
The ancient trees are rapidly flooded in the dark void, and that the speed is better than the world.

In this outer spaceship, the sword is sitting without a double disc, but in front of him, it is suspended a gray stone bead!

This gray stone bead is that he announced the news that he had to leave the fire world.

For this gray stone-bead, sword is not strange, but it is also familiar with it.

He can be able to go to the road to reverse the road, relying on this gray stone-bead ... Daily creation!

Before, the sword was unparalleled to got two gray stone beads. The best practices were not until the fourth step in the sky, the ancient to respect the situation, which is comparable to the normal cultivator's road.

Now that hanging in the sword is unparalleled, it is the third gray stone-bead, which is the best in the fifth step of the day.

"The fourth step in the sky is so so, what will it be?"

With a silk expectation, the sword is unparalleled, the power of the soul is immediately poured into this gray stone-bead, and starts to browse the skills of the big days.

Just a moment, the sword is not double, and after reading, his eyes open, but the face is extremely linked.

"The fifth step in the sky is turned into a rebellion." The sword didn't have a brow.

He thought that the fifth step of the sky, he made him a different ability, but did not expect this to fight the fifth step, it is necessary to make a thousand absorbing, and the most difficult but must cross. Disaster.

"Reversal robbery!" The sword was unparalleled.

In the sword where there is no double body, I also browsed the information in the gray stone beads. After silenced, I opened the mouth: "This step, I have been guessed before."

"In fact, it is not only reversal, any cultivator in this world, is a disaster in the level of the world!"

"I have told you before, becoming a world, just just a half step, just just achieve immortal gods, but there is no complete transformation of the power, and I want to truly transform into the power, become the world, then I have to spend God robbery, get the gratitude. "

"However, God robbery, not to spend over, in the vast chaotic world, the robbery has always been a nightmare of many practitioners, an average of one hundred circles, it is difficult to have a successful crossing If you want to become a world, you have to spend this level, no one can avoid it. "

"To put it bluntly, this gods are a strong sidewall, and they can become a strong, if they can't spend, or have never dare to try to spend it, then they can only be as weak."

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled.

He just only knew that the world was just a half step, but did not know how the other half stepped out.

Now, he knows, then it is a kimony!

Only by speaking of the robbery, he can become a real contest.

"Even if the ordinary cultivator, I can get the god robbery to become the world, but reverse, it is going against the sky, it is far more than ordinary practitioners, I used to my eyes. When I saw a reverse trial breakthrough, I encountered a rebellious robbery, the terrible level of the reverse robbery, the god robber of the ordinary cultivator, at least hundreds of times! "Said the king said.

"What?" The sword was shocked.

Hundreds of times on foot?

That god robbery is extremely terrible, and many cultivators are amazing, regarded as a nightmare.

Reversible to robbery, it is more than a hundred times more than the robbery?

"The sword is unparalleled, so tell you, reverse repair, is the biggest robbery of the back of life, no one, from ancient times, the chaotic world has also born a lot of retrograms, but these reversal nine-nine-nine bidding is reversible Robbery, like a green world, do you have a reverse repair before you? If I am not wrong, the reverse repair is that the discount is above this reverse repair? "Said the king said.

"Qingdi?" The sword didn't have a double heart.

He listened to the Tang Dynasty to talk to the Qing Dynasty.

Indeed, Tang Huang said that the Yidi is dead on the reverse road.

This seems that the Qing Di at that time is very likely to die on this reverse repair.

And when I left, Tang Huang also deliberately squatted, reversed roads were not good, they would be careful, obviously, Tang Huang is worried about this reverse robbery.

"Reversive practice method, it was the Tang Emperor's predecessors, he taught the Qing Di, after the gods, but only left two gray stone beads, did not leave the third, and the third Gray stone beads clearly on the Tang Emperor, but he has never said, this time if I want to come to the ancient chaotic world to break, he is afraid that it is still willing to hand over the third gray stone-bezurial! "

"He is worried, I will step into the Qing Dynasty!"

The sword is not double-finished, and he knows the concerns of Tanghuang.

Tang Huan is worried about his safety, and has not yet handed him the third gray stone bead.

"The sword is unparalleled, the road to reverse repair, not good, the chaotic world is huge, the endless years, the retroactory of the birth, and these reverses, can truly cross this level, but less pitiful, but this Once you have, these retroirs have almost become super existence! "

"I hope, you can also become the super existence, not most of the reversal, die in this rebellion." Said the king said.

The sword is unparalleled, asked: "" King, the rebellious robbery, a total of a total of cultivation? "

"The world has a world to three days, there is a total of three major realm, so normal cultivator will experience three gratum, and you should refurbish the same, you must pass the triple reverse robbery, and this triple reflexive robbery, any heavy After all, I will define my shape! "Solemnly.

"In addition, you can not just refurbishment, you also have an ancient gods, but the highest level of the blood veins, the people of the ancient gods, and there is also an ancient gods in this step, the same abnormality, no Unexpectedly, you are like a robbery, it is likely to be reversed and the ancient robbery! "

When I heard this, the sword had no bipggy hand, and the bottom pressure was also increased.

But just a moment, he relaxed.

"Reversal robbery, ancient god robbery, any kind of terrible, if the two are combined, it is bound to be more dangerous, every heavy robbery is perhaps in the next life, but although I said, I have a hoping hope It is not dying! "

"If it is already reversed, the ancient god robbery is scared, then it is equal to itself to blocked the last hope."

"This kind of stupid thing, my sword is unparalleled."

The sword is unparalleled, but the eyes are overwhelming.

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