, it is used to fight the sword.

"Damn, he actually has fire crystal, can control the fire!" The sword is unbolded.

The fire is a fire source.

One of the fire circles collected for so many years in this battlefield, and only some of the fire sources were only received, and the firefighting crystal was fired.

The sword is unparalleled for this golden country, even if it got the fire source crystal, it could not be used, but now, he smashed the golden country.

"Yuyuan Jing, in the vast chaotic world is indeed quite precious and rare sputum, but a world of gods is, but it can find some way to get some, and this golden national owner, it is estimated that it is good, There are some fire crystals in hand. "The voice of Kings sounded.

The sword is unparalleled.

In this battlefield, Golden Guo was covered by the green fire. It is natural that it is impossible to get fire in this battlefield. So, it can only be his own.

In fact, this golden national owner has some fire crystals, but not much, it is very difficult to manipulate the fire, what he can make the fire now, that is because he is from that nine There were a lot of jams.

That Natsu, good at the method, and many of the cars need some spices to arrange, so the Ninth Sato has a lot of strange stones, the fire crystal is natural, these fires The source crystal is in a very high price, replaced the Golden Guo Lord.

This has this scene now.

"Hey, the fire of this hand, although it is still not enough to make this respect of the fire, it is more powerful than before, the power of the power of the fire is stronger, and the time is maintained. It is also longer! "

"There is this fire, in the hand, this seat is going to see who kills!"

The main color of the golden country is, and when the dramatic is ordered, "kill him!"

The fire god was manipulated by the golden country, heard the orders of the golden national owner, and he had no sinister, and there was no double kill.

I saw a silver light through the empty, even if the sword was unparalleled with the naked eye, it could only reluctantly see a silver shadow.

"This speed, so fast!" The sword was unparalleled.

"I can feel that this power is very strong, it is estimated that it is close to the peak of the world. It is much better than the Golden Guo, the sword is unparalleled. You have to be careful!" Yu Wang reminded.

The sword has no double heart.

When the fire of the silver armor appeared in front of him, and when the silver hoist was shocked, the sword was unparalleled, and he immediately greeted.

The center of the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with the fire, but also the battle together.

And this fierce battle, just a moment.


I only heard a horrible energy explosion sounded. On the void, a body shape is like a meteorite, and I finally got into the pit under the ground, it was the sword.

But very fast swords and unparalleled, at this moment, he seems to have a few wolves.


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